MOTIVES Personality Key

materialistic offbeat thinking interpersonal vital easygoing sectarian
healthy popular with everyone, focused on maximizing their own happiness, very aware of their value to others has a strong desire to pursue their life interests, loves all kinds of new things, innovative organized, focused, consistent, highly productive, academic, finishes most everything they start generous, shows faith in others, believes every one matters, deeply concerned about the community enthusiastic, excited for tomorrow, loves being alive, thinks they are right where they need to be peaceful, tranquil, doesn't obsess about anything, feels lucky takes pride in their culture/country, likes strong leaders, economic conservative
average prioritizes being attractive, attentive to social status, likes to be fancy, likes adulation experimental, risk taking, exploring, challenging, seeks new techniques, abstract, rebellious compelled to be planned and orderly, makes lists, procedural, feels lost without structure puts others first, compelled to be helpful, empathetic, nurturing, loving, forgiving likes to take it easy, nonchalant, leisure-centric, selects the most relaxing life path supports border walls and limited immigration, pro racial profiling, thinks their culture is best
unhealthy obsessed with looks / social rank, slave to social validation, jealous, dishonest, prone to putting on a fake front has difficulty following social rules, slave to danger, eccentric, mysterious, outlier overly regimented, anal, ocd, habit driven, biased towards rationality over feelings can't say no, overly loyal, can only experience happiness through the happiness of others slacker, spends a lot of time awake laying around, energy conservation biased xenophobic, doesn't like feeling vulnerable, thinks people should stay in their places

ascetic conventional haphazard withholding depressive rigid globalist
average doesn't care about social status / popularity, not into being being fancy, minimalist style, non-showy not risk taking, prefers the familiar, doesn't like being different, not very curious unplanned, disorganized, non-systematic doesn't live for others, difficult, unempathetic, priotizes logic over people / feelings doesn't value calm, has not chill, doesn't prioritize relaxation pro-immigrants, politically liberal, cosmopolitan
unhealthy doesn't care about appearance, prefers to avoid spotlight, hermit, prefers to be away from the mainstream risk averse, doesn't try new things, doesn't like intensity, unadventurous messy, disorderly, doesn't prioritize getting up every morning, rarely cleans uninterested in the feelings of others, uncaring, unhelpful, unaccomodating struggles with depression, doesn't like being alive, upset, distressed, self destructive, anxious, non-trusting unrelaxed, easily agitated, not even-tempered, tense, high strung dislikes their own culture

Materialists (Admiration Seekers)
Tom Ripley from The Talented Mr. Ripley
Gordon Gekko from Wall Street
Patrick Bateman from American Psycho
Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby
Mark Zuckerberg from The Social Network
Norma Desmond from Sunset Boulevard
Mozart from Amadeus
Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the Wind
Frank Abagnale from Catch Me If You Can
Stephen Glass from Shattered Glass
Max Fischer from Rushmore
Taylor Swift - Pop Star
Oprah - Media Star
Princess Diana - Royalty Star
Madonna - Pop Star
Michael Jackson - Pop Star
James Brown - Pop Star
Elvis Presley - Pop Star
Bing Crosby - Pop Star
Prince - Pop Star

Offbeats (Innovative Explorers)
Alan Turing in The Imitation Game
Howard Hughes in The Aviator
Preston Tucker in Tucker
Seth Brundle in The Fly
John Nash in A Beautiful Mind
Alexander in The Time Machine
Max Cohen in Pi
Bloom and Stephen in The Brothers Bloom
Scientists in A Fantastic Voyage
Arthur Dent in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Frida in Frida Kahlo
Pollock in Pollock
Darwin - Originated the Theory of Evolution
Freud - Invented Psychoanalysis
Tesla - Invented Induction Motor
Marie Curie - Pioneer in Researching Radioactivity
Einstein - Originated the Theory of Relativity
Galileo - First to Use a Refracting Telescope to Make Important Astronomical Discoveries
Edison - Invented the Carbon Filament Light Bulb
Da Vinci - Inventor and Artist
Bell - Invented the Telephone

Thinkers (Methodical Planners)
Hannibal Lecter from The Silence of the Lambs
Watson from Sherlock Holmes
Christian Wolff from The Accountant
Andy Dufresne from The Shawshank Redemption
Robert Langdon from The Da Vinci Code
Michael Corleone from The Godfather
Leslie Knope from Parks and Recreation
Jean-Luc Picard from Star Trek
Martha Stewart - Cooking tycoon
Patton - American Military General
Caesar - Roman Emperor
Napoleon - French General and Ruler
Henry Ford - Automaker
Eisenhower - American General and President
Hannibal Smith from the TV Show The A-Team
Walt Disney - Founder of Disney
Ray Kroc - Founder of McDonald's
Vince Lombardi - Notre Dame Football Coach
Red Auerbach - Boston Celtics General Manager
Phil Jackson - NBA Coach

Interpersonals (Empathetic Helpers)
Attic Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird
Oskar Schindler from Schindler's List
John Keating from Dead Poets Society
Desmond Doss from Hacksaw Ridge
Mother Teresa
Mahatma Gandhi
Nelson Mandela
Martin Luther King
Eleanor Roosevelt
Desmond Tutu
Elizabeth Fry
Harriet Tubman
Helen Keller - Activist for People with Special Needs

Vitals (Optimistic Resilients)
Rocky from Rocky
Matilda from Matilda
Coco from Coco
Wall-E from Wall-E
Rudy Ruettiger from Rudy
Paddington Bear from Paddington
Samwise Gamgee from The Lord of the Rings
Erin Brockovich from Erin Brockovich
Peter Quill from Guardians of the Galaxy
Aibileen Clark from The Help
Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice
Remy from Ratatouille

Easygoers (Chill Peacemakers)
The Dude from The Big Lebowski
Stifler from American Pie
Encino Man from Encino Man
Brad Pitt from True Romance
Peter Gibbons from Office Space
Johnny Utah from Point Break
Alien from Spring Breakers
Cher from Clueless
Jim Halpert from The Office

Sectarians (Tradition Zealots)
Hitler - German Nationalist
Mussolini - Italian Nationalist
Slobodan Milošević - Serbian Nationalist
David Ben-Gurion - Jewish Nationalist
Daniel O’Connell - Italian Nationalist
Marcus Garvey - African American Nationalist
Simón Bolívar - South American Nationalist
Francisco Franco - Spanish Nationalist
David Duke - White Nationalist

Ascetics (Luxury Ambivalents)
Nick Young from Crazy Rich Asians
Amelie from Amelie
Siddhartha - Practiced Severe Asceticism for Years, Attempting to Reach Enlightenment Through Extreme Deprivation
St. Francis of Assisi - Christian Mystic and Preacher, St. Francis is Known for His Vow of Poverty and Ascetic Lifestyle
Diogenes of Sinope - Ancient Greek Philosopher and One of the Most Famous Cynics, Diogenes Lived an Ascetic Lifestyle, Rejecting Material Wealth and Social Conventions
Leo Tolstoy - Russian Author of War and Peace, Tolstoy Renounced His Aristocratic Lifestyle and Wealth Later in Life
Henry David Thoreau - Author of Walden, Lived in a Small Cabin Near Walden Pond, Rejecting the Trappings of Modern Life to Embrace Self-Reliance and a Simple, Natural Lifestyle
The Amish - Known for Rejecting Modern Conveniences and Luxuries. They Live a Simple, Rural Lifestyle, Prioritizing Community, Manual Labor, and Religious Devotion Over Material Excess
Søren Kierkegaard - Danish Philosopher, Kierkegaard Rejected the Wealth He Inherited from His Family, Instead Choosing a Modest, Minimalist Lifestyle
Thomas Merton - Trappist Monk and Writer, Merton Chose the Simplicity and Solitude of Monastic Life, Rejecting the Material World
John the Baptist - Prominent Figure in Christianity, John Lived an Ascetic Life in the Desert, Subsisting on Locusts and Wild Honey
Simone Weil - French Philosopher and Mystic, Weil Lived a Life of Self-Imposed Austerity, Even When She Had the Means for Comfort. She Worked in Factories and on Farms to Understand the Plight of the Working Class, and Her Philosophical Writings Reflect Her Disdain for Material Excess

Conventionals (Incurious Squares)
Stepford Wives in The Stepford Wives
Ed Rooney in Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Brian Johnson in The Breakfast Club
Andy Stitzer in The 40-Year-Old Virgin
Reynaud from Chocolat
Larry Gopnik from A Serious Man
Cal Weaver in Crazy, Stupid, Love
Harold Crick in Stranger Than Fiction
Greg Focker in Meet the Parents
Stevens the Butler from The Remains of the Day

Haphazards (Disorganized Waywards)
Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean
Bridget Jones from Bridget Jones's Diary
Alan Garner from The Hangover
Inspector Clouseau
Mr. Bean
Harry Dunne and Lloyd Christmas from Dumb and Dumber
Napoleon Dynamite
Ace Ventura
Clark Griswold from Vacation
Del Griffith from Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Withholders (Cold Jerks)
Jackson Lamb from Slow Horses
Ebenezer Scrooge from A Christmas Carol
Anton Chigurh from No Country for Old Men
Miranda Priestly from The Devil Wears Prada
Daniel Plainview from There Will Be Blood
Alex DeLarge from A Clockwork Orange
Nurse Ratched from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Hans Landa from Inglourious Basterds
Fletcher from Whiplash
Frank Underwood from House of Cards

Depressives (Pessimistic Losers)
Joel Barish from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Andrew Largeman from Garden State
Virginia Woolf from The Hours
Charlie from The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Susanna Kaysen from Girl, Interrupted
Donnie Darko from Donnie Darko
Bobby Dupea from Five Easy Pieces
Mary Jensen from Melancholia
Holden Caulfield from The Catcher in the Rye

Tommy DeVito from Goodfellas
Marty McFly from Back to the Future
Ben Braddock from The Graduate
The Joker from The Dark Knight
Alfred from Psycho
Annie Hall from Annie Hall
Howard Ratner from Uncut Gems
Beetlejuice from Beetlejuice

Globalists (International Peace-Seekers)
Franklin D. Roosevelt - Proposed the Creation of the UN in 1943
Kofi Annan - 7th Secretary-General of the United Nations, Strong Advocate for Global Cooperation, Diplomacy, and Human Rights
Jeffrey Sachs - Prominent Globalist, Advising Governments and International Institutions on Poverty Alleviation, Global Health, and Climate Change
Bill Gates - Efforts in Promoting Global Cooperation to Fight Diseases Such as Malaria and Polio Reflect a Belief in Globalism
George Soros - Financier and Philanthropist, a Vocal Advocate for Open Societies and Global Cooperation
Amartya Sen - Economist and Philosopher, an Advocate for Globalism in the Context of Human Development and Social Justice
Pascal Lamy - Former Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Lamy Was a Strong Advocate for Global Trade Liberalization and Multilateralism
Christine Lagarde - Former Head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Now the President of the European Central Bank, Lagarde Has Been a Leading Voice for Global Financial Stability and Cooperation
Pope Francis - Encyclical Laudato si' Calls for a Global Response to Environmental Degradation and Inequality