MOTIV Personality Type Descriptions

moxx | moxi | moxw | moti | motx | motw | moei | moex | moew | mxxx | mxxi | mxxw | mxti |
mxtx | mxtw | mxei | mxex | mxew | mcxx | mcxi | mcxw | mcti | mctx | mctw | mcei | mcex | mcew |
xoxx | xoxi | xoxw | xoti | xotx | xotw | xoei | xoex | xoew | xxxx | xxxi | xxxw | xxti |
xxtx | xxtw | xxei | xxex | xxew | xcxx | xcxi | xcxw | xcti | xctx | xctw | xcei | xcex | xcew |
soxx | soxi | soxw | soti | sotx | sotw | soei | soex | soew | sxxx | sxxi | sxxw | sxti |
sxtx | sxtw | sxei | sxex | sxew | scxx | scxi | scxw | scti | sctx | sctw | scei | scex | scew |

these descriptions are still under development so check back periodically


Historic example(s):
Fictional example(s):
Personality type correlations(s):
XXEWV (healthy): physically healthy, gets sick less often than others; likes looking in the mirror; does not let themself be used of pushed around; content with their life, positive; feels that life has meaning; does not take offense easily; would enjoy a job that involves a lot of social interaction; likes happy people; likes to joke around; worries less than average; gets caught up in the excitement; usually happy; swears less than most people; not afraid that their life will be cut short by illness; not prone to apologize a lot; not afraid to draw attention to themself; able to do things properly; not easily persuaded; does not avoid philosophical discussions; challenges things; not prone to nightmares; not easily annoyed; optimistic; resilient; relates to others; not afraid of many things knows what they want; does not hold back their opinions; often mistaken for being younger than their age; pays attention to their own needs; confident; does not find it necessary to please the people who have power; spontaneous; able to concentrate easily; less likely to consider adopting a handicapped child; does not let others make decisions for them; has good luck; warms up quickly to others; not easily moved to tears; never gives up hope; less likely to have/want a tattoo; does not feel other people are out to get them; rarely becomes angry at their friends; loves life; not clingy; not overly concerned with what others think; thinks they have leadership abilities; does not get physically ill when things are not going well for them; does not wait for others to lead the way; likes concerts; likes the unknown; consistent, reliable, follows through with things; less likely to understand people who think differently; acts comfortable with others

XXEWX (average health): does not like to take orders; likes to play tricks on others; worries less than average; not prone to splurging; less likely to be affected by the suffering of others; tends not to enjoy listening to people tell stories about events that have happened in their lives; more likely than average to cheat to get ahead; can be wasteful with money; not skilled in handling social situations; less likely to consider their motives before acting; suspicious; unsympathetic; does not like to be bothered with other people's needs; does not try to please everyone; does not find it necessary to please the people who have power; prone to keeping people waiting; can scheme against others; is out for their own personal gain; less likely to worry about their physical security; points out other people's mistakes; prone to getting others to do their duties; does not often stop to analyze how they are feeling; less likely to exercise every day; does not like to apologize; does not stick to the rules; does not put work above pleasure; does not follow directions; does not take good care of their things; less inclined to forgive others; prone to barging in on conversations; prone to not seeing things through; rebels against authority; not easily moved to tears; disregards rules; wants succcess to just happen to them; does not enjoy being part of a group; admires a really clever scam; can be indifferent to the feelings of others; does not do everything they say they will do

XXEWD (unhealthy): unreliable; often late to things/work; not a huge fan of happy people; more likely to have bad manners; avoids responsibilities; does not bother to make an effort; unhelpful; feels that life has no meaning; less likely to have a soft side; feels that work is not an important part of my life; dislikes routine; less likely to be affected by the suffering of others; would not bother them if they never had kids; more likely to have murderous ideas; indifferent to the feelings of others; prone to hurting others; does not think a lot about decisions; prone to keeping people waiting; not safety conscious; more likely than average to cheat on people who have trusted them; tends to not enjoy listening to people tell stories about events that have happened in their lives; does not like to be bothered with other people's needs; tends to avoid eye contact; not content with their life, negative; prone to doing things out of revenge; more likely to cheat to get ahead; excels at nothing or very little; not really interested in others; often puzzled by sensations in their body; dislikes taking responsibility for making decisions; has a couldn't care less attitude; would describe their experiences as somewhat dull; less likely to exercise every day; hard for them to stay in love; prone to hating people; prone to giving up hope; often does not know why they are angry; can feel that friendly people are actually trying to manipulate them; puts of work; prone to using others for their own ends; can be unsympathetic; not a fan of children; does things in a half-way manner; snaps at people; thinks it's possible that existence is meaningless; neglects their duties; does not feel comfortable around people; expects things to fail; often feels blue; feels that their life lacks direction; is unable to describe their feelings easily; does not love life; gets out of control; wastes their time; has trouble concentrating; not in the mood for anything


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