MOTIV Personality Type Items

MaterialisticOffbeatThinkingInterpersonal | Vital | Easygoing | Sectarian
Ascetic | Conventional | Haphazard | Withholding | Depressive | Rigid | Globalistic

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R-Drive Narcissism
Enneagram Type 3
*I try to look nice and keep myself in good shape so I can obtain attention and praise. .750
I desire special attention / treatment. .693
My reputation is very important to me. .660
I create drama in order to get attention. .632
I find popularity rewarding. .625
I want to do well in the public score board of life. .604
I am motivated by the pursuit of attention. .594
Fashion is important. .587
I find getting attention rewarding. .583
External success tends to go to my head. .580
I expect preferential treatment from others. .574
I prefer romantic partners that enhance my image. .554
I like to know some important people because it makes me feel important. .539
I value beauty the most. .527
I expect other people to entertain me. .517
I choose romantic partners I can control. .514
I have to have control of most situations. .480
I focus entirely on getting attention. .475
You can never have too much money. .470
It would be hurtful to be percieved as ugly. .469
I expect things to look a certain way. .469
I want my children to be seen as remarkable by others. .469
It is important to remain physically attractive to your significant other. .468
A healthy romantic relationship for me involves more interest by the other party. .461
Looks are more important than personality. .456
Beauty is more important than capacity to have an interesting conversation. .453
It is better to be hit on than be ignored/unnoticed/invisible. .442
The world should be as I want it to be. .432
I like to be in control of others. .431
I prefer to not have physically unattractive friends. .430
I dislike ugly things. .425
Being in control is the most important thing in a romantic relationship. .421
I control others. .420
I have kept people on the hook who I had no interest in romantically because I enjoyed the attention. .418
It's all about who you know. .413
Changing the external is more important than changing the internal. .407
I've always had a sense of what my preferred romantic partner would be like. .406
I tend to focus on gratifying my immediate needs. .406
I get upset when people don't notice how I look when I go out in public. .404
People with higher social status should be treated better. .390
I only want to be friends with people who admire me. .388
I care about being sexually attractive to others. .385
If getting a face tattoo ensured high status for me, I'd probably get one. .381
It is important that I am taken care of by others. .378
I think you can do things to get someone to love you (who might not otherwise, had you not done those things). .377
I should never have to look at ugly things. .375
Wealthier people should be treated better. .375
I would rather date someone that made me more attractive to others over someone that made me less, even if I was more attracted to the latter. .366
I make decisions historically on what I think is / will be the most fun. .364
Whats the use of being better than others if you cant profit from it. .361
I'm used to getting what I want. .352
I tend to think of the world in terms of how it relates to myself. .350
The most important thing in a romantic partner is the sexual connection. .347
I am unhappy if I don't have the upper hand in Romantic relationships. .344
More attractive people should be treated better. .344
Mental illness is a sign of weakness. .341
I am not helpful generally, but when I'm in a relationship I tend to be the more helpful one. .336
It's very attractive when someone really wants me. .331
If everyone I care about dislikes a certain person it's hard for me not to side with them. .330
I have a nice/accommodating personality and a mean/controlling personality. .328
I attempt to make my inner self more like the outer world. .323
I have tried to talk someone out of breaking up with me. .323
When I determine someone I'm romantically involved with isn't the type of person I want to be with, I try to change them. .307
The person who likes least, cares least, in a relationship has the most power. .300
A guy should carry a relationship more than a girl. .298
For a really good purse $500 is not too much. .297
When I am depressed, I desire more attention. .295
I would rather hang out with people that look like me than think like me. .295
I like to eat out every meal. .292
I'm more physically attracted to myself than anyone else. .290
A romantic partner is more important than friends. .285
I am too proud to admit my weaknesses. .281
I would not enjoy having zero contact whatsoever with anyone for a week. .278
When I want something that belongs to someone else, it is as good as mine. .277
I prefer sexually submissive romantic partners. .276 (men)
I prefer a romantic partner that is more accommodating than me. .275
I would never want to do blue collar work. .275
I have little sympathy for the unemployed. .272
I expect a great deal from other people. .266
I value female attention more than male attention. .266 (men)
I prefer compliant romantic partners. .264
I am politically conservative. .256
My opposite sex parent is more intelligent than any member of the opposite sex I've ever met. .256
I want to be in relationship with someone that thinks I'm awesome. .253
I have a tendency to think whoever I'm dating is better than all of my previous partners. .252
When I want something from someone I can be very nice, when I don't I can be very mean. .242
My mother was enmeshed/overly-attached (smothering). .240 (men)
The welfare of my loved ones is more important than the welfare of others. .239
When I'm with friends, I can be the life of the party but it's not that way when I'm at party without my friends. .235
If I cheated on a romantic partner, I would be unlikely to admit it to them. .233
I would not be comfortable going to a concert alone. .229
Truth is whatever I think it is. .228
I sometimes depend on people to get things done. .223
One man is worth ten thousand if he is extraordinary. .223
My mother was controlling and critical. .222 (men)
I get off on someone being really into me. .218
I was my father's favorite child. .216 (women)
Physical chemistry is the most important quality in who I like romantically. .216
Others tell me I eat too fast. .216
The only reason to pursue a different/unconventional path in life is if that path could be better. .212
I think of myself as a commodity. .211
If I've been on a few dates with someone, I would prefer them to end things by breaking off contact rather than expressing they don't want to see me anymore. .208
I fear getting some incurable sickness. .208
It's pointless to think about how the world will be in 200 years when I won't be alive then. .206
It is difficult for me to read in a space that isn't quiet. .205
Loud snoring is a romantic deal breaker for me. .204
When I'm in a relationship that I prefer to a recent one, I still occasionally think fondly of the recent one. .202
If I love someone romantically and they don't feel the same, I can't stay friends. .201
In conversations, I tend to do more of the talking. .198
It's unfortunate that life ends in death. .195

Appearance to me, is not a priority. -.629
Popularity does not matter to me. -.605
Attractiveness to me, is not a priority. -.589
I have no desire to be at the top of any ladders. -.573
When I am depressed, I desire less social interaction. -.285
As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. -.244
If someone is better than me at something, I'm fine letting them take the lead. -.213
Things don't need to be perfect. -.206

R-Drive Unconventionality
Big 5 Openness to Experience
Jung/Myers-Briggs Intuition
Enneagram Type 4
I spend a lot of time exploring the unknown. .642
I greatly appreciate strangeness. .618
It is important to push beyond the boundaries of convention. .613
Being different is my oxygen. .602
I find being unconventional rewarding. .594
Curiosity is my oxygen. .584
There is nothing more important than being curious. .567
My life is devoted to honing/refining/improving/developing my internal vision. .564
I am abstract, inventive, intellectual, theoretical, original. .539
I'm different but I don't care if everyone knows it. .534
I find non-conformity rewarding. .533
I seek danger. .529
I'm more interested in the unknown than the known. .522
The world is a canvas and I want to repaint it. .520
I feel that by being unconventional, I will attract the right kind of person. .516
I am original, come up with new ideas. .513
I like to do things that scare me. .510
The best way to survive in the world is to be unconventional. .508
I get insights into intrinsic patterns and connections that may not seem linked to the external world. .506
I find being different rewarding. .504
I am led by my ideas. .499
I'm not wired the same as others. .495
I am inventive. .493
I feel best when I am taking risks. .489
I have the temperament of an artist. .487
I like to do frightening things. .482
I love art house (independent) movies. women .476 men .371
I do not need the validation of my parents. .473
I like to reflect, play with ideas. .469
I am willing to try anything once. .461
It would be hurtful to be unable to be different. .459
People have frequently told me that they have never met anyone like me before. .457
I am curious about many different things. .443
I am more aware of how I want to act than of what actions would be most rewarded by others/society. .440
I value artistic, aesthetic experiences. .434
It is very important that my kids are unconventional. .421
Artistic achievement is very important to me. .415
I solve problems by leaping between different ideas and possibilities. .411
I get my energy from my inner world of thoughts and feelings. .401
I am sophisticated in art, music, or literature. .409
I am a libertarian. .401
I just follow whatever I'm interested in. .401
I love to customize things. .409
I have an active imagination. .391
My internal understanding of existence is my primary guide in life. .389
I believe in living completely in the very second of the present with no before and no after. .387
I frequently write stories, poetry, and/or music. .386
I can see into people's fears, insecurities, etc., immediately upon meeting them. .386
I use difficult words. .383
You can never be too unconventional. .381
I can live my life in any way I want to. .377
I am willing to be misunderstood. .370
I frequently sketch, draw, and/or paint. .366
I can magically make things happen. .368
Every individual interprets the same world differently. .350
Nothing is more important than freedom. .335
I am supernatural. .333
The only way to not remain an idiot is to keep following your internal idiot. .332
There is no topic I'm uncomfortable discussing. .328
I do not back down when threatened. .328
I'm always thinking there has to be a better way. .325
I hate looking like anyone else. .324
I think marijuana should be legal. .323
I engage in magical thinking. .321
There is nothing more important than intuition. .315
I had a lot of philosophical discussions with my family growing up. .315
If the happiest path in life for me also resulted in everyone thinking I was an idiot, I would still take that path. .314
Some primitive cultures are better overall than modern western civilization. .309
I get more attention than I want. .302
I don't want how I feel/think about myself to rely on the opinions of others. .302
I follow my inner voice. .300
I enjoy sorting through lots of things to find a few good things. .298
I believe in brutal honesty. .297
I am sarcastic. .294
I love indie rock. .293
I had a lot of intellectual discussions with my family growing up. .293
Objective greatness is not necessarilly accurately defined/determined externally. .287
Pursuing the path in life I care most about is the most important thing for me. .287
I frequently attend concerts, theaters, art exhibits. .287
I like to pull pranks on people. .280
I have a high pain threshold. .280
I have a lot of concert tshirts. .278
I am very good at picking up on whether people are lying. .277
I have or would like to write a novel. .276
I could be happy alone. .273
My personal beliefs determine what I feel is right and wrong, what is important, and what is significant, regardless of the external beliefs. .273
I am stubborn. .265
If I'm attracted to someone, I tend to stare at them. women .262
I believe that I should be free to fully control my life, other people should be free to fully control their lives. .257
I'm not bothered either way about anything. .255
I can run very fast. .253
I like the band Pavement. .253
I believe in letting people be who they are, even if I really care about them, even if who they are is killing them. .245
The best human is still very flawed. .244
I can't bear political correctness. I absolutely loathe it. .242
Constantly worrying about your image takes away from who you truly are. .236
I would prefer to be romantically involved with someone different from me. .235
I am getting better at learning how to stand up for myself and not let people take advantage of me easily. .225
It doesn't matter how many people like you if you don't like yourself. .224
I remember my dreams at night. .224
I like to be masculine. .223 (women)
In dealing with individuals, only individual understanding will do. .223
The world is run more by a few powerful people than the hive mind. .218
The world would be a better place if there were a larger number of small independent nations/countries rather than a smaller number of large nations/countries. .212
I avoid being indebted to anyone or anything. .202
I like to see the big picture, then to find out the facts. .198
I spend lots of my free time playing video games. .190
I won't stay with a significant other that doesn't make me feel loved. .183

I prefer things to stay as they are. -.236

R-Drive Empiricism
Enneagram Type 6
Jung/Myers-Briggs Judging
Spock in Star Trek
I am systematic, planned, disciplined, scheduled, methodical. .800
I am more planned than unplanned. .769
I'm always prepared. .742
I always prepare. .738
I plan my actions ahead of time. .663
I make decisions very carefully. .645
I like order. .639
I appear to be task oriented. .636
I plan work to avoid rushing just before a deadline. .600
I do things in a logical order. .592
I am preoccupied with details, organization, and order. .589
I want things to proceed according to plan. .588
I am disciplined. .572
I accomplish my work on time. .566
I am more systematic than casual. .567
I am careful to avoid making mistakes. .518
I keep my spaces very clean. .504
I usually have a backup plan if my primary plan fails me. .504
I live according to a code. .504
Being detail oriented is extremely important. .490
I like to tidy up. .490
Preditability is important to me. .483
I am more clean than messy. .477
I like to keep things clean. .472
I dislike messiness. .446
I'm not comfortable living my life without a long term plan. .444
I am concrete, realistic, practical, hands-on, traditional. .395
I solve problems by working through facts until I understand the problem. .381
I feel best when I am working. .372
I like to approach work as play or mix work and play. .352
I take time to reflect on things. .332
What makes rational sense is the most important guide. .321
I like to have things decided. .316
I am not easily distracted. .314
I am more likely to make decisions based on facts than instincts. .305
I would rather think more than feel more. .299
I start with facts and then form a big picture. .299
For me, rationality is truth. .280
I prefer to be the more rational one in my romantic relationships. .259
I have or plan on having a profession in science, math, technology or engineering. .207

I don't value security. -.164

R-Drive Othercentricism
Big 5 Accommodation
Enneagram Type 2
Jung/Myers-Briggs Feeling
I look for what is important to others and express concern for others. .744
I tend to want to help people even when it's not good for them and/or me. .619
I feel a responsibility to care for the weak. .601
I make decisions with my heart and want to be compassionate. .599
I feel other people's happiness and sadness more than my own. .593
I am helpful and unselfish with others. .585
I am considerate and kind to almost everyone. .551
Making other people sad genuinely makes me sad. .549
I feel bad if I inconvenience someone. .547
I'll still help someone in trouble that I don't like, if I think it will actually help them. .539
I would be happy if I was more helpful to others. .538
The happiness of my children will be more important (more of a priority) than my own happiness. .536
I feel compelled to help people even when it's not good for them and/or me. .510
I would sacrifice my life for a loved one. .501
I give more than I take. .500
It's important to not be a jerk/inconsiderate .500
I am selfless .489
I find being selfless rewarding. .487
I'll always give people another chance. .487
If what it took for me to achieve my dreams did not have a similar positive effect on the world, I would amend my dreams accordingly. .481
I am very forgiving. .461
I am more gentle than firm. .456
I am more pleasing than tough. .431
The loss of a good friend would be devastating to me. .429
The successes of my loved ones are my successes too. .423
To understand all is to forgive all. .422
A meaningful relationship is more important than a meaningful career. .420
I prefer to be the more selfless partner in a my romantic relationships. .417
I believe romantic love should be unconditional. .409
The most important thing in a romantic partner is the emotional connection. .406
I believe freindship should be unconditional. .405
I make decisions based on what benefits the world most, not what benefits me or those close to me most. men .402
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. .395
A healthy romantic relationship involves equal interest by both parties. .390
I dislike people who only do what's in their self interest. .386
Relationships are more important than achievements. .379
The welfare of people in the third world is as important as the welfare of the people closest to me. .377
I often hold on to old objects or letters just for their sentimental value. .364
Love is salvation. .357
I've been devoted to most of the people I've dated. .350
I love to cuddle. .348
When you are wronged, consider the viewpoint of the wrongdoer, and feel sorry for mankind. .343
I am feminine. .336
I tend to be the more interested partner in my romantic relationships. .310 (male)
I would not be friends with someone who was inconsiderate of others. .291
I don't have a mean bone in my body. .290
I dislike conflict. .289
If you can't be totally honest with a significant other, it won't last. .286
Romantic love is a feeling more than a choice. .286
I am a socialist. .285
I enjoy being controlled by someone I love. .282
The most important thing to me is humility. .280
How much a partner likes me is more important than how attractive they are. .279
I am more diplomatic than bluntly honest. .271
I think there is something wrong with someone who doesn't believe in god. .268
I get teary eyed easily. .268
I fear being with the wrong person. .267
I am good at many things but an expert at none. .259
I'm neither selfish or selfless, I'm right in between. .258
I see the world as a struggle between right and wrong. .254
Working a job you hate to support a family is the right thing to do. .253
I am more comfortable being the appreciator than the appreciated, as far as the physical dynamic in a romantic relationship. .248
It is hard for me to make a decision if I don't know how I feel about it. .248
I have tended to date people who are meaner than me. .247 (men)
There is something wrong with people who don't want to have kids. .245
I prefer to feel things out than analytically figure them out. .238
The most attractive familiar partner is better than the most attractive unfamiliar partner. .238
My heart has dictated the path i've taken in life. .230
The amount of people in prison bothers me. .227
I believe in sexual modesty. .221
I am defined by my beliefs. .222
I can put on a convincing smile if the situation calls for it no matter how I really feel internally. .218
Whatever will be, will be. .216
I want to have far more than two kids. .215
Economic inequality is a problem in the world. .211
It is unwise to try to bend the will of others. .206
I'm instinctually a fearful person but I consciously choose to not let that control how I live (i.e. I confront, expose myself to, and overcome my fears). .202

I prefer not to help others. -.555
My romantic partner's problems are their problems not mine. -.310
I am against giving money to beggars. -.236
I avoid being vulnerable. -.189

R-Drive Activity
Life is worth living. .778
I am at peace with myself. .659
I've had a happy life. .628
I am content. .603
The key to being happy is choosing to be happy. .603
I motivate myself. .564
I can be myself around anyone. .569
I am loved. .540
I have more good luck than bad luck. .531
I rarely experience anxiety. .462
My life has never been better than it is now. .445
Unhappiness is a solvable problem. .442
I've had an ideal life. .450
If I was diagnosed with a serious illness, I would focus on how I would overcome it. .439
Happiness is a choice. .371
No matter how bad life gets, I get through it. .352
I exercise regularly. 336
I enjoy exercising. .314
I like being physically exhausted. .311
If someone I romantically like says they are not interested in me enough to pursue things, I move on. .309
My parents were very attentive to me. .308
Enjoying being alive is more important than being unconventional. .298
I don't need to change who I am to become a better person. .293
I am calm. .289
I have vigorous health. .284
I am/was very close to my mother. .275 (women)
I had an ideal childhood. .273
If something makes me happy, I don't over think why. .240
I avoid spending my time just sitting around resting. .238
My friends are very similar to me. .228
I have to have a lot in common to be friends with someone. .208
If someone I romantically like says they may not be interested in me enough to pursue things, I move on. .190

Avoidant Personality Disorder
I have thoughts of suicide or suicidal behavior. -.785
I get very depressed, often. -.795
I dislike myself. -.777
Life is not worth living. -.740
I am depressed, blue. -.738
It is scary to talk to people. -.734
I dislike myself. -.726
At a certain point in my life my parents distanced themselves from me (and they remain distant). -.680
I feel lost. -.679
I feel trapped in my body. -.679
I'm not comfortable with myself. -.676
I have little control over life. -.676
I can't make it a week without feeling unhappy. -.670
I would be better off dead. -.660
I frequently feel unhappy for no particular reason. -.656
I get stressed out easily. -.650
The purpose of a lot of my activities/interests is to distract me from thinking about the meaninglessness of existence. -.650
At a certain point in life I became broken and I've never recovered. -.648
I don't know who I am. -.647
I have little control over my own life. -.637
The image I present to others and who I really am are not the same. -.636
I have not lived the right kind of life. -.634
I'm not comfortable in my own skin. -.627
It is painful/humiliating to me when people make note of my shyness. -.624
Life confuses me. -.611
I would rate my the healthiness of my life as very low. -.609
I tend to avoid others but I secretly wish to have rewarding relationships. -.607
I lack motivation. -.602
I have a lot of inner turmoil. -.590
Being optimistic leads to disappointment. -.594
I experience shame a lot. -.593
I'm kind of like a zombie. -.572
I have a defeatist outlook on life. -.566
I suspect that others are exploiting, harming or deceiving me. -.558
I can only be myself around a few people. -.556
I have identity issues. -.555
I am attracted to sadness. -.547
Sometimes I feel as if I must injure myself. -.547
I can't be myself around anyone. -.537
I fear getting involved with others. (avoidant) -.532
I am quiet in social situations, often out of fear of saying something stupid. -.506
I'm not very good at making friends. -.504
I'm aware of what my problems are but I can't help it because that's how I am. -.497
I get irritated easily. -.491
Sometimes I feel as if I must injure either myself or someone else. -.493
I don't value happiness. -.486
I feel drained after being out and about, even if I've enjoyed myself. -.486
I have a slow pace to my life. -.484
Other people drain me. -.482
I am plagued by suspicions that other people, including loved ones, may be doing things behind me back that will end up hurting me. -.479
I have trouble extending myself to others. -.471
I hang around doing nothing. -.467
I don't know what I want. -.467
My reactions to the external world tend to be flat. -.466
I have no will power. -.464
I lack an interior life. -.461
I have not sorted things out yet. -.458
I have difficulty trusting people. -.456
I am not good at being healthy consistently. -.455
If everyone in the world was like me, the world would probably self destruct. -.453
I can be tense. -.451
I wish I felt less. -.445
I frequently express inappropriate, intense anger or have difficulty controlling my anger.-.444
I persistently bear grudges and don't forget insults or injuries. -.439
If I were a plant, I'd probably be a cactus. -.435
I lack conviction. -.430
You get the future you get, not the one you want. -.429
I have learned to behave helplessly. -.425
Stress makes me less social. -.424
I don't love anything. -.423
I sometimes spend too much time reflecting and don't move into action quickly enough. -.422
I am reserved, private, distant, in-the-background. -.419
I often think 'What am I doing?'. -.417
I hide/conceal my strengths/advantages. -.400
I'm not honest with my parents about my life. -.399
I get nausea (sick to my stomach) frequently. -.392
I have problems controlling my anger. -.391
I get headaches frequently. -.389
I am sometimes shy, inhibited. -.389
I get physically ill when things aren't going well for me. -.387
I tend to choose jobs that are below my skill level. -.384
I have been on anti depressants for long periods of time. -.378
If there is a problem in my life that would upset me to deal with / figure out, I'm prone to ignore/deny it's existence. -.378
I'm living in the past. -.375
I see myself as reserved, quiet. -.373
Death is the goal of life. -.372
Sometimes I pay so much attention to facts, either present or past, that I miss new possibilities. -.366
I find it difficult to discuss emotions. -.358
I'm intimidated by members of the opposite sex that are very attractive. -.357
I have trouble asking for what I want from people I am romantically interested in. -.355
Freedom is an illusion. -.354
I tend to keep things that bother me about a romantic partner to myself (I don't tell my romantic partner). -.354
Most people I've dated have been better than me. -.353
I wish I were not bothered by thoughts about sex. -.349
I have a history of health problems. -.347
My skin is frequently itchy. -.345
I regret when I'm wrong. -.343
After a break up, I'd rather mourn the end of the relationship for months than move on with my life. -.341
Every path I've taken in life I've kind of fallen into. -.339
I am unable to change who I am. -.337
I have contempt for a lot of people. -.335
I hold a grudge. -.331
Finding out my feeling about something important is wrong unsettles me. -.324
I am apathetic. -.321
I am inhibited. x x x x -.321
I am weary of strangers. -.320
I often see things in black and white terms, i.e. something either is or it isn't, with no gray area in-between. -.319
My parents were very inattentive to me. -.314
I show worse performance in unstructured work or school situations. -.307
Things are never going to be perfect. -.303
I cannot improve without changing who I am. -.298
I am never comfortable holding someones hand until I feel secure in the relationship. -.297
I've been told I'm stand-off-ish. -.297
I am more often understimulated than overstimulated. -.277
I wish my parents had paid more attention to me. -.276
When I get frustrated, I often 'let off steam' by blowing my top. -.276
I dislike intimacy (a person getting too close to me). -.271
If a relationship I really cared about didn't work out, it would be hard for me to stay in the same city with them. -.271
I am overweight. -.255
I don't admire anyone. -.255
I (or my guardian) can't afford the rent/mortgage. -.251
It's hard for me to put myself out their romantically when I like someone. -.248
I don't think exercise is as important as people say it is. -.247
My feet frequently get cold. -.246
There's not much more for me to learn in life. -.244
Everything tastes the same. -.234
I often let calls go to voice mail. -.233
My hand eye coordination is not very good. -.230
I don't enjoy multitasking. -.219
Talented people shouldn't have to work hard. -.211
I believe there are bad people in the world. -.197
I grew up in an intense household. -.196
I am romantically attracted to members of my own gender. -.183 (men)

Enneagram Type 9
I like to go through life without haste, unhurried, in a relaxed manner.
I prefer to remain easy-going and unflappable (even when maybe other emotions/behaviors would be more fitting/effective).
I don't get worked up about most things, even things I should get worked about.
If something makes sense but doesn't feel right, I'm unlikely to stick with it.
I have few artistic interests.
The only reason to pursue a different/unconventional path in life is if that path is better. x x x x x
I pay more attention to information that comes in through my five senses than the patterns and possibilities that I see in the information I receive.
I remember events as snapshots of what actually happened.
I trust experience first and trust words and symbols less.

R-Drive Stoicism
Albert Einstein
Steve Wozniak
I can easily put my feelings aside when I need to. x .258 .221 x .204
I spend a lot of time developing/practising my talents/interests. x .357 .174 x .203
I have a life plan. .123 .141 .411 .126 .338
I handle tasks smoothly. x .141 .367 x .333
I'm addicted to learning new things. -.060 .473 .246 .062 .196
I am more future oriented than past oriented. .066 .167 .255 .022 .369
I have a very particular standard for the quality of my work. .011 .142 .259 .123 .164
I am, more than anything else, forward-looking. x .209 .215 x .409
I am decisive. x .232 .326 x .227
I am pursuing a long term life plan that makes sense to me. x .200 .369 x .362
I see flaws/weaknesses as opportunites for fixes/improvements. .074 .193 .228 .102 .426
I love to brainstorm. -.029 .402 .194 .094 .164
I do things efficiently. x .166 .511 x .240
I have an ever evolving life plan. .114 .310 .239 x .152
I come up with good solutions. x .329 .253 x .273
I am confident in my work. x .199 .220 -.124 .478
I have a good idea of what my life will be like in ten years. x .157 .287 x .294
As long as I still want something, I keep trying different things until I succeed. .046 .381 .151 .044 .373
I don't stay in a friendship if it makes me unhappy. .036 .255 .164 -.045 .298
I fix my own problems. -.038 .246 .274 -.074 .265
I excel in what I do. x .268 .363 x .358
The world is full of fascinating problems waiting to be solved. -.011 .352 .275 .130 .172
People have to be responsible for their own actions. .105 .182 .273 .053 .249
Even if something bad is about to happen to me, I rarely experience fear or nervousness. .017 .333 .223 -.110 .190
Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. .010 .315 .255 .024 .253
I know how to be happy on my own. -.056 .248 .195 -.107 .440
I find living my life rewarding. .116 .221 .171 .100 .666
I like to be challenged by others. .052 .369 .178 -.034 .246
I find being alive rewarding. .083 .249 .164 .087 .669
I have a lot of will power. .082 .329 .181 .063 .437
I control my life. .063 .261 .153 -.110 .448
I am in control of almost every aspect of my life. .101 .176 .206 -.061 .502
Freedom of action and thought is very important to me. .039 .461 .169 .008 .239
I have a very strong sense of my own desires. .064 .216 .188 -.014 .352
I am stubbornly true to myself. .019 .409 .193 .055 .151
I am very loyal to myself. .107 .226 .168 -.106 .382
I am more calm than worrying. -.107 .171 .240 .009 .517
I remain calm under pressure. -.045 .217 .201 -.003 .365

R-Drive Independence
Jung/Myers-Briggs INTX
Enneagram Type 5
Matthew Broderick in War Games
Doc Brown in Back to the Future
I love to examine the unusual. -.022 .519 .272 .060 -.065
I rely on myself alone. -.080 .429 -.290 -.141 -.049
I am calculating. x .192 .356 -.128 x
If a life choice felt right I would stick with it no matter what. x .278 .181 x x
I continue until everything is perfect. .106 .187 .515 .113 x
I'm obsessed with inventing systems. x .376 .352 x -.120
I live my life based on a specific system that I created. x .248 .508 x -.123
I'm defined by my internal compass. x .382 .175 x x
Cognition is more important than pleasure. x .196 .225 x x
I look for logical explanations or solutions to most everything. x .179 .346 x x
I enjoy technical and scientific fields where logic is important. x .178 .227 x x
I am pragmatic and look to the 'bottom line.' x .163 .287 x x
I notice inconsistencies. x .279 .192 x x
I am ingenious, a deep thinker. x .384 .158 x x
I'm someone that thinks a lot about data. x .310 .316 x x
You can never be too rational/logical. x .152 .309 x x
You only begin to figure out who you are when you develop an advanced interest-in / understanding-of something. x .335 .232 x x
I have a lot of theories. -.015 .458 .225 -.014 -.129
I come straight to the point. x .222 .251 x x
I have an eye for detail. x .237 .379 x x
I get a head start on others. .118 .294 .339 x .132
I pay attention to details. x .151 .410 x x
I am a seeker. x .407 .166 x x x
I am exacting in my work. x .164 .508 x x
I am very logical. x .172 .367 -.129 x
I am not my feelings. x .218 .197 x x
I am rigid about what I believe to be true. x .177 .182 x x
I find analytical living rewarding. x .270 .413 x x
I often attack complicated material by separating it into components and analyzing it systematically. x .300 .443 .139 .137
I prefer to maintain a neutral emotional state. x .221 .274 x x
The depth of a person is the most important measure of their value. x .326 .182 x x
Nothing is more important than critical thinking. .093 .233 .537 -.022 .048
I quickly perceive similarities, differences, and anomalies. .003 .422 .465 -.004 .002
I seek out the patterns of the universe. .023 .409 .258 .032 .007
I am more interested in intellectual pursuits than anything else. .007 .408 .431 .036 .007
I am a tinkerer. .014 .288 .165 .068 .039
I have an explainable reason for everything I do. x .192 .422 x x
I would not have kids if I didn't think I could financially provide for them adequately. .076 .150 .321 -.018 -.120
complex .033 .402 .267 -.075 -.056
I am methodical. x .152 .587 x x
I find political discussions interesting. -.043 .349 .159 .005 .008
Architecture interests me a great deal. .005 .206 .249 .068 -.092
If a romantic partner is not mentally on par with me that's a big problem. .063 .183 .203 -.033 .00
Integrity is more important than loyalty. -.065 .151 .256 .003 .056
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. .060 .170 .201 .076 .100
The most important thing in a romantic partner is the intellectual connection. .036 .187 .277 .073 .010
I try to examine myself objectively. .044 .402 .298 .079 .052
I am mechanically inclined. -.022 .161 .319 .066 .052
Privacy is very important to me. .096 .194 .254 .040 .005
Not understanding how things work bothers me. .080 .180 .441 .076 -.033
I create theories for the sake of theories. .009 .313 .152 .040 -.131
I am quick to spot inconsistencies. .021 .401 .481 .068 .037
If you dislike someone you should be honest with them about that. -.020 .310 .160 .000 .025
Pursuing the path in life I care most about is the most important thing for me. .094 .287 .148 .114 .109
I am defined by my ideas. .136 .384 .261 .102 .005
You have to take things apart (figuratively and/or literally) to understand how they work. .024 .165 .349 .044 -.059
Question everything, even question why you question everything. .046 .382 .345 -.043 -.103
It is important to become aware of how your nervous system perceives reality. .024 .381 .297 .053 -.116
I operate by a theoretical+experiential understanding of myself and the world that I am constantly updating/altering. .047 .377 .295 .050 -.012
The only rules I buy into are the physical laws of the universe. .124 .369 .270 -.101 -.086
I love intellectual pursuits more than most other things in life. .042 .367 .409 .029 -.051
I thrive on problem solving. .017 .361 .520 .107 .102
One should always be willing to carry on the discussion in the opponent's terminology. .056 .217 .324 .077 -.022
I prefer to date people who have an independent trajectory in life. .107 .325 .153 .082 .019
Happiness is about self improvement not ascending the social hierarchy. -.065 .349 .202 .101 .065
I am a thinker. -.052 .347 .328 .058 .023
Life is a puzzle that I will figure out. .078 .313 .238 .073 .002
I am highly theoretical. x .311 .306 x x
I am endlessly interested in knowing how things work, in order that I can keep them working (and survive with/within them). .064 .284 .410 .109 .047
brainiac .010 .334 .513 .079 .066
Those who are determined to be 'offended' will discover a provocation somewhere. .046 .216 .199 -.068 -.111
I am good at picking up on the intentions of others. -.051 .393 .158 -.057 .037 female
I enjoy fine-tuning a definition or concept to support a theory, perspective or framework. .046 .330 .400 .055 .056
I frequently attempt to conceive the future, possible contingences, and significance of things. .113 .323 .276 .117 -.094
I prefer friends that challenge me and just think I'm ok to friends that don't challenge me and think I'm awesome. -.033 .314 .197 .022 .105
I am concerned with investigating truth not with questions of personal prestige. -.042 .298 .265 .125 .024
Building mental maps of things appeals to me. .042 .288 .365 .104 .008
I discover patterns that make the future more predictable. .104 .283 .270 .035 -.055
thinker .005 .285 .324 .104 -.050
I am an intellectual. -.024 .282 .327 .098 .117
I frequently look at past and current concrete situations and data. .102 .271 .423 .109 -.106
I find theoretical physics interesting. -.041 .285 .277 -.047 -.072
When it comes to romantic attraction, captivating my mind is more important than captivating my heart. 0.067 .246 .320 -.114 .024
I notice whether the details in front of me match what I am accustomed to. .120 .237 .315 .137 -.052
There is nothing more important than being intellectual. .049 .219 .439 -.029 -.060
Life is not about money... it's about the willingness to outwork and outlearn everyone. .061 .232 .177 .103 .001
Identity is a function of the ideas/beliefs one holds, the only way to improve is to regularly replace one's ideas/beliefs with better ones. .133 .225 .187 -.021 -.071
I parent myself. .046 .215 .183 .057 -.061
The external is merely a means/template for which my internal reinforces itself. .078 .200 .193 .090 .062
Having an accurate view of reality is more important to me than being right. -.037 .184 .221 .122 .055
I push myself to overcome difficulties. x .577 .168 x x
I love to read challenging material. -.094 .318 .212 .021 .009

I live inside my head. .017 .276 .170 .002 -.431
I'm always in my head. .054 .237 .188 .002 -.348
Civilizations usually don't last (i.e. they collapse, go extinct). .002 .296 .167 -.016 -.269
I like things I can do on my own. x .244 .181 x -.175
I have taught myself to stuff and disconnect from my own feelings for years. .007 .143 .216 -.055 -.475
I dislike small talk, but I enjoy talking in depth about topics that matter to me. -.014 .298 .201 -.034 -.245
I want a job where only my skill set matters not my ability to be navigate the social architecture. -.066 .203 .156 -.089 -.245
You can't expect people to reveal (be open about) who they really are. .077 .195 .177 -.051 -.310
I find pleasure in isolation. -.047 .168 .196 -.031 -.346
In everything I do lately, I feel that I am being tested. .115 .199 .147 .134 -.345
I enjoy work that allows me to dive in with few interruptions. -.027 .195 .382 .054 -.218
I act as if driven by a motor. .130 .210 .205 x -.230
People tell me that I am distant. .043 .281 .155 -.093 -.547
I would prefer a job where I worked alone. -.065 .192 .146 -.130 -.309
I prefer one-on-one conversations to group activities. -.120 .184 .229 .018 -.425
I enjoy solitude. -.131 .184 .219 x -.260
I have a passion for being alone. .030 .199 .183 -.139 -.343
Anything short of brutal honesty in a person is a let down. .061 .230 .168 .110 -.200
Pessimism is as important as optimism. -.008 .171 .150 -.064 -.490
I do my best work alone. -.099 .205 .226 -.069 -.417
People tell me that I am stiff. .113 .192 .302 -.062 -.339

I'm not afraid of ending up alone. -.116 .178 .263 -.221 .183
I am masculine .072 .220 .329 -.141 .185

I value thinking more than feeling. x .158 .251 -.256 -.137
I am powerfully attracted to science with it's truths based on facts. x .191 .216 -.155 x
I find reinforcement within myself, not others. -.043 .341 .266 -.193 .132
In making decisions, I put more weight on objective principles and impersonal facts than personal concerns and the people involved. x .230 .210 -.198 x
Exploring, investing in my interests is more important to me than exploring relationships (romances, friendships). -.114 .257 .207 -.245 -.124
I'm more likely to have negative thoughts about other people than myself. .118 .157 .188 -.399 .033
I rarely stop to think about what other people think, feel, and expect. .002 .170 .269 -.288 -.045
I am more preoccupied with what I like than with being liked. -.129 .361 .148 -.192 .137

Schizoid Personality Disorder
I am MORE impersonal, rational, questioning, skeptical, tough-minded THAN personal, compassionate, accommodating, tolerant, gentle. x .142 .172 -.416 -.197
I am unmoved by the suffering of strangers. .069 .144 .163 -.466 -.138
I have no need for others. -.054 .142 .308 -.259 -.392
It's easy for me to cut off friends. .134 .214 .145 -.235 -.207
Being around other people is terribly boring. -.086 .169 .324 -.207 -.437
I find being around others for too long unrewarding. -.081 .195 .143 -.143 -.461
I have no desire to have close friends. -.120 .104 .313 -.195 -.366
I find other people unrewarding. .039 .197 .196 -.216 -.479
I am a cold person. .110 .157 .181 -.425 -.396
I don't trust others. .084 .228 .227 -.137 -.313
People tell me that I am cold. .113 .276 .201 -.225 -.383
I have a heart of stone. .118 .173 .173 -.291 -.371
I am impersonal, rational, questioning, skeptical, tough-minded. x .292 .178 -.145 -.166
Having more than two kids is very foolish. .131 .159 .331 -.202 -.207
I don't feel bad being mean to people. .114 .322 .166 -.404 -.159

James Stewart in Mr. Smith Goes To Washington
Godrey in My Man Godrey
Contributing to the world is an essential part of life. x .193 .153 .428 .274
It is important to know how the system works. x .307 .404 .227 .169
If I like someone romantically but I don't feel/sense reciprocation, I move on. x .173 .186 .149 .183
If I have a flaw, it might be that I am overly content. x .223 .176 .263 .219
I like working hard. .129 .151 .161 .408 .355
We are responsible for who we are. .036 .205 .145 .178 .274
I take existing ideas and link them together in new and interesting ways. .034 .512 .221 .143 .179

Richard Dreyfuss in Jaws
Frances McDormand Fargo
Steve Carell in The 40 Year Old Virgin
Peter Parker in Spiderman
I make decisions based on specific real world metrics. x .205 .445 .155 x
I seek facts before expressing opinions. x .226 .354 .160 x
I feel that by being rational, I will attract the right kind of person. x .150 .366 .211 x
I need solitude (time alone) so that I can hear myself think. x .209 .265 .200 x
I don't like to lose control over my feelings. x .149 .267 .307 x
To really understand something you've got to reduce it to its principles. x .349 .337 .175 x
I am frugal. x .155 .329 .276 x
transcendental -.017 .430 .142 .156 -.109
I readily see cause-effect relationships. .005 .317 .409 .141 .055
I recognize how things have always been. x .180 .280 .277 x
I am methodical. x .163 .562 .150 x
The purpose of life is making sense of things. x .282 .334 .220 x
It is important to know why you are who you are, why you do what you do. .096 .236 .236 .185 .020
I'm the type of person that thinks of escaping into a world where everything is solved using equations. x .263 .317 .191 x
I spend a lot of time thinking about ways to do things better. .105 .173 .268 .254 .050
It is important to become aware of how I may see things differently from how they really are. -.022 .383 .231 .173 -.096
I am the biggest influence in my life. .132 .346 .210 .189 .117
I strive for internal consistency of my ideals/morals. x .187 .252 .193 x
I strive for internal consistency of my feelings. .034 .248 .253 .280 -.039
I enjoy discussing movies and books with others. .034 .208 .149 .247 .027
It is best to defeat your opponent without them knowing you've won. -.113 .193 .196 .225 -.071

Even when it makes me miserable, I am compelled to care about whether things make sense. x .234 .191 .203 -.203
I don't feel I deserve anything but I will aim to attain/accomplish anything I am interested in attaining/accomplishing. .003 .302 .215 .172 -.187

Indiana Jones
I spend most of my free time doing things I'm enthusiastic about. .112 .341 .028 .009 .358
I take risks..119 .570 -.013 -.043 .281
I am good at ignoring unpleasant feelings. x .206 x x .234
I am casual, open-ended, spontaneous, adaptable. .107 .411 x x .264
I spend a lot of time exploring. -.033 .528 .040 .065 .243
I see myself as open to new experiences, complex. .107 .536 x x .236
I have a very relaxed personality. x .163 x x .217
I am relaxed, handle stress well. x .185 x x .460
I remain calm in tense situations. x .276 .108 x .280
I am courageous. .114 .412 .078 .050 .467
I'm rarely anxious. -.100 .155 x -.121 .337
When something is right, you just know. .031 .192 .011 .108 .237
When I'm interested in something, I'm all in. .097 .367 .091 .007 .235
I'm good at knowing whether I like someone. .008 .186 .031 .105 .309
I'm good at picking up whether someone loves me. .104 .153 .039 .108 .392
I have the freedom to become something other than my circumstances would normally produce. .003 .399 .048 .019 .361
We create ourselves. .066 .331 .071 .088 .259
Stress makes me more social. .102 .175 .047 .028 .267
I am guided primarily by my intuition. .103 .279 .028 .098 .244
I think I would excel as a comedian. .104 .277 -.071 .109 .216
I'm all about no regrets. -.014 .272 -.018 -.035 .239
If I meet someone I like, it's easy for me to ask them to hang out some time, i.e. initiate a friendship. .107 .255 -.085 .122 .412
I am pursuing my dreams. .089 .252 .090 .047 .468
I rarely feel self-conscious in a strange group. .007 .248 -.073 .024 .225
I don't stay in a relationship if it makes me unhappy. .065 .202 .070 -.047 .331
I'm always in a good mood. .109 .209 .068 .046 .614
Being true to myself is my primary motivation. .032 .422 .092 .034 .271
I'm following my dreams x .175 x x .494
I am generally a very happy person. .114 .169 .006 .124 .750
I can be myself around anyone. .029 .148 .005 -.007 .569
I motivate myself. .051 .153 .126 .086 .564
Boredom motivates me to do things. .005 .316 .086 .084 .159

XOXXX (see top of page)

Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Jake Gyllenhaal in Donnie Darko
Napolean Dynamite in Napolean Dynamite
Bill Murray in Caddyshack
I find obscurity to be rewarding. -.070 .392 .019 -.035 -.227
I don't feel like many people really know me. -.044 .207 .103 .061 -.458
I like to escape reality. .033 .209 -.113 .046 -.539
I'm very focused on what's happening internally, the world around me is just kind of 'there'. x .182 x x -.509
I would cut myself, run into a wall, or fall down stairs backwards just to amuse myself. x .235 x x -.275
I prefer ideas to actuality. x .321 x x -.210
I am prone to bouts of anger. .137 .152 x x -.522
I have a history of stealing. x .254 x -.121 -.219
I dislike people who are predictable. x .407 -.123 x -.168
I've always had a fascination of the dark side of human nature. x .471 x x -.385
I live in my own reality. x .323 x x -.272
The government can't be trusted. x .371 x x -.247
I experience magical thinking that influences my behavior. x .390 x x -.205
I work in bursts of energy. .135 .332 x x -.183
I live my life from my imagination. x .398 x x -.274
I'm more attached to my imagination than reality. x .273 x x -.484
I am romantically attracted to members of my own gender. x .205 x x -.245 (women)
If I were to follow my instincts deep down, I would always behave unconventionally. x .539 x x -.248
I am more radical than normal. x .554 x x -.153
You have to make/change/customize things for them to be your own. x .365 x x -.142
I have a lot of practise suppressing things. x .185 x x -.403
I can be very insulting in the heat of the moment but it's never intentional. x .143 x x -.266
There is more meaning under the surface on the on the surface. x .306 x x -.138
Death is the ultimate freedom. x .154 x x -.578
I'm fidgety. x .174 x x -.314
I take time for solitude. -.115 .182 x -.113 -.201
I pay attention to the meaning of my night-time dreams. x .176 x .121 -.159
I cannot keep my mind on one thing. .104 .166 -.116 .108 -.335
I am not usually prone to self disclosure with others. x .169 x x -.179
There is more meaning to be found in the subtext than the text. x .359 x x -.193
I sometimes forget to check with the outside world to see if my ideas really fit the experience. x .225 -.137 x -.353
I remember events by what I read 'between the lines' about their meaning. x .306 x x -.169
The typical, ordinary way feels like a betrayal of myself. x .481 x x -.210
My identity is very much about being different/strange/mysterious compared to the majority.
I've gotten more enjoyment out of music that most anything else in life. x .244 x x -.302
I am prone to escapism. .002 .267 .046 .056 -.424
I spend a lot of time thinking about the purpose of existence. x .358 x x -.297
I am attracted to depressive types. -.126 .276 -.050 -.033 -.558
I mostly live in the my head, not in the world. .001 .245 .020 .026 -.589
I like to deconstruct things. x .335 x x -.173
Most of the music I love is unknown to others. -.065 .383 .082 .008 -.239
The people I am romantically attracted to tend to be messed up. -.020 .210 -.036 .123 -.334
Things other people find disturbing interest me. .121 .488 .056 -.092 -.202
Jobs are for suckers. .021 .211 -.065 -.132 -.240
On a dime, I can decide that nothing in my life truly matters. -.018 .193 .054 -.054 -.575
I believe marijuana should be legal. .032 .390 -.013 -.134 -.174
I am frequently out of it. .114 .196 -.117 .061 -.513
I experience unusual perceptions. .058 .567 .044 .015 -.222
I am self destructive. .091 .172 -.061 .025 .698
I have magical thinking or odd beliefs. .031 .561 -.067 .036 -.175
I am weird. -.059 .534 -.005 .062 -.344
My thinking or speaking style is unusual. .016 .587 .121 -.016 -.243
A lot of people in my life have tried to stab me in the back. .117 .242 .005 .088 -.262
I'm the type that needs to burn my hand on a hot stove to learn to stop putting my hand on a hot stove. .087 .214 -.031 .112 -.274
I frequently mentally tune out. .027 .252 -.045 .033 -.343
I prefer one on one interaction to group interaction. -.093 .221 .037 .025 -.247
I am not who I appear to be. .120 .173 -.010 .000 -.512
I am very sensitive to the lighting of a room. .104 .214 .053 .081 -.227
I am a considerate jerk. .125 .164 .027 -.083 -.244
I am insane. -.054 .375 -.098 -.023 -.398
I'm not normal. -.078 .380 -.092 .028 -.549
I can sleep during the day, but not at night. .135 .227 .010 -.048 -.283
I tend to pursue people I think will work out in my head, but then lack sufficient physical interest in. .074 .202 .026 -.018 -.220
clean ooooo messy (big 5 orderliness) -.045 .373 -.106 .020 -.238
I focus entirely on being obscure. .048 .240 .020 .075 -.258
Serial killers interest me. .004 .158 -.006 -.083 -.330
I often find myself resenting people who give me orders. .137 .357 -.019 -.129 -.272
I'm inclined to think that no one is remotely like me. .104 .370 -.067 -.046 -.189
I don't ever want to grow up. .102 .153 -.138 .025 -.274
I don't think death is a big deal. -.069 .357 .122 -.014 -.157
I am physically attracted to my own gender. .049 .177 .015 .015 -.255 (women)
If I get too close to someone romantically, I fear I'll have to relinquish too much of me. .071 .198 .085 -.041 -.261
I am an outsider. -.081 .331 .107 -.006 -.589
I have a daydream life about which I do not tell other people. .075 .250 -.038 -.077 -.351
I don't get things done even when I have to. .130 .169 -.112 .063 -.368
I felt rejected by my father. .002 .291 -.121 -.026 -.366
I felt rejected by my mother. -.015 .201 -.132 .049 -.341
My parents loved themselves more than they loved me. .062 .156 -.040 .005 -.286
I don't care if I die right now. .111 .297 .070 .027 -.341
Sometimes I feel as if I must injure someone else. .080 .217 .004 -.137 -.335
The idea of dropping out of society to get more in tune with myself makes a lot of sense to me. -.117 .413 .009 -.009 -.308
I'm not sure there are many people I could be in romantic relationships with on the whole earth. -.014 .247 .036 -.062 -.375
It is entirely possible that no one I romantically loved enough to stick with would love me enough to stick with. .120 .161 .053 .035 -.430
I keep people in the dark about my life. .017 .155 .110 -.098 -.427
I am understimulated. .087 .183 .038 -.078 -.462
I keep a lot of what I do secret. .052 .171 .060 -.100 -.534
I am an outsider. -.081 .331 .107 -.006 -.589
I had one or more intrusive parents. .125 .196 .004 .081 -.280
I'm preoccupied with what I don't know. .117 .224 .023 .097 -.346
I have an aversion to happiness. -.023 .155 -.034 -.038 -.447
I often prefer to express myself in writing. -.101 .182 .075 .075 -.261
I find unhappiness rewarding. -.058 .151 .050 -.120 -.368
I'm a master of deception. .098 .168 .018 -.119 -.378
I have a lot of energy but I'm very uneasy. x .276 x x -.266
chaotic .107 .489 -.101 -.051 -.294
I behave strangely. x .450 x x -.311
I have or want to get a tattoo. x .175 x x -.151
Life bewilders me. .109 .202 -.034 .126 -.480
At a certain point in my life I distanced myself from my parents (and I remain distant). .051 .174 .063 -.026 -.702
I was bullied growing up. .017 .270 -.048 .077 -.369
I have a lot of anger inside me. .118 .156 .031 -.125 -.581
I have experienced a deep, pensive, and long-lasting sadness. .049 .185 .053 .126 -.559
I frequently think 'What am I doing with my life?'. .131 .155 .004 .035 -.489
Growing up I had to be different from who I really was to survive. .052 .183 .030 .089 -.421
My hardest battles are with myself. -.045 .185 .081 .066 -.410

My greatest strength is my ability to go my own way. x .529 x -.189 .196
The only validation I need to prove I'm great is my own. -.073 .377 .139 -.168 .204
I am hard on myself zero times a day. .008 .192 .058 -.242 .221

If people annoy me I do not hesitate to tell them so. .046 .331 .101 -.172 .013
I'm too lost in my own world to actually care what other people might be thinking/feeling about me. -.131 .374 -.019 -.179 .072
Enjoying being alive is more important than being of service to others. .115 .167 .014 -.468 .077
I will not be taken advantage of. .123 .275 .112 -.238 .123
I could never willingly give up my freedom. x .254 x -.160 -.114
Problems in a romantic relationship hurt the relationship not me. .102 .317 .135 -.205 .061
I fear being controlled, being led. .092 .266 .103 -.147 -.094
I am aggressive. .129 .297 x -.150 -.119
I feel no remorse. x .283 x -.292 x
Its easier for me to say no than yes. .010 .169 .050 -.318 -.103
I find it easy to express irritation with others. x .137 x -.194 x
I'm more likely to get angry than depressed. .100 .212 x -.189 x
I have been in jail or done something that could have put me in jail. x .272 -.107 -.191 -.106

Antisocial Personality Disorder
V in V for Vendetta
Randal Graves in Clerks
Snake Plissken in Escape From New York
I have a complete lack of empathy and guilt. x .235 x -.444 -.219
Nobody knows me for who I truly am. x .175 x -.139 -.502
I'm fine with hurting people. .131 .189 x -.367 -.253
I would exploit my mother if it benefited me. .114 .160 x -.176 -.300
I can be cold and aloof. x .154 x -.237 -.414
I am extremely sarcastic, enduringly bitter. x .254 x -.184 -.423
I am often uninterested in the feelings of others. x .165 x -.548 -.260
Other people have accused me of being cruel to animals or people. .111 .218 x -.321 -.256
I don't feel bad if I lie. .103 .257 -.106 -.352 -.193
I don't feel bad if I hurt others. x .230 x -.421 -.144
I am cold and calculating. x .223 .118 -.299 -.343
I can be rude. .135 .205 x -.261 -.313
I have a difficult time relating to others. x .155 x -.275 -.429
I can be callous. .120 .235 x -.286 -.261
I am more dark hearted than warm hearted. x .183 x -.323 -.530
obscure .050 .592 .029 -.145 -.303
I wish I didn't have a family. x .184 x -.166 -.391
I am sometimes rude to others. .114 .140 .019 -.245 -.295
I am more bad than good. .117 .187 -.115 -.202 -.535
It's hard for me to feel bad for people I've hurt. x .165 x -.345 -.231
I contradict others. x .432 x -.229 -.268
I find most people irrational. x .293 x -.182 -.336
I am unmoved by violence. x .245 x -.225 -.174
I'm apathetic in situations most people show concern. x .188 x -.261 -.296
Sometimes I miss or don't value the 'people' part of a situation. x .150 x -.338 -.380
I find being uncaring, unhelpful rewarding. -.045 .174 .115 -.365 -.421
I have an aversion to caring about, helping others. .042 .159 .034 -.201 -.236
I don't believe in right and wrong. .072 .268 -.013 -.235 -.204
The ways of those with whom I live, and probably always shall live, are as different from mine as moonlight is from sunshine. .043 .378 .082 -.150 -.212
I have had the thought/feeling that I wanted to hurt someone. .106 .363 .030 -.197 -.376
Conventional morality means nothing to me. -.021 .340 .006 -.265 -.179
I don't like most people. -.018 .172 .133 -.237 -.600
I hate everyone. .084 .222 .044 -.197 -.597
I get burnt out, fatiqued if I spend a lot of time helping others. .083 .162 .043 -.234 -.298
It is safer to trust nobody. .082 .199 .065 -.187 -.505
I don't understand having pride in one's culture. .055 .183 .064 -.264 -.254
My philosophy is fuck everything. .110 .252 -.036 -.162 -.420
I don't believe in social responsibility. .095 .272 .031 -.300 -.210
I have murderous ideas/impulses. .012 .256 .081 -.187 -.400
I'm not sure I want to have kids. -.042 .156 .011 -.167 -.334
I don't want kids. -.101 .191 .067 -.256 -.251
I can be callous. .043 .194 .123 -.183 -.310
I could be happy without having kids. -.066 .195 .116 -.175 -.227
I dislike people who are nice to everyone. .104 .215 .068 -.432 -.267
I dislike tv shows or movies that are preachy. -.024 .291 .123 -.212 -.158

I am an explorer. .059 .514 .011 .141 .193
The world is like a giant factory (thus, we are all coworkers) and the well-being of everyone in it matters to me. -.074 .178 -.044 .559 .143
I live every day like it's my last. x .335 x .153 .399
Protecting the environment (nature) is very important to me. -.095 .299 .139 .263 .187
I am genuine. .024 .187 .137 .233 .407
Anything is possible. -.012 .141 .114 .223 .494
I am energetic. .132 .149 .005 .176 .431
I like to stay open to respond to whatever happens. x .419 x .206 .139
There is nothing impossible to him who will try. .065 .335 .059 .261 .208
I can have an interesting conversation with anyone. .044 .325 -.012 .152 .263
I am open to change. .046 .495 .100 .153 .269
I want to live the best way possible so I'm constantly experimenting, making adjustments. .132 .490 .041 .204 .194
I'm always aware of what my gut/instincts want me to do. .033 .342 -.022 .161 .190
I evaluate what is worth believing in and most important to who I really am inside. -.047 .360 .118 .228 .160
Existence is fascinating. .136 .401 .101 .180 .289
You can never be too optimistic. .151 .396 -.131 .166 .334
I am adaptable. .085 .327 .069 .161 .267
Every day is a new adventure. .039 .316 -.066 .240 .422
I am flexible. .052 .278 .022 .189 .341
I have very good instincts. .114 .259 .099 .158 .239
There is nothing more important than fully living in the moment. .167 .243 .096 .153 .308
No matter how bad life gets, I'll always fight though it. .067 .225 .016 .166 .570
It is important for me to maintain positive feelings in those around me, at all costs. .136 .151 .020 .445 .236
When I'm depressed, I like to help people. .048 .225 -.082 .481 .196
Correcting injustice in the world is very important to me. -.026 .301 .110 .307 .164
I evaluate what is worth believing in and most important to who I really am inside. -.047 .360 .118 .228 .160
I love to think up new ways of doing things. .103 .537 .135 .162 .155

Russell Crowe in Gladiator
Keanu Reeves in the Matrix
Ryan Atwood in The OC
Liz Parker in Roswell
Patrick Fugit in Almost Famous
Gene Hackman in the French Connection
If people were being oppressed in a foreign country, I would want my country to do something to stop that. x .152 x .368 x
I would risk my life for something I cared about a lot. .044 .174 .062 .338 .012
I frequently see things in my external environment that remind me of what really matters to me. .107 .272 .036 .355 .116
Finding meaning/purpose in my life is very important to me. .048 .241 .066 .354 .059
I want to save myself and save the world. .101 .319 -.031 .251 .094
I see both sides to everything, always. x .280 x .213 x
othercentric .005 .217 .052 .336 -.108
My sense of wonder defines me. x .433 x .157 x
I am so moved by certain experiences (e.g., watching a beautiful sunset, listening to a favorite piece of music) that I feel emotions

that are beyond words. .132 .178 x .253 x
I feel highly connected to the universe. x .342 x .166 x
I live for the creation and appreciation of art/beauty. .081 .369 -.129 .227 -.008
The sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being. .078 .276 .001 .373 .038
I understand people who think differently. -.110 .456 .017 .242 .086
Truth is best determined internally. -.015 .245 115 .224 .056
I am idealistic. .125 .283 -.044 .170 .025
Who someone wants to be matters as much as who someone is. .122 .173 .042 .205 .009
I want to always be better than I was yesterday. .133 .257 .069 .222 .125
I am good at picking up on the intentions of others. .087 .356 .013 .268 -.020 men
I feel a oneness with nature. -.103 .311 .069 .244 .085
I see myself as open to new experiences, complex. .079 .369 -.057 .305 .033
A healthy romantic relationship involves equal effort by both parties. .072 .176 .018 .444 .024
I am a nature lover. -.090 .229 .109 .366 .113
When you are wronged, consider the viewpoint of the wrongdoer, and feel sorry for mankind. -.101 .198 .079 .343 -.110
It's more important to be held in high regard by people who you've been very close to than with the public. -.069 .151 .084 .223 .021
I am extremely intuitive. .001 .404 .073 .165 .074
The knowledge of the history of the universe is encoded genetically in our minds. .134 .259 .039 .157 .029
humorous .052 .250 -.051 .152 .022

Johnny Depp in Edward Scissorhands
Mel Gibson in Mad Max
Life is a mystery. .136 .330 -.079 .259 -.173
I relate to underdogs. -.110 .249 .002 .303 -.264
I've always been broken. .035 .246 .024 .146 -.605
If even one person in the world is not free, no one is. x .206 x .248 -.170
I sympathize with underdogs. -.097 .232 .018 .399 -.173
Sometimes I stay open to new information so long I miss making decisions when they are needed. x .246 x .165 -.190
I would be happy if I cared even less about money/power/image. -.085 .166 .049 .287 -.261
Sometimes the best path for me is the most unpleasant. .048 .302 .100 .150 -.212
I like to be feminine. .096 .152 -.104 .163 -.256 (men)
I am sometimes experienced by others as too idealistic, mushy, or indirect. x .137 -.109 .241 -.286


John Goodman in The Big Lebowski
I have trouble following the rules. .114 .455 -.284 -.177 -.126

I have/had conflicts with authority-figures, bosses, teachers, etc.. x .357 -.149 -.218 -.203

R-Drive Dynamism
John Cusack in Say Anything

Jung/Myers-Briggs Percieving
Jung/Myers-Briggs INFX
Wolverine in the X-Men
Luke in Cool Hand Luke
I make decisions on the spur of the moment. .108 .363 -.298 x x
I am more unconstrained than scheduled. x .275 -.629 x x
I am more random than systematic. x .304 -.552 x x
I am more imaginative than realistic. x .344 -.188 x -.131
I am more novel than practical. x .327 -.154 x -.134
I 'm more likely to work under the wire than finish things safely ahead of time. .102 .216 -.319 x -.106
I like disorder. x .288 -.413 x -.132
I would rather be killed than back down to anyone. x .330 -.163 x x
I frequently jump into the unknown. x .478 -.321 x x
I like to leap into the unknown. x .582 -.305 x x
My unconscious processes/insticts are as important as conscious ones. -.023 .359 -.265 .139 -.069
I find it rewarding to put my life in the hands of fate. .038 .164 -.337 .097 .019
work ooooo play .137 .292 -.275 -.013 -.119
I have or want to get a tattoo. .045 .151 -.216 .039 -.056

math ooooo art .038 .389 -.215 .018 -.178
I am unplanned. x .189 -.638 x -.228
I take actions without thinking about the consequences. x .223 -.273 x -.289
I am more abstract than realistic. x .344 -.219 x -.176
I experience recurrent strange day dreams or fantasies. .105 .276 -.136 x -.374
I am more unpredictable than orderly. x .357 -.470 x -.141
I fail to honor work or financial obligations. x .165 -.301 x -.354
I am very unsystematic. x .213 -.562 x -.142
I am more theoretical than concrete. x .352 -.143 x -.174
I prefer theory to fact. x .250 -.152 x -.176
I can be somewhat careless. x .190 -.258 x -.321
Before I start a project, I sometimes forget to stop and get clear on what I want to do and why. .115 .162 -.202 x -.312

I believe that love happens all the time, everywhere. .082 .156 -.146 .355 .199

I believe in the paranormal. .052 .358 -.246 .240 -.106
I experience supernatural guidance. .008 .253 -.209 .269 -.056
You can never be too helpful to others. .011 .350 -.237 .315 .032
I find it rewarding to let my feelings guide me in life. .125 .218 -.392 .224 .112

I am interested in the paranormal. .015 .411 -.226 .198 -.166
set place ooooo misplace (big 5 orderliness) .066 .389 -.177 .177 -.298

Big 5 Emotional Stability
I have a general life plan. .102 x .383 .139 .401
I have a specific life plan. x x .438 x .211
I like to get my work done before playing. x x .562 x .162
I am emotionally stable, not easily upset. x .111 .147 x .482
Adulthood is the best time of life. x x .185 x .277
I complete tasks successfully. x x .472 x .269
I always know how I'm internally feeling. x .122 .165 x .205
I see myself as dependable, self-disciplined. x .124 .463 .125 .222
I do a thorough job. x .105 .492 x .102 .171
I see myself as calm, emotionally stable. x .112 .228 x .461
I persevere until the task is finished. x .118 .532 .104 .238
I work hard. x x .481 .132 .319
I am organized. x x .688 x .150
I make plans and stick to them. x x .613 x .150
I makes plans and follow through with them. x x .624 x .210
I get chores done right away. x x .529 .120 .179
I finish what I start. x x .452 .113 .246
I am precise. .009 .054 .498 .091 .205
I am a very organized person. .125 x .270 x .200
The formula for success is a lot of work over a long period of time (many years). .109 -.075 .239 .122 .165
I concentrate easily. -.031 .016 .353 -.003 .154
The direction of my life is always clear to me. .115 .116 .209 .049 .409
I have a history of making and sticking to long term plans. .075 .053 .382 .139 .161
I see myself as calm, emotionally stable. -.070 .000 .160 -.026 .623
I would rate the healthiness of my life as very high. .086 .019 .169 .092 .556
I see myself as dependable, self-disciplined. -.010 .040 .167 .111 .399
I am very good at managing risk. .032 .138 .156 .012 .344
The future is more important than the past. .097 .133 .227 .081 .233
I finish things ahead of schedule. .043 .004 .177 .098 .227

XXTXX (see top of page)

I tend to dislike impulsive people. x x .423 x -.150
I am reserved. x x .164 x -.289
I'm more cerebral than physical. ,061 .138 .196 .015 -.174
My body is nothing special. -.106 -.060 .172 -.016 -.641
If my instincts draws me one way but my mind draws me another, I follow my mind. x x .188 x -.180
Change, when it occurs at all, follows long and arduous trying. .080 .012 .172 .098 -.258
I enjoy projects which involve long stretches of solitary activity. -.082 .077 .285 .019 -.212
I am very serious. -.025 .036 .302 -.029 -.168
I am seen as 'reflective' or 'reserved.' -.126 .130 .187 x -.250
Others accuse me of being rigid or stubborn. x x .151 -.131 -.261
When my life doesn't make logical sense, I'm unhappy. .126 x .243 x -.365
I love attention but I dislike intimacy (a person getting too close to me). .130 .115 .225 -.033 -.154
I don't think anyone is awesome. -.065 .125 .302 -.135 -.172
I want things to proceed according to plan. x x .588 x -.147
It is unwise to chase a romantic interest. -.032 .030 .211 -.088 -.167
I am on guard all the time. .103 .120 .170 .040 -.376
I'm the type of person that thinks of escaping into a world where everything is solved using equations. .042 .089 .278 -.010 -.147
I have historically spent a lot of my free time playing video games. -.019 .067 .229 -.123 -.261
I keep my thoughts to myself. .08 .05 .22 -.083 -.403
Just because something makes me happy doesn't mean its good. .028 .118 .207 .138 -.165
In classrooms, I prefer lectures to seminars. -.075 -.015 .206 .003 -.235
I rarely feel happy in response to minor events. .067 .105 .159 .017 -.349
frugal -.100 -.025 .426 .014 -.292
thrifty -.127 .000 .349 .104 -.258
I don't believe in luck. -.114 .092 .292 -.093 -.208
I am a grammar nazi. .006 .029 .160 -.057 -.208


Jung/Myers-Briggs Thinking
unemotional -.035 .058 .368 -.458 -.055
I prefer strength to tenderness. .122 x .182 -.339 x
I am more rational than sentimental. x x .240 -.338 x
I am more objective than charitable. x x .220 -.452 x
interpersonal ooooo discourteous .106 -.018 .165 -.296 .116
The rational is more important than the emotional. x x .256 -.284 x
What makes rational sense is most important to me. x x .330 -.144 x
The rational is more important than the emotional to me. x x .142 -.315 x
I make decisions logically without regard to instinct/emotion. x x .220 -.185 x

I prefer to analyze than to sympathize. x .111 .171 -.353 -.144
I don't like people to pry into my life for any reason. -.036 .064 .292 -.148 -.173
I rarely give gifts. .080 .063 .195 -.256 -.297
I think more than I feel. x x .208 -.203 -.190
intimate ooooo withholding .091 .054 .222 -.160 -.261
I can be seen as too task-oriented, uncaring, or indifferent. x .136 .195 -.297 -.324
I am unable to relate to other people. .027 .129 .170 -.257 -.411
I don't like to dance. .076 .062 .215 -.188 -.329
indifferent .046 .120 .188 -.253 -.256
It makes no sense to put effort into something that you know is doomed in the long run. .120 .031 .209 -.150 -.204

Big 5 Conscientiousness
I behave properly. x x .355 .248 .174
I am a reliable worker. x x .483 .163 .224
I tend to think before I speak. x x .345 .191 .187
I do the right thing. x x .310 .281 .250
I am propelled internally, on an instinctual level, to be hard working, detail oriented. .110 .023 .
I think a fair amount about my long-term life goals. .136 .051 .189 .205 .161
I take really good care of things that I own. .037 .053 .301 .211 .267
I believe in being accountable. .046 -.036 .238 .329 .239
I feel an obligation to give back as much from life as I've recieved. x .110 .156 .633 .193
I am good at finding things. .002 .133 .278 .195 .229
My parents are an important part of who I've become. .136 -.036 .148 .351 .194
Knowing who you are = knowing what makes you happy. .075 .092 .143 .233 .196

Max Evans in Roswell
Sheriff Valenti in Roswell
I am a serious person. x x .404 .175 x
When I am faced with a decision involving moral matters, I often ask myself, 'Am I doing the right thing?' x x .146 .490 x
I feel very bad about myself after telling a lie. x x .157 .491 x
I make decisions extremely carefully. x x .508 .167 x
I'm extremely loyal. x x .194 .391 x
I keep my promises. x x .303 .227 .134
I feel guilt if I violate my own internally devised standards x .100 .218 .225 x
Chemistry matters in a romantic relationship but sensibility (a situation making rational sense) is more important. x .139 .333 .231 x
I prefer to think out what I want to say in advance. x .120 .362 .229 x
I tend to think first before I share my ideas. x x .358 .228 x
I believe telling the truth is more important than being tactful. x x .146 .161 x
Security is important to me. x x .366 .301 x
I make decisions with my head and want to be fair. x .108 .244 .241 .123
I am concerned with harmony and nervous when it is missing. x x .203 .301 -.129
I feel bad if I lie. x x .183 .304 x
My behavior and decisions are generally calculated to maximize my safety/security regardless of whether that makes me likable to others. x .138 .383 .200 x
I work very long hours, even though my job doesn't require this. .063 .106 .242 .197 -.030
I live by a strict code of ethics and strive for a world where others do the same. .029 .040 .303 .336 .050
Justice is very important to me. .105 .091 .291 .225 .061
I believe in a logical answer for everything. x x .401 .166 x
The definition of a good agreement is one that benefits me and the other party equally. .068 .091 .225 .192 .015
People tell me that I'm a good listener. -.127 .078 .154 .273 -.057
I learn best by experience. .048 .104 .174 .248 .119
I would only live in an area with very low crime. .119 -.088 .203 .228 .034
I tend to take precautions. .019 -.107 .350 .168 -.084
Before I say something, I first like to think about it for a while. -.135 -.011 .316 .148 -.041
I am very detail oriented. .090 .048 .306 .205 .081
I follow the rules/principles of my community really well but that doesn't mean I buy into any of them. .131 .137 .205 .175 .039

People describe me as soft spoken and mellow. -.111 -.077 .247 .174 -.223

Christopher Reeve in Superman
I see myself as sympathetic, warm. x x x .551 .240
I am optimistic. -.062 .134 .008 .167 .670
I like to cooperate with others. x x x .405 .293
I can have a good time anywhere. -.030 .094 .032 .155 .580
Life is significant (meaningful). .074 .035 -.003 .232 .574
Warm describes me better than objective. x x x .483 .160
I am personal, compassionate, accommodating, tolerant, gentle. x x x .422 .211
I find being who I am rewarding. .015 .139 -.024 .194 .573
I'm told how cheerful I am even early in the morning. .133 x .109 .240 .316
I find being optimistic rewarding. .077 .112 .038 .262 .457
I have a forgiving nature. x x x .428 .156
I am generally trusting. x x x .292 .243
I always treat others as I would like to be treated. -.099 .099 .136 .385 .249
I act towards others as I wish others to act towards me. -.102 .082 .132 .416 .235
Happiness is truth. .108 -.024 .003 .381 .374
There are people I look up to. .074 .009 .031 .307 .198
Love is my supreme virtue. .063 .123 -.072 .488 .249
My parents loved me / love me a lot. .110 -.083 .039 .221 .313
My parents were wonderful. .069 -.109 .080 .263 .311
My parents are extremely important to me. .121 -.084 .044 .355 .250
I believe we are eternal. x .130 x .150 .147
I am an ethical person. .022 .023 .121 .433 .271
Anyone can become great. -.071 .115 .006 .349 .224
Having a child is the most important thing you can do in life. .107 -.090 .018 .295 .163
I am loyal to my parents. .093 -.112 .063 .316 .352
I am a warm person. .019 .039 -.075 .591 .352
I am sincere. -.045 .037 .094 .337 .284
It doesn't make sense to lie. -.075 -.005 .039 .263 .277
I believe in the power of prayer. .076 -.115 -.079 .272 .298
I believe goodness pervades reality. .112 .057 .001 .379 .281
The external is important but the internal is more important. -.135 .095 .031 .297 .272
I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart. .057 -.045 -.067 .352 .252
I find appreciating others rewarding. .066 .030 -.024 .612 .202
Nothing is more important than kindness. .029 .031 .023 .548 .166
I try to forgive and forget. -.082 .108 .023 .493 .186
I readily admit when I'm wrong. -.126 .081 .124 .199 .162

XXXIX (see top of page)

I see myself as anxious, easily upset. .109 x x .208 -.530
If I feel bad in a relationship, I tend to think/feel it's my fault. -.020 .018 -.052 .429 -.339
When I'm upset at a friend, it's not easy for me to tell them so. .104 -.089 -.019 .213 -.328
I have exaggeratedly negative beliefs about myself. .021 .069 -.056 .170 -.721
I have an internal critic inside me that constantly judges me. .126 .059 .084 .183 -.527
I am self conscious. .130 -.091 .129 .183 -.385
With conflict resolution, I often ignore my feelings just to make the other person happy. x x x .469 -.299
I avoid confrontation. x x x .253 -.241
I always feel obligated to be nice. x x x .478 -.150
I relate to wounded animals. x x x .278 -.250
In negotiations, I let people have a better deal than me. x x x .409 -.255
My friends take advantage of me. x x x .264 -.426
I am extremely passive when something bothers me. x x x .189 -.353
People can't always live their lives in terms of what they want. .031 -.052 .109 .259 -.159
I tend to undersell myself to others. -.007 .035 .050 .151 -.369
I get nervous easily. .106 x x .171 -.463
I often second-guess myself. x x x .279 -.434
I would be happy if my instincts were better. .119 -.027 .107 .220 -.362
servant .021 -.110 .080 .300 -.264
I worry a lot. .111 -.105 x .227 -.497
I have trouble not taking criticism personally. .131 x x .155 -.378
I'm more likely to get depressed than angry. x x x .304 -.377
I have trouble controlling my emotions. .123 x -.122 .166 -.402
I have difficulty regulating my emotions. x x x .157 -.456
people-pleaser .136 -.137 -.020 .558 -.165
I have trouble making big decisions if I don't have strong feelings one way or the other. .111 x x .177 -.333
It is hard for me to make a decision if I don't know how I feel about it. x x x .223 -.261
I constantly fear being taken advantage of. .124 .049 .026 .158 -.398
I am self conscious in a swim suit in public (pool, beach, etc.). .025 -.044 .032 .208 -.313
I have difficulty enduring even a mild degree of conflict with those close to me. .093 .009 .001 .253 -.288


XXXWX (see top of page)

I just never feel emotions. x x x -.220 -.193
I start quarrels with others. .137 .129 x -.185 -.259
Anything emotional just serves to irritate me. x x .131 -.256 -.278
I am cold. x .123 .112 -.265 -.502
I am more cynical than trusting. x x x -.274 -.407
My emotional expressions tend to be flat. -.112 x .127 -.186 -.373
I am not generally a supportive person of others. x .108 x -.412 -.262
I don't feel bad for people I've hurt. x .133 x -.359 -.250
I am unable to connect with others emotionally. x x x -.237 -.405
I find caring about, helping others unrewarding. .061 .100 .135 -.362 -.354
I am never happier than when I am by myself. .009 .090 .123 -.208 -.207
I dislike helping others. .066 .022 .006 -.505 -.172
I enjoy hurting others. .132 .122 .008 -.342 -.164
Not having emotions simplifies my life. x x x -.252 -.330
I find having little to no responsibilities rewarding. -.066 .074 .010 -.151 -.383
I don't understand ethnic pride. .081 .135 .101 -.234 -.243
I try to avoid giving friends advice. -.001 -.060 .082 -.216 -.184
I am never happier than when I am by myself. .009 .090 .123 -.208 -.207
Art museums contain art that's no longer relevant, that no longer matters. x x x -.167 -.205



I am unreliable. .125 .127 -.323 -.151 -.311


XXEXX (see top of page)

I find it hard to concentrate on one thing for a long time. x .107 -.188 x -.372
I am more scatterbrained than prepared. x .122 -.499 x -.314
I don't ever want to grow up. x x -.162 x -.327
I don't want to have adult responsibilies. x x -.255 x -.462
I am easily distracted. .102 x -.259 .111 -.347
I tend to be lazy. x x -.290 x -.421
I tend to be disorganized. x .112 -.513 x -.229
I see myself as disorganized, careless. x .116 -.445 x -.295
I have only a very vague life plan. x x -.250 x -.340
As far as my life trajectory, I'm more of a short term thinker than a long term thinker. x x -.359 x -.311
The future is always uncertain. x x -.170 x -.250
I say things without thinking. x x -.177 x -.176
I find it difficult to get down to work. x x -.236 x -.403
I don't have trust in my own judgement. .071 .035 -.212 .081 -.542
I can't control my cravings. .011 -.086 -.213 -.012 -.403

I am open about myself to others. (big 5 extroversion) .081 .012 -.161 .188 .432
My spiritual life is very important to me. .096 .110 -.145 .345 .230

I am more compassionate than logical. x x -.162 .507 x
I spend a lot of time talking about love. .092 .120 -.200 .420 .117
A meaningful relationship is more important than a meaningful career. -.036 .061 -.148 .420 .023
I believe in fate. .114 -.112 -.259 .293 .117
I believe in an after life (i.e. death is not the end). .133 -.041 -.200 .288 .133

I have no life plan. x x -.182 .154 -.354
Most people are better than me. .038 -.120 -.148 .270 -.629
I value females over males. .094 .090 -.284 .181 -.142 (men)


Jung/Myers-Briggs ISFX


I'm not messy. .105 -.086 .222 .083 .234

XCXXX (see top of page)

I see myself as conventional, uncreative. x -.315 x x -.288
I don't like change. .031 -.317 .037 .011 -.252
I experience shame a lot. .052 -.20 .075 .137 -.593
I have a fear of public speaking. .004 -.205 -.029 -.010 -.400
When I'm depressed, I like to do nothing. .004 -.152 .034 -.021 -.397
When people notice me I just get really anxious and retreat back into my shell. -.066 -.153 .055 -.138 -.732
I exaggerate the potential difficulties of new situations in order to convince myself not to try out new activities x -.199 x x -.600

Frank Drebin Naked Gun
athiest ooooo theist .046 -.332 -.055 .284 .167
I look up to my parents. .087 -.158 .005 .264 .272
I respect authority. .130 -.226 .025 .267 .234

I am obedient to others. .004 -.230 .036 .487 .013
I am more obedient than rebellious. .064 -.346 .078 .288 .087
I would rather build than invent. x -.279 .119 .147 x

I am weak and need a stronger person to carry me through life. .049 -.201 -.068 .221 -.531
I tend to defer-to/go-along with the wishes of others. -.008 -.167 .090 .456 -.184
I fear taking control, leading. -.022 -.232 -.026 .163 -.388

R-Drive Orderliness
Big 5 Conscientiosness
I am a very organized person. .072 -.205 .200 .123 .219
I follow a schedule. .132 -.147 .240 .126 .169

Jung/Myers-Briggs Sensing
Jung/Myers-Briggs ISTX
Enneagram Type 1
I'm more likely to follow the recipe exactly than customize it. x -.250 .267 x x
I am more organized than impulsive. x -.179 .679 x x
I am more scheduled than spontaneous. x -.226 .699 x x
I am more practical than innovative. x -.261 .259 x x
I am more factual than innovative. x -.247 .293 x x
I am more traditional than head-in-the-clouds. x -.357 .317 x .120
I am more conventional than surreal. x -.408 .284 x x
I would rather work in production than design. x -.214 .159 x x
I am MORE systematic, planned, disciplined, scheduled, methodical THAN casual, open-ended, spontaneous, adaptable. x -.159 .662 x x
I am MORE concrete, realistic, practical, hands-on, traditional THAN abstract, inventive, intellectual, theoretical, original. x -.258 .278 x x x
I'm cautious; I prefer to not put life/happiness at risk. x -.153 .382 x x
I avoid dangerous situations. -.076 -.453 .245 .081 .002
I do things by the book. x -.228 .555 x x
I don't like unconventional ideas. .136 -.337 .187 x x
I see the world as it is. .043 -.153 .335 .036 .054
When learning I do best in a quiet environment. .034 -.153 .274 .142 -.115
I tend to err on the side of security even if it means playing it too safe or alternately confronting danger. .061 -.165 .200 .108 -.124

I prefer a structured and decided lifestyle to a flexible and adaptable lifestyle. x -.195 .533 x -.152
I'm not a big risk taker. -.059 -.350 .224 .087 -.384
I prefer work that is routine. x -.187 .549 x -.174
I would be happy if I could avoid change/risk. .074 -.202 .215 .095 -.273
I want a steady pace, security, and do not like sudden change. .078 -.254 .188 .090 -.172

Safety is an essential matter. x -.161 .362 .190 .159
I do things when I should do them. .044 -.258 .277 .262 .476
I do things when I'm supposed to do them. .036 -.289 .316 .253 .459
If I do something that causes me trouble, Im sure to avoid doing it again. -.074 -.215 .270 .257 .160

I follow directions. x -.146 .494 .256 xx
I stick to the rules. x -.275 .437 .217 x
I avoid breaking the law, even very minor laws. -.101 -.288 .191 .311 .049
I have a compulsion to follow the rules. .110 -.319 .177 .291 -.080
I would not be comfortable living in an unsafe area. .101 -.171 .167 .288 .036
I am good at following orders. .118 -.300 .310 .287 .070
I am very careful. .042 -.229 .424 .244 -.061
I tend to take precautions. .033 -.251 .441 .191 -.061

Sometimes I am overly cautious. .048 -.187 .344 .190 -.351


I value the practical more than the artistic. x -.210 .223 -.143 x


Ken Kesey
I'm a born leader. .248 .298 .162 .220 .324
I am aware at a detailed level of what is going on in my body including my emotional state. .143 .402 .160 .198 .161

Bill Gates
Ralph Nader
I find it rewarding to be very aware of my environment at all times. .177 .328 .220 .193 .042
There is nothing more important than conscious living. .140 .259 .288 .146 .050

Anthony Michael Hall in Sixteen Candles
When I'm depressed, I desire things to make more sense. .219 .142 .214 .163 -.163

George C. Scott in Patton
I am very ambitious. .248 .319 .253 x .284
If I have a flaw, it might be that I am overly confident. .316 .155 .157 -.051 .169
I am very skilled at achievement. .205 .205 .193 .083 .412
I have an assertive personality. .218 .291 .150 x .170
I compare current experience against stored past impressions and experiences. .154 .354 .263 -.130 .125
I am motivated by the desire to be in control of my life. .265 .350 .189 .015 .179
I want to follow a path in life which is ambitious, unconventional, logical, beneficial to the world, and makes me happy. .163 .384 .172 .129 .206
I regularly assess my life path as to whether I'm living my life optimally, and make changes if I decide I'm not. .208 .223 .144 .136 .237
I objectively measure the external world to achieve measurable goals. .226 .146 .456 .087 .163
I am more talented than average and thus have more responsibility to contribute to the world. .269 .269 .145 .098 .165

Jung/Myers-Briggs ENTX
Nikola Tesla
Aldous Huxley
In romantic relationships, I tend to make more of the big/important decisions. .324 .141 .184 .067 .094
I set high standards for myself and others. .244 .214 .363 x x
I am stimulated by an approaching deadline. .137 .165 .254 x x
I live my life according to a plan which I change/modify when I'm not happy. .166 .253 .290 x x
I am stubbornly true to myself which is great when my I'm right and awful when I'm wrong. .145 .434 .150 .094 -.029
It is important to reprogram oneself. .165 .320 .283 .120 -.088
Self promotion is important. .503 .168 .147 x .130
I have very strong preferences on what I like and don't like. .182 .170 .194 x x
My goal in life is omniscience. .208 .182 .295 -.060 .016
It is very important for me to maintain my preferred internal feeling state(s). .211 .240 .169 x x
Pleasure (the gratification of my desires) is very important to me. .348 .335 .198 -.128 .066
I live my life based on a specific system that I created. .230 .238 .232 .095 .074
I am an aesthetics Nazi. .284 .164 .181 -.051 -.001
Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it. .227 .222 .211 -.068 -.074
Use only that which works, and find it within. .214 .207 .155 .048 .016
I am highly aware of my immediate surroundings and using my five senses (hearing, sight, smell, touch, taste) to immediately react to them. .159 .335 .150 .066 .095

Paranoid Personality Disorder
Brian Krakow in My So Called Life
I'd rather be constantly progressing in my understanding of the universe than be happy. .160 .379 .331 x -.154
If you don't fight back, people will keep hurting you. .206 .164 .179 .044 -.156
I spend a lot of time analyzing other people. .152 .268 .138 x -.248
Sometimes I focus so much on the goal that I miss new information. .172 .179 .176 x -.215
I am very suspicious of others. .194 .156 .154 -.037 -.463
I spend a lot of time analyzing myself. .167 .303 .181 .103 -.325
Everything is my business. .278 .172 .139 x -.177
I feel I must control every thought and every action perfectly. .277 .061 .358 .083 -.297
I would be willing to kill for a cause I believed in. .173 .269 .185 -.088 -.225
The average person out there doesn't realize how easily they can be deceived by a clever operator. .163 .273 .234 -.048 -.220
It is very irresponsible to have kids if you don't have adequate financial resources. .149 .149 .357 -.028 -.154

Bill Clinton
Axel Foley Beverly Hills Cop
Chevy Chase In Fletch
Ace Ventura in Ace Ventura
Number Five in Short Circuit
Inigo Montoya in Princess Bride
Steve Martin in The Jerk
Peter Sellers in the Pink Panther
Kyle Valenti in Roswell
I generate a lot of enthusiasm. .268 .324 .111 .144 .389
I like performing and/or speaking in front of an audience. .149 .247 -.021 .145 .274
I can get pretty much anyone to like me romantically. .291 .308 -.044 .163 .351
Enjoying being alive is more important than being logical. .162 .197 -.117 .165 .280
With one smile, I can often make someone Ive just met interested in getting to know me better. .265 .240 -.023 .207 .360
Once a week or more, I become very excited. .251 .219 -.121 .156 .254
You can never be too optimistic. .151 .396 -.131 .166 .334
I have an intense need to live the best life I can. .271 .346 .062 .154 .311
I am full of energy. .195 .295 -.133 .155 .554
I am excited about life. .159 .270 -.078 .211 .660
I radiate joy. .147 .187 -.046 .234 .644
Optimism is my oxygen. .181 .162 -.031 .333 .565
I can always see how I relate/connect to others. .146 .237 .116 .270 .206
Other people energize me. .159 .145 -.059 .386 .144

Barack Obama
Carl Jung
Dave in Breaking Away
George Bailey in It's a Wonderful Life
Oskar Schindler in Schindler's List
Princess Leia in Star Wars
Michael J. Fox in Back to the Future
Seth Coen in the OC
McLovin in Superbad
Jason Schwartzman in Bored to Death
Vincent Chase in Entourage
I like being part of a subculture. .147 .165 .022 .290 -.131
Intensity of feelings is the most important variable in choosing a romantic partner. .264 .193 -.054 .311 -.036
I can read minds to some degree. .142 .342 .068 .168 .003
My main motivation is to do whatever it takes to be loved unconditionally. .439 .166 -.089 .350 -.082
I look for signs. .209 .324 -.075 .322 -.073
I believe in a collective unconscious. .164 .392 -.067 .140 -.032
I tend to think of myself in terms of how I relate to the world. .253 .243 .025 .228 .005
I attempt to make the outer world more like my inner self. .176 .328 .110 .158 .048
pleasure seeking .442 .216 -.093 .176 -.018
I try to maximize pleasure. .529 .296 -.030 .140 .128
I find it rewarding to let my feelings guide me in life. .144 .181 x .299 x
I seek out pleasure. .487 .294 -.060 .158 .094
I get my energy from outside ideas. .295 .175 .036 .200 .095
I find it rewarding to only put myself in environments that affirm my values. .213 .170 .055 .182 .013
People are like tv shows, if you like them, you want to watch their show, see how it turns out. .230 .211 .129 .176 -.056
I can feel when a romantic interest is no longer interested even if I'm not in their presence. .179 .203 .002 .178 .003
I want to be in romantic relationship with someone that I think is awesome. .299 .192 -.055 .352 .012
An underlying consciousness and intelligence connects everyone. .144 .357 .022 .253 .076
I frequently assess other peoples emotional states by watching their behavior. .145 .411 .100 .251 -.038
I get off on being really into someone. .310 .182 -.021 .245 -.094
I like assertive romantic partners. .183 .206 .063 .235 -.091
Early in a relationship, I can quickly discern what's important to someone I like, and become that. .301 .147 .001 .229 -.074
A life without meaning is of no value. .166 .149 .075 .225 .081
I am constantly moving toward that sense of intense stimulation in my relationships. .271 .229 -.053 .171 .106
I am extremely sensual. .224 .209 -.093 .198 .110

I am very sensitive to environmental circumstances. .149 .155 x .221 -.214
My awareness could best be described as a stream of feelings. .209 .242 x .199 -.173
I'm preoccupied with finding my value in the world. .241 .253 .118 .183 -.346
With positive attention and thinking you can attract everything to your life that you want. .241 .281 x .144 .347
I over think things. .227 .224 .102 .169 -.328
I have had 'crushes' on people that were so intense that they were painful. .196 .275 -.079 .200 -.228
I worry no one will understand the depths of my heart. .292 .306 .047 .326 -.366
I've gone through a lot of phases. .160 .267 -.023 .150 -.239
I wonder a lot about my fate, my destiny. .231 .283 -.069 .302 -.213
My natural mode is to be ingratiating. .304 .141 x .167 -.179
I am self destructive. .144 .244 -.077 .150 -.585
I trust impressions, symbols, and metaphors more than what I actually experienced .144 .176 x .154 -.165

Narcissitic Personality Disorder
James Bond
Tony Stark in Iron Man
I am my biggest fan. .309 .275 .094 -.148 .310
Other people are envious of me. .488 .388 .115 -.084 .248
I think I am a superior role model. .508 .316 .136 -.030 .341
I am very impressive. .508 .430 .136 -.103 .508
I view obligation as a position of weakness and vulnerability to other's control. .143 .301 .024 -.159 .204
Other people are a witness to my greatness. .497 .433 .128 -.080 .245

Enneagram Type 8
Steve Jobs
John Cuzack Grosse Pointe Blank
Christopher Walken True Romance
Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction
Cate Blanchett in Blue Jasmine
Sharen Stone in Basic Instinct
Anne Bancroft in Mrs. Robinson
Mike Damone in Fast Times at Ridgemont High
deceptive .314 .223 .069 -.372 -.091
I am cunning. .227 .405 x -.209 x
It's normal to use sex/sexuality for power and control. .400 .244 x -.155 -.126
I am very able/skilled in manipulation. .271 .354 x -.170 -.126
I have a big ego. .375 .238 .074 -.278 .053
I have an obsession with power. .442 .176 .120 -.163 -.138
No one else's life is more valuable than mine. .225 .142 .121 -.388 .026
I can interrupt others. .183 .195 x -.162 x
In important ways, I am superior to most people. .314 .360 x -.212 x
I believe I'm better than others. .362 .203 x -.383 x
Losers deserve to lose. .188 .190 x -.293 x
I could make an effective 'con artist' if the situation required it. .251 .400 .041 -.149 -.038
I prefer rude, but exciting people to nice, but boring people. .285 .348 .032 -.199 -.019
I enjoy conflict. .271 .257 .100 -.242 -.125
I find it easy to manipulate others. .437 .404 .009 -.158 -.118
I convince people to do things my way. .332 .251 .135 -.165 .075
There is nothing I wouldn't resort to, to achieve something I want. .393 .224 -.055 -.307 -.032
I feel perfectly justified in getting my way, all the time. .406 .161 -.116 -.249 .065
I recognize other people only as means to obtain what I desire. .425 .164 .093 -.248 .050
I trust my feelings over the feelings of others. .162 .401 .092 -.151 .069
being honest ooooo being right .295 .188 .016 -.330 -.033
I consider my needs to be more important than the needs of others. .274 .164 x -.629 -.100
I am determined to have my own way. .420 .391 .051 -.195 -.034
I do what I want, when I want. .177 .392 -.020 -.147 .129
If I want something, I am ruthless in my attempts to get it. .357 .315 .104 -.223 .008
I focus entirely on getting my own way, helping myself. .302 .308 .139 -.240 -.087
I have a superiority complex. .349 .210 .072 -.288 -.060
I find it easy to manipulate others. .437 .404 .009 -.158 -.118
No one is good enough for me. .215 .147 .100 -.161 -.049
If there were not enough spots left on the safety boat of sinking ship in ice cold waters, I'd do everything I could to get one of those spots. .361 .155 -.017 -.231 .049 (men)

Covert/Inverted Narcissism
Josef Stalin
Adolf Hitler
Jodi Arias
John Hamm in Mad Men
Al Pacino in The Godfather
Gloria Swanson in Sunset Boulevard
I am critical of others. .302 .140 x -.238 -.236
I enjoy putting one over on others. .242 .274 x -.244 -.216
I have a hard time with all of my romantic relationships and I often get bored. .181 .220 x -.158 -.294
Other people accuse me of being manipulative. .280 .316 x -.247 -.213
I sometimes profit at the expense of others, without being bothered by the pain or damage I may cause them. .189 .254 x -.457 -.230
People tell me I'm selfish but it's never conscious. .220 .146 x -.308 -.241
I see people who get taken advantage of as being weak and deserving of being used. .237 .231 x -.377 -.190
I only want to do what I want to do. .240 .312 .115 -.301 -.198
It makes me happy to outsmart someone. .324 .222 x -.194 -.240
I am manipulative. .299 .247 .050 -.174 -.249
I pretend to be nicer than I am. .164 .173 x -.188 -.367
I pretend to be friendlier than I am. .164 .184 x -.204 -.416
I pretend to care more than I do. .154 .162 x -.238 -.303
I enjoy stealing things or at least I used to. .139 .226 -.105 -.149 -.203
I am snarky. .148 .240 x -.193 -.264
I can be insensitive to the feelings of others. .218 .254 .100 -.260 -.257
I'll lie whenever it benefits me. .249 .227 -.129 -.217 -.323
I am somewhat of a jerk. .217 .222 .121 -.245 -.327
Other people accuse me of being self-centered. .304 .263 x -.367 -.144
I have difficulty waiting my turn. .279 .144 x -.180 -.177
I use others to get what I want. .337 .278 .073 -.216 -.192
My friends tend to be assholes to others. .202 .202 .075 -.237 -.240
I will twist the truth and distort reality in order to achieve my goals. .309 .272 -.001 -.187 -.228
I'm fine with hurting people if they deserve it. .149 .252 x -.360 -.248
I am arrogant. .346 .172 .015 -.294 -.191
I enjoy watching people be insulted. .244 .160 .102 -.407 -.272
I see myself as critical, quarrelsome. .142 .222 x -.160 -.324
I will cheat in order to win. .367 .160 -.052 -.188 -.272
I can be condescending to people. .185 .158 .134 -.195 -.204
I enjoy insulting people. .309 .157 .088 -.412 -.275
I find controlling others rewarding. .428 .179 .121 -.202 -.157
I disregard others and look down on them with an arrogant eye. .230 .176 .080 -.255 -.288
I know in my heart that I am a bully. .301 .149 .030 -.215 -.301
I frequently want to hit people. .152 .312 .038 -.229 -.393
The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt. .259 .207 .135 -.166 -.261
I hurt people. .179 .175 .028 -.238 -.388
I am more evil than good. .186 .211 .026 -.226 -.387
I would associate with someone whose behavior had a negative effect on the world if that association was beneficial to me. .155 .204 .021 -.458 -.341
There is nothing wrong with taking advantage of people. .318 .147 .093 -.436 -.151
harsh .281 .187 .106 -.402 -.147

Ferris Bueller
Peter Venkman in Ghostbusters
Val Kilmer in Real Genius
I am more outgoing than reserved. .274 .177 x x .339
I am in love with myself. .252 .145 .059 -.088 .540
I tend to be more center of attention than part of the audience. .427 .295 x x .165
If I ruled the world it would be a better place. .146 .295 .100 .032 .198
Anything I want to do I can do. .145 .408 .048 .103 .477
I seek adventure. .145 .452 -.019 .137 .172
I tend to believe things will work out. .175 .143 .014 .097 .558
I am social, expressive, outgoing, talkative, enthusiastic. .278 .193 x .103 .278
I am interested in doing things that are new and different. .152 .538 x x .281
I see myself as extroverted, enthusiastic. .197 .247 x .121 .411
I am talkative. .299 .162 x .135 .246
I like to look at my body. .212 .191 -.057 .061 .492
I am outgoing, sociable. .329 .191 x .118 .435
I am full of energy. .208 .232 .133 .101 .447
Having a strong will to live is important to me. .189 .185 .111 .106 .480
I stand out. .161 .486 -.012 .010 .183
I can sell anyone anything. .198 .339 x x .163
I have a lot of pride. .300 .201 .134 -.090 .242
I am the life of the party. .266 .201 -.107 .054 .372
I constantly seek new and exciting experiences. .200 .399 -.057 .099 .276
I tend to date very attractive people. .296 .162 .076 .000 .294
Everybody likes to hear my stories. .243 .177 -.055 .110 .321
I am special and chosen. .375 .150 -.109 .074 .295
I seek out positions of leadership. .524 .243 .059 .069 .308
I can bend the universe to my will. .226 .387 .134 -.070 .212
I identify with powerful / dominating types. .390 .359 .074 -.026 .182
If I get the urge to contact someone, I contact them. .167 .171 .064 .136 .314
If a romantic interest isn't interested in hooking up, I can usually get them to change their mind. .340 .168 .051 -.002 .188
My foundation is pursuing what I want/desire. .349 .310 .130 .068 .255
I am very skilled at seduction. .336 .237 -.057 .053 .218
I get what I want. .295 .230 .107 -.031 .423
I am extremely ambitious. .335 .281 .117 .048 .286
I do things that impress me. .419 .304 .121 .031 .207
I am highly ambitious. .426 .304 .021 .089 .390
I can get pretty much anyone to like me romantically. .291 .308 -.044 .163 .351
I am very impressive. .374 .379 .093 .029 .317
I am motivated by the desire to be in control of my happiness. .250 .340 .134 .008 .197
I want to have an exciting life (stimulating experiences). .236 .352 .005 -.020 .158
I don't take no for an answer. .333 .265 -.041 -.045 .224
I find believing in myself rewarding. .183 .213 .112 .002 .484
New experiences are my oxygen. .612 (vital .244) .151 .612 -.018 .098 .244
I have designed my life to maximize my freedom. .186 .431 .018 -.123 .174
Maintaining happiness is my number one priority. .359 .186 .004 .045 .400
I frequently make changes to my life to maximize my happiness. .382 .157 .055 .130 .439

Enneagram Type 7
Hugh Hefner
Hank Moody in Californication
Max Fischer in Rushmore
Otter in Animal house
Matthew Lilly in SLC Punk
Chevy Chase in Caddyshack
Sean Bateman in The Rules of Attraction
The Dude in The Big Lebowski
Han Solo
I flirt in everything I do on some level. .461 .299 x x x
I'm very observant of how I physically feel. .270 .140 x x x
I find being irrational rewarding. .179 .274 -.121 x -.129
I can make others believe anything I want them to. .232 .388 x x x
People accuse me of being a hipster. .179 .293 x x -.115
I am a social chameleon. .248 .226 x x x
I do things when I feel like doing them. .153 .265 x -.121 -.134
I would rather be the center of attention than part of the audience. .516 .267 x x .130
When I have strong romantic feelings for someone, I have to have them. .365 .210 x x x
I expect more from life than most people. .292 .356 .111 x x
I want everyday to be exciting. .295 .434 x x x
I could not be one place my whole life. .183 .378 x x x
I would go outside naked just to attract attention .220 .255 x x x
I would hate to be ordinary. .277 .419 -.035 .075 -.042
My foundation is how great I feel. .363 .269 x x x
How good a job/career makes me feel is more important than how much it makes sense. .248 .184 x x x
I tend to go with whatever path feels the greatest. .175 .365 x x x
I like feeling 'high'. .240 .337 x x -.130
I've been in and stayed in relationships that made me feel good but didn't make sense otherwise. .186 .228 x x x
I pursue activities which make me feel blissful/high. .242 .391 x x x
I have better artistic taste than most people. .196 .411 x x x
Life is a game. .338 .244 -.029 -.029 -.137
I like feeling a heightened sense of pleasure. .319 .352 x x x
I am addicted to attention (positive or negative). .729 .164 -.071 .001 -.058
I can usually talk my way out of anything. .300 .484 -.051 .095 .072
Life is like a game of poker. .179 .337 .076 -.017 -.092
I will do almost anything to avoid feeling low, powerless, down. .306 .196 x x x
I have a strong need for power. .615 .242 .134 -.104 .050
I like to have power over others. .566 .242 .116 -.091 .014
I pursue new, intense experiences in the hopes of finding that next rush. .234 .386 -.065 .045 .137
I am a thrill seeker compared to most people. .214 .426 -.079 -.007 .070
Sex is the most important thing in a romantic relationship. .330 .179 .079 -.124 .018
I am an adventure addict. .189 .412 .088 .038 .127
I am hot-headed (overtly or covertly). .303 .160 .005 -.098 -.128
I value male attention more than female attention. .284 .185 -.061 .063 -.081 (women)
I cultivate a certain image. .459 .190 .089 -.044 .019
I know whether I'm physically attracted to someone within seconds. .340 .196 .008 .093 .065
All my life I've wanted to do something big, bigger and better than the rest. .445 .244 -.018 -.014 .005
I want to stand out. .585 .264 -.077 .133 .056
I have sometimes 'stood-up' a date or a friend because something that sounded like more fun came up. .374 .190 -.021 -.100 -.038
In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different. .325 .335 .136 .036 .019
You can never be too content. .221 .335 -.069 .047 .093
People (other than my significant others) frequently tell my I'm attractive. .237 .191 .009 .096 .128
Physical sensation is very important to me. .375 .173 .005 .117 .055
I like to talk about sex. .254 .197 -.062 .010 .111
I can make anybody believe anything I want them to. .411 .410 x x x
I am argumentitive. .177 .321 .118 -.087 -.125
My opposite sex parent is more interesting than any member of the opposite sex I've ever met. .269 .163 .095 .066 .060
How much I like someone in a relationship is more important (at least in terms of the partners I stick with) than how much they like me. .211 .183 .078 .055 -.013
I would like to find my way into the history books. .230 .398 .128 -.019 -.046
When I want something, I'll sometimes go out on a limb to get it. .317 .389 .000 .110 .135
I can talk others into doing things. .384 .385 -.012 .003 .071
If someone I was interested in liked me, I would rather they just kiss me than ask permission. .250 .173 -.048 .033 .008
When people shout at me, I shout back. .143 .217 -.017 -.109 -.069
The world is a playground to satisfy my desires. .217 .329 .048 -.080 .113
My main motivation is express my individuality. .212 .441 .005 .119 .051
Identity is the imprint of one's will on existence. .250 .323 .065 .032 .080
My sex drive is very high. .248 .301 .074 .051 .007
I am very sexual. .269 .212 -.012 .098 .057
I tell stories in such a way that maximizes my listeners interest/attention (even if I have to bend the truth). .353 .269 -.022 .079 .017
It is vital that I find a career which entertains me. .209 .264 .066 .122 .034
I collect people. .417 .253 -.063 .030 -.030
I shoot my mouth off. .210 .228 -.022 .009 -.097
I like to show off. .372 .227 -.009 -.041 -.007
I am dominant romantically. .441 .220 -.021 -.039 .119
I am defined by what I like. .251 .210 .124 .023 -.027
I like dominant romantic partners. .308 .214 .009 .169 -.045 (women)
I like aggressive romantic partners. .273 .209 .002 .117 .014
I like to produce beautiful things. .189 .426 -.099 .115 .075
I like to produce appealing things. .278 .395 -.048 .132 .089
I want to achieve the impossible. .169 .447 .057 .016 -.036
I would like to live on in some way. .157 .327 .007 .038 .034
I occasionally or often dress or act provocatively to gain attention. .457 .212 x x -.127
I know how to get around the rules. .173 .521 .024 -.034 -.053
I'm very intense. .161 .331 .035 .060 .072

R-Drive Hedonism
Borderline Personality Disorder
Kathleen Hanna
Withnail Withnail & I
I have a history of unstable and intense relationships. .250 .153 x x -.267
I invent my own reality as I go. .145 .401 x x -.297
I have trouble controlling my anger. .185 .154 -.031 -.058 -.465
Sometimes I get so angry I want to burn down the world. .164 .269 -.019 -.006 -.412
I switch quickly from idealizing other people to devaluing them. .301 .201 x -.118 -.415
I fluctuate between feeling superior/amazing and feeling depressed/terrible. .246 .178 x x -.458
I frequently alternate between feelings of high self-worth and self-disappointment. .210 .144 -.120 x -.537
I have angry outbursts. .222 .207 -.026 -.062 -.364
I have a public and private personality. .188 .170 x x -.404
I always feel the need to have a story to tell. .342 .233 x x -.173
My desires exceed my consideration. .362 .144 .048 -.121 -.234
I don't care about attention unless I like someone and then I want all of that person's attention. .285 .135 .054 .128 -.221
When I'm romantically hooking up with someone, I am prone to imagine someone else. .177 .146 -.022 -.118 -.240
My parents want to be closer to me than I want to be with them. .177 .146 .049 -.060 -.281
No one is like me. .157 .241 x x -.160
I can be infatuated with someone one day and hate them the next. .230 .245 x x -.397
I create, put forward my own subjective version of reality in my interactions with others. .155 .440 x x -.160
I have threatened to hurt myself to manipulate others. .139 .170 x x -.297
I am romantically attracted to people who are much older than me. (women) .207 .247 .037 .044 -.144
I have boundary issues. .222 .162 .034 -.014 -.239
I'm a mass of conflicting impulses. .197 .221 -.097 .086 -.514
I select romantic partners that are really into me or that I'm really into, but rarely do I find both. .243 .144 .057 .071 -.257
What I want changes from one hour to the next. .244 .264 -.118 .082 -.330
I would make a good scam artist. .257 .399 .022 -.116 -.149
I find myself exaggerating my achievements to win the respect of others. .380 .153 x x -.235
I tend to focus on how disconnected/different I am from others. .265 .442 .081 .061 -.236
I tend to pursue pleasurable things without considering whether they actually are good for me. .235 .160 -.135 .012 -.145
I am obsessive. .258 .300 .060 .112 -.223
Music is the most important thing in my life. .156 .186 -.091 .119 -.234
I am possessive. .465 .173 .074 .071 -.147
I am a rage-aholic. .153 .211 .027 -.074 -.262
I have a secret life. .146 .336 -.003 -.022 -.230
I am very concerned about the hidden motives of others. .175 .150 .111 .076 -.354
The normal rules don't apply to me. .229 .473 -.077 -.092 -.218
I tend to be prone to intrusiveness. .391 .178 -.034 -.112 -.193
I like to antagonize others. .286 .271 .042 -.096 -.160
I am sexually aroused by things that I think are bad. .201 .184 -.068 .041 -.213
I am obsessive about things that interest me. .167 .410 .070 .014 -.215
I have a history of inappropriate crushes. .265 .292 .102 .027 -.230
I'm only interested in things I'm extremely passionate about. .170 .404 .057 -.019 -.180
I need to be inspired. .190 .199 -.022 .039 -.164 (men have -.245 thinking score on this)
I like people too much or not at all. .264 .230 .063 -.030 -.305
I have imaginary conversations in my head regarding whoever I care the most about romantically. .207 .272 -.091 .132 -.216
I tell many 'white lies.' .281 .238 -.063 -.102 -.344
I tend to act out when I am being ignored. .417 .177 -.080 .100 -.156
My parents were both overly complimentary and rejecting, alternately. .196 .226 -.067 .070 -.230
addictive tendencies .242 .217 -.116 -.004 -.255
I'm prone to addiction. .192 .188 -.023 .059 -.308
I am preoccupied with my inner-thought world. .171 .411 -.104 .056 -.355
If someone hurt a loved one of mine, I would stop at nothing to get revenge. .239 .369 .061 -.079 -.152
I have manic phases. .157 .467 -.075 .066 -.338
I'm kind of manic. .149 .492 -.072 .054 -.314
If it benefits the world, I'll be dishonest. .200 .161 .002 -.072 -.267
I'm very motivated but have a lot of anxiety. .181 .281 .011 .127 -.179
I'm very smart but I'm not happy. .172 .215 .123 .006 -.569
I confuse commitment with engulfment. .160 .155 -.023 .008 -.383
I would be a terrorist for a cause I believed in. .159 .307 .075 -.115 -.208
I engage in daily acts of rebellion. .166 .522 -.031 -.022 -.174
I like to imagine I have a better life than I do. .442 .148 .009 .022 -.145

Julie Andrews in A Sound of Music
Keanu Reeves in Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure
I have a history of very close friendships. .317 .193 -.230 .166 .168

Bruce Willis in Die Hard
Duckie in Pretty in Pink
I value sensation over thought. .271 .175 -.139 .143 x

Renee Zellweger in Bridget Jones's Diary
There is nothing better than discovering a new song I love. .208 .214 -.156 .154 -.171
My moods carry me through life, they are my track/foundation. .290 .213 -.256 .171 -.226

Valeria Lukyanova
part of audience ooooo center of attention .268 .173 -.148 -.193 .499

Tyler Durden
Malcolm McDowell in A Clockwork Orange

Jules in Jules and Jim
Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction
Daniel Day Lewis in There Will Be Blood
Jack Nicholson in The Shining
Robert Deniro in Taxi Driver
John Bender in the Breakfest Club

A lot of people want to have sex with me. .319 .186 -.244 .045 .394
I like to flirt. .272 .153 -.151 .052 .365
I'm a flirt. .200 .302 -.146 .095 .162

Jung/Myers-Briggs ENFX
Salvador Dali
Juno in Juno
Amelie in Amelie
Claire Danes in My So Called Life
Ingrid Bergman in Casablanca
Audrey Hepburn in Breakfest at Tiffanys
Faye Dunnayway in Bonnie and Clyde
Jack Nicholson in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
John Belushi in The Blues Brothers
Tim Riggins in Friday Night Lights
Michael Guerin in Roswell
Maria Deluca in Roswell
I'm more spontaneous than planned out. .140 .420 -.516 x x
Fun is more important than rationality. .181 .261 -.304 x x
I am impulsive. .204 .345 -.149 x -.121
You can never be too happy. .186 .414 -.169 .094 .094
I like to start new fads and fashions. .445 .190 -.190 .131 .133
I pursue new, intense experiences in the hopes of finding that next rush. .231 .563 -.143 x .128
When I want attention from someone I find a way to get it. .444 .200 -.159 -.057 .031

John Cuzack in Better Off Dead
Jared Leto in My So Called Life
Martin Riggs Lethal Weapon
Ratso in Midnight Cowboy
Thora Birch in Ghost World
Winona Ryder in Heathers
I tend to have shifting goals, values, and vocational aspirations. .211 .235 -.179 x -.302
I don't have good boundaries. .206 .148 -.149 x -.355
I can behave very immaturely. .171 .166 -.266 x -.279
I tend not to think before I act. .157 .197 -.425 x -.296
I jump into things without thinking. .217 .304 -.522 x -.238
I enjoy being reckless. .154 .495 -.142 x -.185
I have a short fuse. .299 .329 -.204 -.056 -.370
I often don't see the longer term consequences of some of my behavior. .178 .141 -.215 x -.295
I have trouble weighing consequences. .154 .139 -.261 x -.296
I have a bad temper. .294 .319 -.235 -.060 -.401
I'm impulsive in my actions. .232 .271 -.207 .102 -.230
I am impatient. .274 .242 -.230 -.055 -.210
I sometimes jump too quickly into an activity and don't allow enough time to think it over. .250 .177 -.207 x -.161
Sometimes I think so much about new possibilities that I never look at how to make them a reality. .179 .258 -.178 x -.359

People ocassionally tell me that I'm attractive. .269 .126 -.181 .138 .448

Jeff Spicoli in Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Super logical people annoy me. .203 x -.213 x -.134
I appreciate decoration. .329 .123 -.153 .114 -.002
Thinking is overrated. .250 -.034 -.155 .068 -.054
I act wild and crazy .547 .065 -.270 .077 -.114
I let myself go. .315 .018 -.220 .101 -.063

I am very superstitious. .242 .042 -.200 .077 -.196
I sometimes feel as if I could sleep for a week. .202 .110 -.181 .120 -.313
I deal with criticism very poorly. .221 -.122 -.220 .118 -.432
dependent .303 -.101 -.254 .055 -.398
I am attracted to jerks. .288 .088 -.140 .021 -.240
I lie to make things go smoother. .203 .101 -.171 x -.313
I am moody. .221 .134 -.146 .011 -.490
I am romantically attracted to people that sort of hate me, historically. .147 .121 -.155 -.089 -.267
I do not acknowledge internal contradictions. .231 -.078 -.146 -.010 -.217
I am afraid to be alone in the dark. .146 -.035 -.157 .099 -.202

Jung/Myers-Briggs Extroversion
Big 5 Extroversion
I am more engaging than withdrawn. .269 .113 x x .462
I am more talkative than solitary. .305 x -.124 .128 .319
I am more loud than shy. .275 .127 -.130 x .228
I am MORE social, expressive, outgoing, talkative, enthusiastic THAN reserved, private, distant, in-the-background. .274 .123 -.122 .125 .422
Maintaining my physical health is very important to me. .202 -.006 .085 .068 .327
I'm attached to my life. .140 x .118 x .470
I like to look at myself in the mirror. .480 .124 -.053 -.059 .165
I like to show off my body. .480 .084 -.115 -.057 .183
Fun is the most important thing in life. .212 .136 -.090 .025 .149
I have a wide range of friends and know lots of people. .283 .125 x .119 .363
I am usually quite confident when learning a new game or sport. .343 .082 .060 .095 .344
I know when someone is romantically into me. .308 .108 .025 .057 .323
I generally have the upper hand in my romantic relationships. .163 .128 .060 -.046 .281
I deserve to be loved a great deal. .213 .110 .003 .132 .393
I am assertive romantically. .423 .128 -.050 .075 .253
I am driven to live the healthiest life possible. .169 -.044 .081 .096 .338
I am financially wealthy. .239 .052 .081 -.046 .205
I like to be masculine. .397 .027 .047 .054 .161 (men)
There is a formula for success, unsuccessful people just don't understand/believe that. .433 .085 .113 -.113 .166

MXXXX (see top of page)

Histrionic Personality Disorder
I absolutely crave the attention from the opposite sex and I feel worthless if I lose it. .550 x x x -.172
I'm prone to jealousy. .386 x x x -.299
I often feel like people are saying negative things about me behind my back. .175 x x x -.542
I am fake. .173 .003 .001 -.090 -.425
I have shallow emotions. .160 x x -.126 -.268
I get into moods, feeling that my partner does not care enough, does not give enough, is not 'there' enough. .239 x x .110 -.349
My anger is often elicited when a caregiver or lover is neglectful, withholding, uncaring, or abandoning. .270 x x .123 -.287
I'm biased towards what I think is right even if I know I might be wrong. .215 x x x -.244
I feel I have to negotiate other people's perceptions of me in being who I am. .314 x x .114 -.384
I sometimes play the victim. .278 x x x -.359
Mental illness is a sign of weakness. .201 x x x -.236
I have constructed an image of self that is more attractive than reality. .256 .062 .032 -.050 -.166
I am dependent and demanding. .380 -.057 -.021 -.002 -.206
I hate losing so much. .339 x .115 -.118 -.234
I tend to dwell on the differences I have with loved ones. .145 x x x -.417
If someone I like seems disinterested I pretend to be disinterested. .327 .028 .050 .064 -.191
Things that make me unattractive to others should be changed. .472 -.071 .021 .131 -.303
I can't be with someone that's critical of me. .142 x x x -.241
I'm prone to make mental excuses in my mind for my misdeeds. .174 x x x -.363
I freak out often. .189 x x .103 -.489
I would not be happy if I was poor. .410 x x -.137 -.150
I would not be happy if I had less money. .385 x x -.122 -.180
I would rather be with someone I sort of liked than be alone feeling unwanted. .223 x x .125 -.161
I tend to enhance/exaggerate my emotions so others take notice of me. .618 .100 -.099 .041 -.154
I am always restlessly trying to determine whether people are my enemy or friend. .162 .120 .046 .069 -.439
I'm uncomfortable having friends that are better looking than me. .335 .006 -.169 -.011 -.269
If I'm not the best at something, I'm not interested in it. .328 .087 .083 -.041 -.198
I pry into others' personal affairs. .228 .038 -.018 .010 -.171
I react intensely. .233 x x x -.221
I am preoccupied with doubts about the loyalty or trustworthiness of friends or associates. .169 .089 .027 .083 -.451
I need others to assume responsibility in major areas of my life. .275 -.065 -.069 .123 -.551
I prefer to date people who I feel are superior to me. .252 x x x -.152 (women)
If it feels better to do A than B, I will do A everytime. .165 .138 x x -.180
My ideal relationship is one where the other party puts in more effort. .430 .083 -.078 -.055 -.173
I need another person similar to me to help get me through life. .227 -.075 -.058 .113 -.322
I don't like to confess. .197 .035 .007 -.117 -.259
I am overstimulated easily. .193 .042 -.058 .057 -.251
I get upset if my significant other does not compliment me a lot. .397 .051 -.062 .125 -.169
I only really need a romantic partner, I can live without friends. .210 .123 .095 -.050 -.218
I have exaggerated illness or other weakness in order to get attention. .277 x x x -.363
I focus more on being liked (being attractive) than what I like (what I find attractive). .479 -.093 -.049 .119 -.194
I sometimes grovel to win people back. .344 .005 -.017 .230 -.238
I don't think I'm particularly attractive but I prefer looking at my face in the mirror than looking at most other people's faces. .265 .068 .005 -.055 -.284
I overrate myself to others. .345 .116 .116 -.088 -.170
when I do make a conclusion it is hard to change my mind and I tend to hang on for dear life. .322 .068 -.008 -.017 -.190
It is a disgrace to appear to be wrong. .360 -.025 .062 -.040 -.206
I always want to know everything about my new friends and nothing of my old. .294 .075 -.012 .036 -.163
I am vain. .411 .080 .009 -.100 -.208
I have animosity towards people that don't respect my culture. .325 .091 .106 -.060 -.182
If you care about anything, you can't be totally honest. .296 .101 .116 -.120 -.192
I don't like to be criticized. .308 .034 -.072 .085 -.177
I don't like to admit being wrong. .360 .117 .034 .008 -.192
I expect immediate gratification. .537 .079 -.055 -.062 -.226
I am overly concerned with my attractiveness. .694 .030 -.065 .059 -.226
I'm uncomfortable having same sex friends that are better looking than me. .246 .013 -.042 -.024 -.181
It is very important that I am liked and I will bend the truth if I have to to ensure that. .453 -.120 .025 .018 -.208
Romantically, the burden is on the other person to prove they love me. .228 x x x -.227
I'd rather be more attractive (than I am) than have a more attractive romantic partner (than I could normally get). .262 -.074 -.030 .107 -.215
I would be happy if I looked out for my own interests more. .235 -.040 .084 .139 -.226
My need to be appreciated exceeds my capacity to appreciate others. .493 -.026 .031 -.130 -.246
I don't like admitting I'm wrong to myself .285 .097 -.058 -.157 -.255
How much someone likes me in a relationship is more important (at least in terms of the partners I stick with) than how much I like them. .252 .097 .126 .093 -.191
I can be needy in a romantic relationship. .393 .008 -.115 .161 -.255
My image is more important than the truth. .492 .027 -.033 -.064 -.196
When I am depressed, I desire more social interaction. .173 -.057 -.139 .131 .242
I would prefer to achieve eternal fame and die at 40 to living an ordinary life till 100. .463 .119 .010 -.139 -.190
privacy ooooo attention .522 .094 -.079 -.120 -.220
If I don't reply to a text message, I probably don't want to talk to the person again. .184 .116 .103 -.021 -.251
Some people have told me that I make too many excuses for myself. .285 .139 -.058 .022 -.338
I dislike physical/manual labor of any kind. .181 -.029 .028 -.130 -.250
I dislike manual labor. .225 .089 -.078 -.118 -.201
Being honest limits your opportunities in a bad way. .328 .135 .128 -.135 -.227
If I fix all my (imagined) external flaws, I can feel happy and lovable. .362 -.118 -.050 .112 -.309
I'm jealous of people that I think are better than me. .597 -.044 -.047 .059 -.340
I tend to have an internal dislike/disdain for people that are more attractive than me. .526 .021 -.083 .004 -.343
I am the product of circumstance. .207 .045 .072 .078 -.363
I depend on money from my parents and/or a significant other. .208 -.058 -.104 .010 -.257
There's a lot of things I won't eat. .155 -.012 -.007 -.043 -.265
I get upset when things don't go my way. .479 .070 .003 .046 -.261
Deep down I'm a selfish person but I choose not to live that way. .330 .084 .004 -.091 -.267
There's only so much happiness in the world and other people are hoarding it. .179 -.030 .079 .021 -.267
I become obsessed with manipulating how others feel about me. .437 .082 .045 .060 -.294
I don't need any more anxiety in my life. .221 .110 -.002 .123 -.302
I wish my parents had told my I was special more as a child. .150 .016 .062 .098 -.265
I am overly accommodating to loved ones but no one else. .202 .008 .048 .014 -.273
My need to be loved may exceed my capacity to love. .320 -.033 -.013 -.040 -.311
I have engaged in bullying. .253 .081 .071 -.093 -.201
My worst fear is to be forgotten or overlooked. .347 .029 -.047 .118 -.320
It doesn't matter if you like yourself if no one else likes you. .176 -.048 -.063 .095 -.293
I fantasize about getting a horrible disease and seeing how people I know would react. .246 .017 -.098 .123 -.363
If I started my life over knowing everything I know now, I would change a lot. .186 -.006 .087 .086 -.384
true inner self 00000 false outer self .404 .000 .085 -.097 -.390
When I see a person I like connecting with someone else, it bothers me. .261 .061 -.114 .070 -.313
It is difficult for me to forgive. .175 .096 .087 -.128 -.330
If I'm unsure whether someone I like likes me enough, sometimes I push them away. .150 .121 .043 .137 -.343
I have trouble differentiating myself from my external environment. .254 -.073 -.005 .118 -.363
I would be more motivated if the world was more attractive. .282 .124 .095 -.077 -.372
I fear being inconsequential in life. .283 .022 .060 .122 -.374
I focus entirely on avoiding romantic relationship rejection. .201 .111 .104 -.015 -.361
I avoid doing chores until I have to do them. .164 .123 -.074 -.118 -.287
I'm not good at taking jokes about myself. .226 -.109 -.122 .015 -.375
If I don't pick things up very quickly, I find them difficult to learn. .262 .026 .010 .070 -.334
I associate love with longing for something that doesn't love me. .248 .018 -.026 .009 -.390
I don't trust others but I want others to trust me. .216 .129 .017 -.019 -.394
When an event I want to go to sells out before I get a ticket I feel really bad. .262 .052 -.019 .120 -.148
I am neurotic. .213 .071 .003 .014 -.405
I can be demanding in a romantic relationship. .274 .120 -.002 -.042 -.351
Who I consciously choose to be and who I instinctually am are very different. .234 .067 .011 .076 -.450
I would be happy if I was more physically attractive/perfect. .257 .065 .010 .092 -.466
I know I could be happy if I could trade places with certain people. .263 -.080 .080 .114 -.485
Changing the external is more important than changing the internal. .407 .021 .042 -.128 -.152
Deep down I'm an angry person. .203 .111 .022 -.087 -.588
Physical beauty is truth. .428 -.069 .095 -.060 -.162
Romantically, I imagine abandoning behavior, even when/where it doesn't exist. .256 .084 -.112 .109 -.348
I would rather live a happy delusion than a painful reality. .291 .000 -.107 .089 -.249
I avoid considering how I feel about certain things, because if I do, it will unsettle me. .258 .089 -.084 .109 -.557
My moral judgments are based mostly on how things effect me. .370 .061 .026 -.055 -.160
I rely on external things to make me feel better about myself. .407 -.025 .081 .050 -.403
I look for other people to take care of me. .391 -.037 -.128 .062 -.265
I value romantic relationships so I'll pretend to be nicer than I am to secure/keep them. .473 -.053 .022 .084 -.309
Being financially supported by someone else is ideal. .260 -.073 -.091 -.041 -.233
I can be clingy in a romantic relationship. .257 -.034 -.070 .074 -.416
I need attention but I'm unwilling to work to get it. .206 .008 .005 .055 -.233
I feel I've been dealt a poor hand in life thus far. .170 .088 -.008 -.015 -.536
I want to be different than I am. .180 -.105 -.004 .075 -.651
I'm a picky eater. .182 -.004 .002 -.065 -.232
I am unable to change my circumstances. .161 -.111 -.075 -.011 -.618
I am incapable of changing my circumstances. .173 -.102 -.052 .071 -.587
I am desperate. .250 .049 -.014 .082 -.571
I am frequently bored. .192 .063 .029 -.061 -.458
No matter how good things are I find something th complain about. .188 .007 -.038 -.075 -.498
I repress my thoughts. .151 -.074 -.051 .113 -.497
I can be moody. .150 x x x -.433
calm ooooo worrying (big 5 emotional stability) .284 -.058 .045 .089 -.485
relaxed ooooo stressed (big 5 emotional stability) .256 -.100 .002 .065 -.469
When I'm in a romantic relationship I tend to plaqued by doubts it will work out. .155 .108 .001 .013 -.475
When I'm depressed I don't have much attention to give. .181 .081 -.040 -.036 -.428
It concerns me that my motivations might not actually be in my best interests. .155 .134 .095 .070 -.380

Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump
Crocodile Dundee
Alicia Silverstone in Clueless
Exercise helps keep me sane. .189 .124 .014 .200 .327
I frequently reassure my partner that I like/love them in a relationship. .230 .062 .100 .260 .187
I am well groomed. .330 .018 .107 .237 .300
I smile a lot. .203 .025 -.124 .192 .502
I like being part of a group. .386 x x .246 .270
I like being part of a community. .315 x x .403 .258
I am seen as 'outgoing' or as a 'people person.' .312 x x .167 .342
I feel comfortable in groups and like working in them. .240 x x .187 .440
I understand ethnic pride. .140 .008 .085 .317 .174
I prefer to spend time in the outer world of people and things than my inner world of ideas and images. .197 x x .160 .235
I believe that we should be tough on crime. .397 -.030 .096 .204 .184
I'm always smiling. .156 .104 -.093 .228 .492
The people I like the most, make me smile the most. .160 .130 .025 .195 .216
I feel that by being optimistic, I will attract the right kind of person. .190 .061 -.021 .271 .430
Happiness is the most important thing in life. .187 -.030 -.009 .303 .333
Because I consider it important I establish and build relationships with other people. .283 .066 -.094 .415 .324
The existing world is the best of all possible worlds. .162 -.021 .051 .226 .317
Respect is very important to me. .207 .084 .136 .224 .276
I have a people or communications orientation. .247 .116 x .228 .285
I want to be remembered when I die. .335 .096 -.001 .223 .148
I enjoy watching the Olympics. .158 -.047 .064 .161 .239
When I'm feeling stressed, I am more inclined to want to hang out with friends. .207 .071 -.111 .156 .165
I want to be a part of a community. .205 -.047 -.015 .502 .161
I like to be feminine. women .292 -.032 -.068 .180 .221
I like to stand during the national anthem. .363 -.124 .015 .493 .16
My parents are my foundation. .210 -.058 .099 .159 .225
I want to make my family proud. .346 -.137 .094 .410 .149
Just because ever civilization up till now has collapsed doesn't mean the current one will. .177 -.018 .037 .166 .214
Whether or not I know it, there's definitely a formula to happiness. .246 -.049 .055 .207 .197
I want to be a part of a community. .205 -.047 -.015 .502 .161
When I'm attracted to someone I enjoy finding out if it's mutual. .237 .118 .032 .258 .149

R-Drive Romanticism
Coach Taylor in Friday Night Lights
Robert Redford in the Natural
It's normal to need someone to be happy. .420 -.097 .035 .260 -.029
I frequently use emoticons in texts/sms/emails. .224 x x .171 x
If you grow up hearing something is great, it's hard to believe otherwise. .249 x x .256 x
I hate sleeping alone. .164 .106 -.055 .201 -.119
When it comes to a romantic partner strong feelings are more important than intellectual compatibility. .188 x x .223 x
I let my feelings strongly guide me. .168 x x .226 x
I am a very touchy feely person. .155 .125 x .318 x
I always feel obligated to complement people. .210 .112 x .455 x
I feel the need to always be in a relationship. .286 x x .187 x
I believe being tactful is more important than telling the 'cold' truth. .142 x x .270 x
When I am in a romantic relationship it becomes my life. .216 x x x .272 x
I want to be connected to others. .298 x x .362 x
I feel more than I think. .174 x x .361 x
I trust my feelings over my logical thought. .183 x -.101 .268 x
I have no interest in being 100% independent, self-reliant. .191 -.077 -.137 .207 -.093
I lead from the heart, not the head. .146 x -.128 .414 x
When I romantically like someone, I can't ignore my feelings. .187 x x .145 x
I want my parents to love me. .236 x x x .354 x
When I really like someone romantically, I tolerate things I would not normally tolerate. .249 .098 .006 .221 -.079
Understanding the social landscape is very important. .375 .112 .110 .285 .100
Living in a commune appeals to me. .184 .112 .007 .209 -.024
I find being appreciated rewarding. .352 .023 -.018 .283 -.009
The number one quality I look for in a friend is loyalty. .222 .054 .058 .175 .049
I cannot survive without being loved by someone. .200 -.069 -.084 .313 .029
I dislike bragging. .227 .124 .022 .187 -.037
An internally consistent feeling state is more important than an internally consistent logic/rationality. .174 x x .232 x
I would not enjoy having zero contact whatsoever with anyone for a week. .278 .013 -.106 .151 .131
I want to impress my parents. .315 -.096 .074 .342 .055
I want to find someone I love. .366 .003 -.064 .310 -.090
I crave intimacy. .288 .078 .012 .172 -.058
If I was to design my own house, I would design it to resemble others houses that I really liked (which I had seen in person or in pictures). .317 -.085 -.009 .191 -.104
The right romantic partner can transform your life. .235 .087 -.034 .255 .062
It is healthier for a family to be child centered than parent centered. .156 .120 .126 .209 -.049
I don't like to be alone. .283 -.105 -.094 .255 .098
I prefer to date people who I feel are superior to me. .157 x x .195 -.138 (men)
Romantically, I confess I've tended to look for / desire / expect more of a parent figure than an equal partner. .205 -.025 -.024 .178 -.010
I need a significant other who entertains me. .450 .014 .033 .158 -.072
I tend to be the more interested partner in my romantic relationships. .168 .033 -.066 .216 -.043
It is important that I impress my superiors. .520 -.088 .096 .225 .006
If I'm attracted to someone, I tend to stare at them. .219 .022 .028 .406 -.039 (men)
Finding (or maintaining) true love is the main passion in my life. .168 .039 -.088 .319 .048
I often become deeply attached to people I like. .220 .117 -.069 .384 -.073
I get my energy from other people .298 -.026 -.110 .382 -.127
I want to amount to something in the eyes of the world. .492 .093 .037 .173 -.062
I like a romantic partner that will think for me. .389 -.032 -.036 .234 -.095
I don't like missing out on an event that people I care about are enjoying. .397 -.067 -.134 .315 .021
The most important quality in a romantic partner is how good of a parent I think they would be. .254 -.041 .079 .288 .123
It is important to be loved. .256 .014 -.051 .479 .074
I require regular external positive feedback in a relationship. .404 .046 -.017 .281 -.114
I always like to have a mentor in my life. .203 -.005 .068 .298 .122
I very much want to be loved. .409 -.050 -.002 .453 -.101
I don't want to be unattractive to others. .407 .037 -.023 .173 -.128
I prefer my romantic partner to initiate hooking up. .364 .006 -.035 .157 -.126 (women)
I want to be a part of something. .305 .044 -.077 .433 .029
My happiness is contigent on the quality of my relationships. .269 .008 -.027 .411 -.037
Disconnection from people close to me greatly effects my happiness level. .158 .071 -.076 .368 -.092
Being likeable is very important. .516 -.096 -.003 .388 .038
The loss of a parent would be devastating to me. .189 .007 -.007 .295 .022
It is important to be wanted. .458 .005 .006 .335 -.098
I enjoy being controlled by someone I love. .145 -.040 .032 .282 -.114
I don't function well if I don't have at least one person in my life that really cares about me. .250 .054 -.126 .336 -.133
We live on through our children. .148 .002 .059 .324 .093
When I'm in a relationship, I tend to spend all my free time with my significant other. .176 .021 .053 .324 -.026
My behavioral tendencies have been largely shaped by my upbringing. .220 -.061 .124 .269 .000
In times of war or national tragedy, it is important to not be critical of one's government. .179 -.109 .096 .245 .111

I am very easily hurt. .188 -.015 -.132 .327 -.406
I sometimes let my feelings overwhelm me. .187 x x .242 -.390
I feel a yearning for acceptance among my peers. .446 -.115 x .218 -.207
I'll tell white lies to protect other people's feelings, so they won't feel bad. .270 x x .171 -.214
Public opinion can mean a lot. .505 -.122 .050 .296 -.156
I can't tolerate people leaving/abandoning me. .268 x x .181 -.359
The perception of impending separation or rejection, or the loss of external structure, can lead to profound changes in my self-image, affect, cognition, and behavior. .252 x x .182 -.432
I strive for perfection to please the world. .443 -.028 .131 .431 -.142
I fear losing what I have. .283 .058 -.020 .143 -.315
I avoid thinking about certain things, because if I do, it will unsettle me. .316 .082 -.120 .149 -.523
I require the security in a romantic relationship of knowing the other person would never leave me. .257 -.010 .104 .339 -.197
I feel hurt or attacked when someone misundertands me. .418 .065 .062 .242 -.265
I need to be needed. .263 -.062 -.028 .331 -.310
I can experience frantic behaviors towards abandonment (whether real or perceived). .265 .105 x .185 -.414
I'm more aware of what others think than what I think. .284 -.083 .005 .337 -.287
I feel empty when I'm romantically single. .313 .039 .005 .185 -.279
I'm more aware of what others feel than what I feel. .152 .008 .025 .414 -.263
Sometimes I miss seeing or communicating the 'hard truth' of situations. .150 x x .179 -.238
I've never been 100% independent, self-reliant. .167 -.026 -.136 .167 -.290
I think people can read my thoughts. .205 .020 -.049 .185 -.171
My behavioral tendencies have been largely shaped by my environment. .311 .051 .095 .196 -.147
It bothers me if people don't like me. .348 -.064 -.120 .392 -.259
I only do well in affirming environments. .254 .026 .059 .146 -.198
I'm self conscious. .179 x x .165 -.376
If I know someone doesn't like me, it gnaws on me in the back of my mind. .268 x x .311 -.322
If I end a relationship, it makes me feel bad if the other person is fine with that. .243 .018 -.070 .155 -.251
Even when I know I don't want to be with someone and I end things, it still takes me months to get over. .204 -.086 -.032 .154 -.291
Even if I know I don't like someone enough for it to work long term, it can hurt if they break up with me. .208 .029 .029 .244 -.222
My worst fear is to be forgotten. .388 .097 -.072 .246 -.302
My worst fear is to be overlooked. .450 .051 -.023 .269 -.300
I am as interested in why people dislike me as I am in why they like me. .250 .111 .089 .163 -.228
My actions are predominately motivated by how they'll cause others to view me. .495 -.138 .055 .317 -.276
If I like someone romantically, it's hard for me to get over it if they are not into me. .271 .098 -.049 .177 -.309
Romantically, I focus more on whether someone wants me than whether I want them. .180 -.041 -.058 .218 -.316
I focus more on how much a romantic partner likes me than how much I like them. .345 .044 .063 .175 -.255
Being disliked by others causes me anxiety. .328 -.115 -.015 .229 -.437
I would be happy if I was more adventurous/unconventional. .159 -.022 .085 .182 -.315
It's easier for me to connect to a romantic partner than my internal self. .263 -.058 -.049 .282 -.181
I wish life was easier. .224 .020 -.022 .219 -.538
My needs for closeness and emotional safety overwhelm me. .247 -.076 -.119 .243 -.479
I spend a lot of time thinking about the real me vs. the expected me. .172 .105 .046 .180 -.470
I pretend to be normal, that there is nothing wrong with me, that I'm not as different as I know I am. .316 .115 .082 .172 -.415
I criticize myself for not feeling as loving as I think I should. .305 .100 .080 .261 -.375
I am dependent on the support and nurturance of others. .236 -.069 -.136 .319 -.214
I strive for perfection to please others. .412 -.113 .055 .507 -.175
I worry about doing anything that would estrange someone I liked. .194 -.020 .019 .411 -.156
I am defined by a need to be liked. .663 -.066 -.082 .215 -.194
I am unhappy when not in a romantic relationship. .226 .021 -.017 .197 -.144

appreciator ooooo appreciated .210 .052 -.005 -.231 .289

Nurse Ratched in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
Two Face in the Batman films
I am the center of my universe. .417 .128 .076 -.365 -.071
My feelings come first. .274 x x -.246 x
I spend more time thinking about myself than I do thinking about others. .302 x x -.543 x
I make things all about me. .642 .122 .024 -.185 -.042
Money is important to me. .501 x .125 -.168 x
I can quickly recover from a breakup if a meet someone new I like. .184 x x -.196 x
People that meet my needs are good and those that don't are bad. .383 .067 .119 -.185 -.119
I should have a better life than others. .488 .128 .101 -.225 .001
non-superficial ooooo superficial .310 -.120 -.062 -.302 -.040
internal perfection ooooo external perfection .450 -.092 -.059 -.207 .060
Looks are more important than personality. .456 -.092 .005 -.152 -.090
I lack empathy. .157 .110 .102 -.303 -.081
The plight of sweat shop workers in the third world doesn't bother me. .206 -.023 .103 -.194 -.001
Sometimes I enjoy hurting persons I love. .267 .058 -.037 -.192 -.332
If I feel bad in a relationship, I tend to think/feel it's the other person's fault. .280 .038 .014 -.230 .010
Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac. .481 .045 .095 -.150 -.024
I'm a snob. .414 .057 .050 -.203 -.125
How much I am loved is more important than how much I love others. .338 .007 .072 -.187 -.090
The bigger the wealth difference between the rich and the poor the better. .213 -.071 .010 -.179 .057
I run my life in a way where I always get what I want. .433 .111 .089 -.198 .032
I should not have to tolerate unpleasantness ever. .347 .074 .115 -.184 -.093
If I cheated on a romantic partner, I would be unlikely to admit it to them. .233 .020 .033 -.143 -.049
autonomy ooooo social power .460 -.126 -.076 -.200 .100
An ideal trait in a significant other is that they can be abandoned easily if and when necessary. .239 .070 .099 -.205 -.066
It doesn't bother me that people in the third world have dangerous working conditions. .218 .008 .124 -.294 -.118
In romantic relationships, my happiness is more important than my partners. .337 .005 .089 -.339 -.044
I have tended to date people who are nicer than me. .252 -.014 -.085 -.185 -.079 (men
I'm nice to everyone but I care more about myself. .450 x x -.407 x
I have a friendly persona but my actions/goals are purely about what benefits me. .427 .105 .160 -.368 .070
I put myself first even with those close to me. .333 .052 .110 -.522 .088
I would never want to do blue collar work. .275 .108 .004 -.144 -.063
My ego is bigger than my heart. .279 .049 .117 -.404 -.066
I lack remorse when I do something wrong. .187 .085 .008 -.402 -.124
I would not sacrifice my life for anyone else. .228 .020 .109 -.373 -.136
I'm always looking for the best situation for myself regardless of whether it's good for anyone else. .341 .101 .043 -.370 -.124
If there were not enough spots left on the safety boat of sinking ship in ice cold waters, I'd do everything I could to get one of those spots. .397 -.047 .120 -.217 .069 (female)

Alec Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Ross
I lie almost constantly. .193 .113 -.038 -.227 -.345
I often lie to others. .225 .100 x -.211 -.322
I enjoy lying, duping others. .428 .061 .046 -.215 -.213
I attack others. .301 .118 -.041 -.151 -.223
I tend to find fault with others. .183 x x -.224 -.349
I like to brag. .370 .109 -.006 -.229 -.153
superficial .542 .002 .127 -.159 -.304
unkind .172 .090 .099 -.545 -.250
I'm more likely to lie to protect my feelings than to protect other people's feelings. .184 .117 x -.437 -.271
I have trouble compromising, even with loved ones. .201 .128 x -.233 -.353
I am unable to commit to anything for very long. .144 .105 .013 -.155 -.429
My romantic relationships tend to involve power struggles. .308 .089 .025 -.148 -.170
I am self-centered. .411 .107 .048 -.149 -.223
I would rather be too mean than too nice. .229 .129 .114 -.313 -.203
I have trouble taking views of the world that differ from mine seriously. .179 x x -.174 -.280
I'm more likely to lie to protect myself than to protect others. .233 .117 x -.390 -.268
I am preoccupied with myself. .414 .009 .077 -.191 -.231
I don't like to apologize. .265 .001 -.040 -.260 -.167
Wealth is more important than health. .384 -.068 .017 -.189 -.159
It's easier for me to feel bad for myself than others. .196 x x -.259 -.339
I avoid admitting responsibility (or full responsibility) for my mistakes. .213 x -.105 -.193 -.375
I ridicule others. .360 .022 .037 -.175 -.293
I expect more from a romantic partner than I'm willing to give. .380 .003 .080 -.157 -.154
I like to demean other people. .246 .085 .047 -.226 -.262
I am more intolerant than tolerant. .250 .050 .034 -.208 -.209
I want to kill people frequently. .235 .139 .030 -.149 -.344
I take more than I give. .288 -.015 .050 -.577 -.213
I am self-centered. .411 .107 .048 -.223 -.149
I'm not as helpful to others when I'm unhappy. .203 .101 .004 -.152 -.263
I enjoy seeing people I don't like suffer. .342 .105 .090 -.249 -.295
It's my nature to be unhelpful to others but I'm not sure I want to continue being that way. .193 .104 .060 -.295 -.242
If a certain behavior benefited me but had a negative effect on the world, I would still engage in it. .191 .126 .056 -.480 -.346
People I like less have less value than people I like more. .321 .069 .105 -.176 -.174
People as a whole are generally unworthy of kindness. .162 .104 .118 -.227 -.412
I would say I'm more of a critic than a contributor. .215 .000 .114 -.190 -.408
introspective ooooo power seeking .451 -.120 .032 -.277 .390
I help my close trusted friends / significant other and no one else. .230 .013 .110 -.234 -.309
I don't like admitting I'm wrong to others. .309 .126 -.026 -.255 -.265
I don't think much about poor and hungry people in the world. .199 -.045 .072 -.417 -.150
I pretend to be concerned for others. .141 .077 .123 -.323 -.166

I am laid back.


Joe Pesci in Goodfellas

I guide my life using religious scriptures. .290 -.077 -.218 .413 .173

Its easier for me to apprehend my gut/instincts/feelings than my thoughts. .208 .137 -.275 .168 -.075
I would find it odd if someone was fine after the break up of a long term relationship. .191 -.056 -.151 .294 -.117
When it comes to romantic attraction, captivating my heart is more important than captivating my mind. .206 -.131 -.298 .205 .007
I don't like to feel left out. .491 .054 -.150 .177 -.085

Dependent Personality Disorder
I am dependent on the support and nurturance of others. .350 -.116 -.180 .250 -.446
I listen to my heart rather than my brain. .177 -.043 -.184 .438 -.262 (u)
I have trouble functioning when a romantic relationship I'm in is not going well. .334 .035 -.159 .254 -.308
I have trouble functioning after a break up. .312 .023 -.197 .359 -.301
I rely on assurances from others. .328 -.091 -.200 .307 -.282

Gordon Gecko in Wall Street
I am perfect. .433 .303 .140 -.162 .280
I am more dominant than submissive. .171 .291 .169 -.144 .209

Hans Gruber in Die Hard
Kevin Spacey The Usual Suspects
Hannibal Leckter
Dexter Morgan
If I had to kill one innocent person to not be killed, I would do it. .159 .173 .198 -.356 -.086
What I want is more important than what others want .442 .155 .159 -.411 .019
No one is better than me. .150 .171 .170 -.236 .125
Nothing is more important than individual survival. .248 .163 .200 -.293 -.047

Napolean Bonaparte
Frederic Nietzsche
Javier Bardem in No Country For Old Men
I feel the need to have control over the people in my life. .332 .154 .203 -.190 -.255
I am right, others are wrong. .250 .257 .143 -.270 -.173
People have told me I'm bitter. .158 .181 .179 -.214 -.439
Others should be made to pay for their stupidity. .264 .166 .309 -.190 -.165
Being able to manipulate people is very important. .365 .326 .173 -.295 -.185
Ignoring or pushing people away you don't like enough is important. .272 .216 .183 -.206 -.201
I have a lot of concern for those close to me but not much for anyone else. .207 .209 .185 -.250 -.320
You have to be a jerk sometimes. .299 .234 .223 -.157 -.183
Everyone uses everyone, that is the norm. .292 .150 .166 -.172 -.238
I am often skeptical, critical, and evaluative. .161 .194 .501 -.145 -.237


I could maintain an ongoing hookup relationship with someone I didn't care about enough to be serious with. .260 .137 .184 -.200 -.107
Money is important to me. .535 -.115 .193 -.237 .045
I demand perfection in others. .368 .117 .280 -.149 -.105
A meaningful career is more important than a meaningful relationship. .302 .114 .217 -.149 -.057
I'm good at figuring out what I want but not what others want. .229 -.074 .267 -.146 .006 male
To be honest, how much I like someone depends a lot on how useful that person is to me. .397 .075 .249 -.196 -.126
Colleagues are competitors. .388 .039 .202 -.147 -.125

Other people feeling pain is more desirable than me feeling pain. .305 .006 .183 -.369 -.199
People are things to be used. .269 -.007 .181 -.388 -.273
Career is more important than family. .238 .092 .218 -.330 -.148
I am selfless/considerate when it comes to those close to me but selfish/inconsiderate when it comes to strangers. .166 .036 .232 -.143 -.246
I like myself more than I like anyone else. .278 .132 .158 -.196 .276
I only care about myself. .325 .064 .146 -.433 -.186
I don't care much about anyone else beyond my romantic partner and/or close family/friends. .271 .069 .174 -.216 -.294
Even in a romantic relationship, I'm more into myself. .295 -.020 .165 -.239 -.173
I see most people in my life as replaceable. .209 .108 .157 -.252 -.379
I only care about the people close to me. .235 .087 .226 -.300 -.219
I feel bad if someone I care about gets hurt, but I feel little to nothing if it's some random person. .251 .100 .214 -.251 -.206
I get what I want by controlling others. .469 .135 .147 -.249 -.158
I would not be happy if I was poor. .443 -.115 .163 -.245 -.184
I would not be happy if I had less money. .424 .041 .141 -.219 -.145
I am more likely to help someone who shares my values than someone who doesn't. .376 .065 .161 -.236 -.181

I like clear goals and clear ways of measuring success. .338 -.063 .440 .059 .141
The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results. .282 .136 .178 .129 .195
I grew up in a family that prioritized cognition. .249 .034 .200 .078 .218
When I'm in a relationship I'm more likely to think I can do better than worry that I'll be dumped. .263 .119 .160 -.056 .223
I always know how to act. .333 .137 .162 .105 .306
I always know how I feel. .220 .072 .184 .075 .285
I have a long term life plan that is very specific. .184 .006 .274 .059 .191
Health problems should be fixed, not lived with. .169 .112 .225 .078 .180
I do everything the right way. .156 .065 .358 .012 .188
I am very aware of my value compared to others. .251 .133 .189 -.014 .246

Judge Judy
Dr. Phil
I take myself very seriously. .146 x .302 x x
I like to keep my spaces clean. .150 x .428 x x
The more hierarchical society is, the better. .391 -.131 .293 .025 .043
Genetics are more important than upbringing/environment. .171 x .181 x x
The purpose of life is excellence. .281 .124 .372 .032 .102
I like to make lists of things to do. .149 x .538 x x
I need to be in control of my life. .277 .113 .271 .043 .005
My security and safety are more important to me than most people. .228 -.046 .198 -.097 -.022
I like things I can control. .359 .043 .246 -.106 -.047
You can't find your future without a map. .201 -.099 .214 .120 -.104
Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting a particular way .284 .075 .155 .001 -.045
The ends justify the means. .337 .065 .237 -.029 -.008
I dislike imperfect work. .201 .105 .385 x -.119
I want every detail taken care of. .189 x .546 x -.104
My behavior and decisions are generally calculated to maximize my safety/security. .158 x .481 x x
my pace ooooo rat race .243 .068 .193 .033 .075
The best rewards are external. .358 .004 .186 -.051 -.123
Being the best at something is very important to me. .461 .110 .217 .032 .129
I get annoyed when the stoplight turns green and the cars in front of me react too slowly. .269 .037 .190 -.024 -.133
For me to fall for someone, I have to be pursued. .208 .084 .145 .010 -.002
Power over a man's salary is a power over his will. .300 .009 .175 -.125 -.021
I want to be the healthiest person who ever lived. .302 .077 .194 .139 .107
I value males over females. .263 .019 .168 -.129 -.067 (men)
I like submissive romantic partners. .296 .053 .211 .088 -.030
I think it makes sense to give a person more prison time if it serves the interest of deterring other people from similar criminal behavior. .200 .054 .166 .122 .005
Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. .227 .101 .164 -.121 -.089
I am obsessed with perfection. .427 .121 .165 .049 -.098
I find being in control rewarding. .420 .139 .189 -.088 .040
I think the government should deport anyone without citizenship. .167 -.046 .210 -.031 .051
I live my life based on a specific system that I adopted. .230 .124 .216 .130 .091
It's irresponsible for people who suffer depression to have children. .206 .046 .312 -.111 -.047
My decisions involve extensive research. .153 .047 .407 -.006 -.020
The best leader is the smartest person the masses will follow. .226 .030 .297 .009 -.070
I have contempt for people that are inferior to me. .421 -.003 .178 -.117 -.135

Certainty is very important to me. .177 x .503 x -.275
Everyone uses everyone. .218 .096 .214 -.108 -.397
I get attached to certain rituals. .171 .104 .283 .124 -.277
Finding out my thinking about something important is wrong unsettles me. .162 .040 .145 .096 -.292
I want everything to be 'just right.' .206 x .430 x -.157
I only form relationships with others if I believe I will not be rejected. .223 x .143 x -.420
I would rather be a film writer than a film actor. .200 .061 .186 .009 -.267
I'm more likely to pursue someone I'm certain likes me than someone I'm certain I like. .178 -.077 .157 .072 -.240
Caring can make you see things that simply are not there. .255 .109 .179 .074 -.171
Some actions are unforgivable. .190 .013 .253 -.016 -.147
If you show weakness, people will walk all over you. .289 .109 .276 -.075 -.158
I limit input from my environment in order to maintain the optimal level of arousal. .226 .092 .174 -.003 -.203

I like to educate others. .220 .128 .102 .347 .157
I think a fair amount about my long-term career goals. .167 .038 .271 .201 .213
I have a very good reputation. .228 .065 .181 .288 .420
I get chores done right away. .235 -.114 .156 .216 .260
The world should be as I want it to be, but I can still be happy if/when it isn't. .148 .138 .174 .154 .243 (20% stronger loadings for females on vitality)
In times of war or national tragedy, I am inclined to be more supportive of my government. .193 -.128 .180 .295 .188
The most important thing in a romantic partner is emotional stability. .153 .012 .248 .275 .079

Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca
I am concerned about my physical security. .288 .019 .227 .196 -.134
I consider security an important element in every aspect of my life. .255 -.118 .174 .182 .109
I want everything to be 'just right.' .208 -.111 .244 .208 -.069
I am very courteous. .146 x .159 .415 x
Finding true love is the main passion in my life. .253 .059 .151 .389 -.021
The most important aspect of culture is shared beliefs. .186 -.047 .157 .233 .065
My ideal romantic match is like a parent and a partner. .184 -.017 .149 .225 -.069



I tend to vote for conservative political candidates (or would if I could vote). .392 -.147 -.158 .225 .051
I sometimes depend on people to get things done. .226 -.267 -.192 .144 -.090

I could not make it on my own. .164 -.143 -.140 .170 -.561


Jung/Myers-Briggs ESFX





I am not attracted to depressive types. .209 -.222 .090 .082 .485

Ron Burgundy in Anchorman
Truth is defined by the group(s) I am a member of. .320 -.156 -.002 .130 .049
I believe that men should be masculine and women should be feminine. .294 -.208 .064 -.033 .114
I am not interested in abstract ideas. .241 -.279 .005 -.057 -.086
If no one agrees with you, you are probably wrong. .210 -.242 .078 .120 -.105

I can't make it on my own. .143 -.167 -.089 .058 -.242
I tend to take what people say literally as I often don't pick up on subtext. .192 -.155 .078 .082 -.228
The potential for embarassment prevents me from engaging in activies and taking personal risks. .145 -.227 .034 .115 -.644
I stick with what i know because I'm afraid of new things. .144 -.311 .004 .105 -.424

My moral judgments are based mostly on the beliefs of my family/culture/religion. .160 -.228 .041 .237 .194
Traditions are important. .141 -.268 -.026 .310 .225

National security (i.e. protection from anything that would hurt my country) is very important to me. .387 -.158 .081 .393 .083
I care what my parents think of me. .162 -.151 .055 .373 .098
I would prefer to always live near my parents. .169 -.145 .011 .251 .059
If the people I was close to didn't like someone, it would be hard for me to date them. .242 -.167 -.004 .222 .016
I care what other people in my community think of me. .489 -.175 .014 .286 .005

I have difficulty making decisions without excessive advice and reassurance from others. .222 -.165 -.104 .252 -.525
I fear being judged by others. .313 -.190 -.028 .193 -.451
I am controlled by my environment. .237 -.167 -.002 .202 -.371
What people think about you matters. .497 -.161 -.012 .257 -.166
Belonging to a group and getting it's approval is very important to me. .526 -.227 .002 .246 -.146





Jung/Myers-Briggs ESTX
Agent Smith in The Matrix
Professional credentials are the best way to judge the skill of a person. .343 -.163 .290 .061 .013
I like having my vacations carefully planned out. .149 -.243 .287 .135 .055
Security is more important than liberty. .261 -.202 .208 .099 -.062
I prefer to live in a world where laws and rules are rigidly enforced. .173 -.229 .322 .052 .038
Very unconventional people annoy me. .268 -.188 .217 -.040 -.095

Obsessive Personality Disorder

Steve Carell in Anchorman
I stick to the rules. .152 -.465 .230 .253 .170
Obedience to lawful authority is the foundation of character. .174 -.228 .144 .220 .168

I like having my life carefully planned out. .316 -.148 .324 .179 .051
I work well within a system. .181 -.233 .254 .328 .123
I am security/safety focused. .221 -.206 .399 .236 .005
It's very important to me to be normal. .432 -.300 .211 .227 -.105
Chain of command is very important. .365 -.167 .410 .194 .120
I prefer the known to the unknown. .218 -.219 .339 .143 x

I prefer the familiar. .196 -.326 .197 .189 -.377


Ben Stiller in Dodgeball
pro-equality ooooo pro-hierarchy .178 -.151 .080 -.253 .138

Patrick Bateman in the book/film American Psycho
Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men

I don't get upset easily. -.288 .052 .204 .044 .574
Enjoying being alive is more important than being attractive. -.369 .127 .023 .124 .210
I don't need to be any better than I am. -.150 .033 -.040 -.074 .205

SXXXX (top of page)

Jung/Myers-Briggs Introversion
outgoing ooooo reserved -.359 -.050 .122 -.069 -.577
I am more quiet than group oriented. -.238 x x x -.371
I almost always choose solitary activities. -.212 x x x -.488
I tend to be quiet. -.182 x .117 x -.348
I feel comfortable being alone. -.188 .128 x -.119 -.182
I prefer to know just a few people well. -.171 x .108 x -.296
I find not having to be in control rewarding. -.385 .030 -.071 .021 -.222
I don't care about dressing nicely. -.429 .078 .019 -.046 -.151
I don't like being in the spotlight so getting recognition isn't a big priority. -.414 -.062 .118 .028 -.157
I don't enjoy being praised. -.211 .101 .114 .002 -.203

I find it very hard to lie. -.166 .030 .083 .300 .158
Love is stronger than hate. -.140 .024 -.064 .289 .268

honest -.295 -.045 .133 .432 .103
There are more important things in life than personal success. -.274 .137 .008 .294 .010
I'm happy to occupy whatever position in society I best fit into regardless of whether it's prestigious. -.304 .064 -.038 .288 .122
Power for its own sake doesn't interest me. -.307 .076 -.062 .230 -.072
I would be uncomfortable living in a multi-million dollar house/apartment. -.410 .067 .057 .162 .079
I would not want to live in a city where people were obsessed with status / prestige. -.260 .116 .060 .175 -.026

prestigious ooooo unprestigious -.176 .072 -.052 .311 -.241
ego ooooo egoless -.390 -.119 .040 .301 -.197
social advantage ooooo social disadvantage -.185 .073 .051 .145 -.469

I don't usually fear for the worst. -.310 .055 -.030 -.152 .484




unselfishness (pick five personality test) -.261 -.117 -.234 .448 .063


R-Drive Integrity

I like to work behind the scenes without credit. -.416 .063 .164 .229 -.074

I focus entirely on avoiding the spotlight. -.183 .123 .223 .161 -.205


Functionality is more important than attractiveness. -.245 .067 .438 .129 .085
I only compete with myself. -.311 .100 .162 -.028 -.075

I am more private than outgoing. -.233 x .144 x -.393
I am more reserved than social. -.296 x .150 x -.415
I like to celebrate birthdays on a small scale with only one or two close friends or family members. -.215 .093 .224 -.021 -.376
If I had to choose, I'd prefer a weekend with absolutely nothing to do to one with too many things scheduled. -.190 -.005 .162 -.078 -.345
I like to avoid attention. -.322 -.048 .197 .032 -.334
I'm a very private person. -.155 x .174 x -.324
I like to stay under the radar. -.188 -.044 .212 .072 -.285
I'm much more likely to enjoy spending time by myself than with others. -.209 .088 .157 -.112 -.453
I am motivated by the desire to avoid attention. -.239 -.101 .195 .029 -.258
I have almost no sex drive. -.175 -.031 .196 .018 -.226





I believe in equality between all races. -.176 .264 -.006 .293 .114

I believe in equality between all races. -.176 .264 -.006 .293 .114


I don't want to stand out. -.360 -.258 .225 -.026 -.090


It does not bother me that I am not better looking. -.344 .180 .171 .002 .416
I am not easily frustrated. -.195 .167 .248 .044 .469
I am not easily bothered by things. -.149 .134 .321 .004 .465

R-Drive Intellect
I am defined by my internal compass (not an external one). -.208 .458 .188 .051 .051
Privacy is more valuable than fame. -.318 .151 .225 .125 .006
I don't care if people think I'm awesome. -.381 .185 .153 -.081 .119
I don't care about getting attention. -.308 .189 .256 .026 -.044
I rarely depend on anyone else to get things done. -.144 .387 .294 -.085 .092

I had to remain a more silent type to really learn and develop an understanding of how things work. -.141 .142 .259 .039 -.260
I find solitude to be rewarding. -.145 .355 .208 -.105 -.170

I am very particular about who/how I am, but it's entirely for me, not to please/impress anyone else on this planet. -.211 .477 .166 -.166 .210

My need to be appreciated by others is very low. -.216 .215 .213 -.217 .090
I don't look to others for acceptance. -.142 .313 .251 -.142 .129


Happiness is found internally. -.244 .321 .175 .248 .170
The truth is more important than my image. -.304 .242 .148 .137 .202
I believe in equal opportunity for all. -.260 .145 .161 .335 .140

The things I value most are internal. -.174 .400 .165 .197 .003
I value internal rewards/validation more than external rewards/validation. -.261 .387 .196 .165 .083
My enjoyment admiring things exceeds my desire to be admired. -.272 .167 .191 .226 .035
I only need food, water, shelter; anything else its optional. -.273 .153 .167 .140 .017
I'm always open to being wrong about what I think. -.148 .144 .193 .215 .112


How I feel/think about myself does not rely on the opinions of others. -.230 .418 .108 -.146 .373

I feel indifferent to praise or criticism of others. -.164 .218 x -.158 x


I don't think that other people are 'better or worse' than me. -.220 .184 .015 .111 .310
I don't care what people think of me. -.308 .345 .089 -.134 .190
I never worry about my looks. -.420 .220 .078 -.088 .272
Happiness is found internally. -.153 .211 .112 .123 .251

Others care how they look but I don't. -.632 .208 x x -.106
Physical enjoyment is far more important than social reputation. -.193 .336 x x x
It's better to be yourself and alienate the world than not be yourself. -.202 .452 x x x
Interesting is more important than attractive. -.270 .320 x x x
Being an authority doesn't mean that much to me. -.239 .198 -.030 -.013 -.096
curiosity (pick five personality test) -.249 .259 .010 -.126 -.099
what's popular ooooo what i like -.363 .157 -.008 .022 -.044
I could care less about awards, of any kind. -.225 .230 .046 .118 .017

I'm not a fan of the birthday tradition. -.146 .143 x x -.258
Diamonds are a waste of money. -.205 .155 .082 .021 -.171
I'm not anti-social, I'm just pro-alone. -.155 .149 .118 -.068 -.397
I find being unattractive to others rewarding. -.192 .265 -.007 -.027 -.229
I am an outcast. -.150 .234 .051 -.092 -.602
I dislike shopping for clothes. -.229 .189 .122 -.039 -.277

I see myself as equal with everyone else. -.170 .141 .085 .230 .328

Material things do not matter to me. -.348 .167 x .150 x
I judge others on actions not appearance or ethnicity. -.192 .202 x .223 x
It would bother me to cheat on an examination or assignment even if no-one got hurt in the process. -.225 -.141 .122 .312 .103
I dislike people who chase wealth and status. -.296 .172 .005 .226 -.125
What a romantic partner thinks is more important than how they look to me. -.150 .163 x .234 x
Money isn't as important as people think it is. -.377 .190 -.098 .323 .001
If I had a lot of money, I would still live a minimalist lifestyle. -.344 .164 .052 .224 -.022
I hate to judge others on how they look. -.207 .228 .019 .249 .042
Internal beauty is more important than external beauty. -.374 .164 .075 .229 .073
To pace about, looking to obtain status, looking to attain 'importance', I can think of nothing more ridiculous. -.488 .157 .073 .165 .011

I want to change the world without the world noticing it. -.193 .173 .061 .214 -.183


It would be cool if I had a ton of money, but I would also enjoy life if I was poor. -.263 .237 -.154 .351 .122



I like imperfection. -.223 .280 -.164 .027 .003


*for a low score assume the opposite of the above. the descriptions listed here are made up of personality items. people who scored high on this type scored higher on the above items compared to the average. (more info on construction)
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