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MOTIV Personality Trait Descriptions
Materialistic (External Narcissism)
High scoring Materialist testimonials Low scoring Materialist testimonials |
I just don't really care if strangers or casual acquaintances approve of me. I will be polite, but I don't overextend myself for
people who aren't important to me. I save my energy for my inner circle. M-16 O-83 T-33 I-61 V-38
I scored low on the Narcissism reward drive because I do not consider myself pretty outwardly in anyway and I always put others feelings before my own. I am, like my results, focused on others everyday. M-11 O-61 T-77 I-77 V-38 If external validation is connected to narcissism, as the summary suggests, then I would say that for most of my youth any sort of favorable external validation of me or of my performance was used as a punishment to show that I had not "worked up to my potential" (yes, 'winning' meant 'losing'), i.e. did not deserve validation or reward. Both parents were (and remain) begrudgingly envious of my independence and whatever 'successes' I have experienced in life. Other than this, I can only guess that my low score on narcissism may reflect what for me has always been a very deep desire to understand other people. I am endlessly engaged by seeking to know how other people experience themselves and the world. I add this comment because my personal experience has been that narcissism often shows in a kind of surface interest in other people, only for the purpose of using them rather than knowing them. M-27 O-88 T-94 I-33 V-77 I pride myself in being someone who isn't superficial and have learned, both from being judged based upon looks and judging others based upon the same thing, that the perceived reward does not make me happy and those who believe it will tend to be the most miserable, whether in the immediate future or the long run. M-11 O-88 T-72 I-72 V-55 Money and power are not important to me. I am a strange melange--an people-helping extrovert who likes to maintain some privacy about myself and my personal life. I would like the attention from being famous in doses, but my desire for maintaining privacy is paramount. I enjoy fitting in, but at the end of the day would rather be myself. I value the happiness and success of others and will put aside personal tasks to help others in need. I have no idea why I am like this--I guess I figure that whether or not I have a certain title is less consequential to the happiness of those around me. I thrive on compliments, but I don't thrive on image, fame, and superficiality. I don't care if people think I am odd or strange--aren't we all odd/strange in our own ways? M-16 O-94 T-38 I-100 V-77 At age 11 I was the brightest girl in my class and came from the poorest home, so I judged myself then on my own capabilities and not on the things that I had and I probably still do. I have a reasonably high status professional job, but have always lived in a modest home (using excess cash for holidays and other 'treats' ). I'm interested in philosophy and religion and a keen to 'know myself'. I like the philosophy of Ekhart Tolle and am convinced that we are all the same at he centre of our being. We share the same soul. M-33 O-66 T-66 I-66 V-100 I think I scored less on Narcissism because I think that I'm not a particularly important person. I mean, I'm equal to everyone else on this planet, why should I be particularly special? That's a good thing, because it makes me realize there are other people in this world than me, and makes me care about them more, but it's sort of a bad thing because it can contribute to lower self-esteem. M-22 O-100 T-44 I-72 V-44 I never have felt validation from others, never felt like anyone knows who I really am. Now I am just afraid to receive validation, afraid it want be sincere or will be taken away. M-5 O-33 T-50 I-88 V-22 Low narcissism score-ie I don't value external validation very much. If I were to guess the reason for my low score, it would be that I often find our society's value system very shallow. Those values also seem focused on validation outside the self. I prefer to get internal validation for sticking to my own firmly held and well developed sense of ethics. I have had my share of external awards, and they simply don't make me happy for very long; I regard them as often biased and essentially useless when it comes to my becoming the person I want to be and living the kind of life I want to live. External validation is also often very much outside one's own control, and I prefer to focus on things I do have real control and self control over. External validation also can bring on unhappy reactions from other people-namely jealousy. When people have done unbelievably cruel things to you for being "successful" (however one wants to define that), one quickly learns to "hide" one's light under the proverbial bushel basket. If external validation doesn't make me happy, why pursue it? According to the MBII test, I am classed as an INFJ. Supposedly, I am also profoundly gifted (intellectually- I had the highest IQ in a very competitive high school of about 3,800 students). I can tell you that having other kids who worked in the counseling office know my IQ brought about some treatment of me which I really did not like-basically I am very non-competitive and I had all kinds of "fellow" students who knew my IQ and wanted to turn everything into some kind of contest. I hated it, and it certainly didn't make me happy. From my perspective, it is just a much happier circumstance to just try to "fly" under everyone else's radar. M-22 O-72 T-77 I-77 V-66 I believe that in life, power and recognition don't matter as much as actually making a difference. In my (limited) experience, sometimes those with the most recognition become proud and forget about why they received recognition in the first place. I don't want to be one of these people. Working behind the scenes, without credit, is--for me, anyway--more satisfying than sitting through any award ceremony will ever be. M-27 O-66 T-66 I-66 V-72 success isn't what you have it's what you chose to gain, and each individual finds it in their own way. it can't be tested. M-0 O-94 T-5 I-55 V-55 Well, I have an over bearing need to make others happy even if it is at the expense of my happiness because making others happy makes me happy in turn. I am very comfortable of who I am and how I am so I dont care of my image (unless my friends are affected) and all other things come down like fame, status all respected by fake people and then when you lose it all no one loves or respects and every one leaves us. So it is better to be loved by a handful genuine people than every person whose friendship depends on my status. And I'm deeply spiritual and believe in being truly altruistic without expecting anything back. It is not easy but not impossible. M-22 O-22 T-16 I-100 V-88 your test seems right; i'm blunt, im not motivated in activities i dont see as rewarding, and i dont care about many things. don't get me wrong though, i do care about certain things. such as my interest in art and the way my close friends percieve me. "don't care much about your image, recognition, power, external success". true, i guess. i have friends, and don't have trouble making them, but i like to think that once i got past many of my insecurities i have learned to not give a fuck about social status or anything like that. because nothing is a big deal unless you think of it as one. i also like to think that if i push something aside and pretend it doesnt affect me (mentally) then it wont. if i dont want it to be there, it's just not in my life, world, whatever. this doesnt aways work, of course, but it relieves a lot of stress. this would explain my lack of motivation for doing useful things that i don't think of as immediately rewarding. such as my homework, right now. lol. i am bad at dealing with stress when it builds up and can get pretty disgustingly emotional, even thought i am usually rational and calm in many situations. i guess this just says that i like to put things off for later, even if i know it will hurt me eventally, in exchange for instant gratification. i am currently happy with my life, though worried about my future, as i always have been. my solution is to do what makes me happy and do it often- painting and drawing. and i do. i'm motivated. i take art classes and try to learn all that i can. M-27 O-88 T-50 I-55 V-66 I was born to a low income, Mexican, immigrant family. Im a social worker now, so its never been about ME. I have always liked and have been expected to help others and not focus on myself only. M-16 O-72 T-5 I-66 V-88 It has been demonstrated to me on numerous occasions that public opinion, or even the opinions of the hand-full of people I come into contact with, is based in just about anything but what I hold dear (ie integrity, facts, thoughtfulness, etc.). So, I choose not to measure my success by such a standard. M-22 O-88 T-100 I-77 V-100 I scored low on the Narcissism drive and don't really care about my image, recognition, power, external success because my father was annoyingly wealthy when I was younger (he has since frivolously spent all his inheritance and is now poor). He places too much value in wealth and status. So conversely, I hate money and power, things that cannot truly bring anyone real happiness, or at least not me. M-16 O-83 T-38 I-88 V-44 So, the question is why I scored so low on Narcissism...perhaps the reason is because I am aware of my capabilities (I know I have a genius level IQ, I know I have artistic talent, etc), but am deeply unhappy with other aspects of my person. I am overly aware of my flaws. I think there are many things more valuable than intellect, and whilst I am confident in my intellect, I am not confident in much else. I also have a strong democratic socialist philosophy, which isn't really in tune with narcissism. Finally, just to be clear, I DO care about my image, in fact, body dysmorphic disorder is a major issue for me, and I workout constantly to try to shed my excess 10lbs. On the flip side, I write under a pen name and it took me ages of deliberation before choosing whether to sign my full name or to just initial my paintings -- and I do think those actions point to the reflected lack of narcissism. M-22 O-77 T-100 I-77 V-55 I don't care about those things (Narcissism scale) because external validation doesn't bring intrinsic happiness. I've noticed that people who tend to focus on power and external success have a constant need for more power and success. I prefer to focus on appreciating what I have. M-11 O-88 T-77 I-61 V-83 My life is committed to others. I don't matter without others, so the people around me are what really matters in my life. M-22 O-66 T-55 I-83 V-33 I don't care about those things because those are the things people judge me on. Especially things like image, for example. If someone judges me based on it, then they are missing out on my personality. So I don't take that into account very much. M-22 O-44 T-38 I-100 V-55 There are more important things in life than personal success. M-27 O-72 T-27 I-72 V-94 when it comes to my image i dont care why should i..... and i dont care much about any of that. i should like you to know there is nothing wrong with me. i just would rather you take me as i am even if i'm a loner and like me for me not the girl i can force myself to be. M-5 O-94 T-5 I-0 V-11 I feel that I scored low on the Narcissism drive because I'm too lost in my own world to actually care what other people might be thinking about me. I'm a pretty laid back person and I accepted who I am a long time ago. M-11 O-77 T-66 I-55 V-55 I guess the best way to say is that constantly worrying about an image takes away from who you truly are, in my opinion. Status has never meant much to me growing up poor, and usually to get such high status in society you climb all over and take advantage of others, which has never sat well with me. M-27 O-88 T-66 I-55 V-44 I don't care about my image because I realize that looks make about 0,0000001% of a person, and I hate to judge others on how they look. I don't care about power, who wants all that responsibility anyway? And I do care, a bit about success, I mean, I don't want to be a bum... But, it's not my life goal to be at the top of any ladders. M-11 O-83 T-72 I-44 V-77 I don't care about image, recognition, power, external success, etc because I don't want how I feel about myself to rely on the opinions of others. M-16 O-72 T-55 I-72 V-72 I have never been too concerned about my image, recognition, power or success because I honestly believe all these things to be kind of hollow when you get down to it. I think each and every one of the above nouns are completely relative and instead of striving for them I surround myself with people who enjoy the way I go about things instead of striving to impress people, which I think is the main cause of narcissism and self indulgence, etc. I find striving for these things leads to stress at the end of the day and other negative things. By no means do I take an apathetic approach to life or anything like that, I just find it wasteful to pursue those types of things when personal happiness is my one true achievement I'm personally striving for. M-22 O-94 T-72 I-66 V-83 While commendation, wealth, and power can sometimes be nice, I find solitude, obscurity, self-sufficiency and intellectual pursuits to be more rewarding. M-5 O-94 T-94 I-61 V-50 Reasoning behind low Narcissism score: I don't value external indicators of success such as power or recognition because they seem shallow to me. My success depends on my personal view of how my life is going, not others' interpretation. M-22 O-100 T-72 I-11 V-100 I have already received recognition, power, success at an earlier time in my life. I am now 55 and I don't value that in the same as I did in my 20-30's. M-5 O-72 T-38 I-50 V-88 The interesting thing about not having much recognition is you don't have as many people jealous of you which is convenient and if there's no spotlight on you you're free to do as you please without scrutiny for the most part. I know the value in the things I do, why does anyone else need to? Power, to coin the phrase, really does come with great responsabilty. who am I to say I could handle whatever that entails? I don't require external success to make me happy, excess by definition would be more than I need and as far as I can tell external success is equated through excess. I would like to travel, and I travel light. It's more fun anyway M-27 O-66 T-72 I-72 V-77 although I may have tendencies to care about my image, recognition, power and external success, life thus far has taught me that these things are obstacles that block the way to real happiness and to truly knowing oneself. I seek spiritual success, which usually comes from letting go of things like power, material success and recognition. M-27 O-88 T-50 I-50 V-94 Its not that i dont care about my image, but i dont let my image or social status get me down, im very happy with who i am inside and out so i feel i dont need to push myself harder at becomming a better person than i feel i already am M-16 O-77 T-38 I-50 V-50 I guess I don't care much about what people think about me, except when it affects the people I care about, or if I care about them. It hurts me deeply that friends and family think poorly of me. I've been unemployed for 20 years since I graduated college, and live with my aging mother. As far as recognition, power, and success... I've never had any of those, so it's hard for me to relate to it, it probably would be good to have that sort of thing, but I don't really know how to go about it, so I don't miss it. M-0 O-55 T-77 I-66 V-11 im good with just being me and staying to myself M-22 O-55 T-72 I-72 V-33 Because all I, or anyone, truly have in this life is ourselves. So why would I care what others think? And money's the root of all evil. Part of me is glad i grew up with little. M-11 O-88 T-100 I-77 V-50 I'd rather live for the day, be happy myself, and make those important to me happy than anything else. I don't really like to plan ahead for the future because I really don't see the point. M-16 O-61 T-50 I-77 V-55 I feel that the people who are my friends, lovers, and family will not love me anymore if i pretty myself up. I don't like being in the spotlight so getting recognition isn't a big priority. I don't like power because then I would have to make big decisions and I would be terrified of making the wrong one. M-27 O-83 T-72 I-77 V-27 My low narcissism score is a byproduct of dealing with people that are true Narcissists. That personality trait is something that I have a disdain for; consequently, my desire to be nothing like that - if at all possible - is exceptionally strong. M-22 O-83 T-77 I-77 V-66 I can't remember a time when I've cared too much about being powerful and successful. I've always believed that it was one's talents and abilities that should valued, and my image was not something I've earned, so it just seems unjust to put any value to it. The same could be said for power, many are born into it, rather than work for it. Ideally, image, recognition, power, and external success should be side effects of one's efforts, talents, and creativity. M-27 O-83 T-83 I-55 V-50 I scored low on narcissism because I don't want to stand out. I want to blend in and not be noticed. I don't care what people think of me. M-27 O-50 T-100 I-66 V-50 I guess it's just that appearance to me, doesn't really strike me as a priority. I do wear clothing, but it is more of my style and not the "latest fashion." I just pick what is actually I like and not what everyone else is doing. I find it redundant in a way honestly. And I just am a nice person, I believe anyways! M-0 O-100 T-83 I-55 V-72 The low narcissism score does not necessarily mean that I do not care about my image, recognition, power, or external success. I am not concerned about whether the image I project is accepted by others, only that the image I am projecting is a true image of my "self". With recognition, the focus for me is on recognition of who I am, not what I have done. That also holds true for power and success. So in summary, I would say a high narcissistic score would indicate the importance of external validation as a perceived or concrete personal gain, whereas a low narcissistic score would tend to show more of an importance on external validation of personal character. M-22 O-66 T-44 I-83 V-83 I do care about my image, i.e. how I represent myself to the outer world. I don't feel the need to have power over people because no person holds power over me. I see myself as equal with everyone else, even when I recognize someone else's perceived dominance over others, and I'm content with that. As far as recognition, I do seek it, but for my true self from the people who know and love me. M-27 O-94 T-22 I-27 V-55 Image, recognition, power, and external success was once important to me and I achieved all that. The price for achieving them was my declining health. Now other things are more important to me such as developing my creative nature and improving my health. M-27 O-72 T-16 I-50 V-55 I don't care much about those things because happiness is something that should be shared. Can't share image, recognition, power or external success very much. M-5 O-66 T-33 I-77 V-100 I guess I really just don't care what other people think about me. I don't care about my image, recognition, power, or external success. All of those values come from outside opinions. Image- I think I look great. When I go out I am very perticular that everything matches and that i am dressed up, but for me, not to please anyone else. Recognition- I give to/do for others out of kindness. I love to anonymously help others. Power (over others) and external success- can so easily be taken away from someone. I just dont care to focus my energy on them. M-16 O-88 T-55 I-94 V-22 Recognition only matters when you give credence to another person. People do not deserve that position, that credence in my life unless they earn it. Thus, I don't feel the need to impress anyone by my outward success or image because they don't represent a high authority for me regarding my life. M-27 O-83 T-77 I-88 V-83 The things I value most are internal. I have three grown kids, five granddaughters and a beloved husband. Nothing compares to the joy they bring to my life. I am also a painter and while success would make it easier, it would also bring a certain external influence and temptation to paint for commercial success rather than artistic integrity. M-27 O-100 T-72 I-55 V-100 I'm content with knowing and being happy with who I am. So long as I am able to recognize myself. I don't look to others for acceptance. Thus, I see no need to worry about my image. I know not everyone will accept who i am and if someone does. I want them to accept me for who I am. M-16 O-66 T-83 I-77 V-100 |
*for a low score assume the opposite of the above. the descriptions listed here are made up of personality items. people who scored high on this type scored higher on the above items compared to the average. (more info on construction) |