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MOTIV Personality Type Descriptions
Historic example(s):
Fictional example(s): Personality type correlations(s): |
MCEWV (healthy): more likely than average to believe one race of people is better than others; more likely to scheme against others; unlikely to sacrifice themself for others; less likely to like new foods; likes to make themself the center of attention; more likely to have had an intense religious experience; would enjoy a job that involves a lot of social interaction; would not enjoy being a hermit; not safety conscious; seldom bothered by the apparent suffering of strangers; more likely than average to do anything for money; would not enjoy being out on a sailboat during a storm; not resigned to fate; not plain in appearance; tends to be content with their life, positive; cares about dressing nicely; less likely than average to smoke cigarettes; more likely to do most of the talking; likes talking about themself; not deeply moved by others misfortunes; not prone to feeling guilty; grounded in reality; does not get physically ill when things aren't going well for them; capable; not prone to bursting into tears; likes being complimented; rarely feels blue; less likely to consider adopting a handicapped child; likes looking at themself in the mirror; confident; not prone to selflessness; not against hooking up with people they have no interest in a long term relationship with; seductive; less likely than average to joke around; less likely to be on medications; considers themself good looking; wants success to just happen to them; likes looking at their body; likes to be envied by others; does not mind asking for favors; likes having authority over others; not prone to admitting when they've made a mistake; does not believe the poor deserves our sympathy; would dislike being considered odd or strange; status seeking; thinks they are considered attractive by others; not detail oriented; is not embarrassed by praise; does not like taking orders; thinks they are a special person; more likely to prefer living a life or luxury; feels they are able to deal with things; does not like bizarre things; not easily discouraged; would enjoy being a famous celebrity; graceful; does not like order; not prone to quickly thinking up new ideas; pays attention to their needs; acts comfortably with others; can interfere in others business; usually happy; believes they are important; can resent being asked to do a favor for someone; don't feel guilty when they say no; feels comfortable with themself; does not hold back their opinions; open about themself to others
MCEWX (average health): is a bad loser; prone to demanding to be the center of interest; demanding of others; less likely to regret their behavior if they took advantage of someone impulsively; more likely to be unaffected by the suffering of others; less likely to have a good long term memory; easily offended; more likely than average to abuse peoples confidences; does not like to be bothered with other peoples needs; easily stirred; likes to make fun of people; less likely to consider adopting a handicapped child; not prone to feeling guilty; unlikely to sacrifice themself for others; considers their feelings when making a decision; attentive to their appearance; values money; rarely admits it when they make a mistake; does not like to take orders; cares about dressing nicely; would enjoy being a famous celebrity; did not enjoy school; less imaginative than average; not prone to selflessness; less likely to have been in physical fights; more likely to believe other people are to blame for their problems; experiences panic spells; more likely to talk mainly about themself; prone to getting others to do their duties; not sensitive to the needs of others; does not treat all people equally; can't hold onto money for long; more likely to follow the crowd; not relaxed most of the time; more likely to be superficial; can't make themself work on a difficult task when they don't feel like trying; more likely than average to do anything for money; likes being complimented; does not do a lot in their spare time; has less of a soft side than average; more likely to be considered well off financially; experiences longer periods of sadness or depression than other people seem to; not willing to let things rest; does not get started quickly when they have a job to do; likes to gossip; does not feel spiritually connected to other people; does not do everything they say they will do; does not think they have as much money as they need; cares what others think; more likely to use medications; can do things in a half-way manner; dislikes taking the responsibility for making decisions; seldom concerned with the possibility of failing when trying something new MCEWD (unhealthy): doesn't like happy people; more likely than average to do anything for money; neglects their duties; excels at nothing or very little; avoids responsibilities; would not like to be considered odd or strange; feels that other people are to blame for their problems; more likely to abuse peoples confidences; prone to feeling that life has no meaning; prone to hating people; more likely to cheat on people who have trusted them; more likely to uses others for their own ends; discontent with their life, negative; feels a sense of worthlessness or hopelessness; does not love life; is unable to describe their feelings easily; more likely to have bad manners; prone to only looking at things from a single perspective; does not like to be bothered with other peoples needs; can keep people waiting; dislikes taking responsibility for making decisions; does not feel spiritually connected to other people; does not get started quickly when they have work to do; easily discouraged; easily made to feel jealous; more likely to speak softly; dislikes work; easily offended; worries about things that have already happened; more likely than average to scheme against others; worrier; complainer; not likely to sacrifice themself for others; cares what others think; does not feel other peoples joy; more likely to tell tall stories about themself; does not enjoy the thrill that comes with fearful situations; cares about dressing nicely; gives up hope; does not feel comfortable with themself; prone to yelling at inanimate objects; does not put work above pleasure; more likely than average to avoid philosophical discussions; not relaxed most of the time; feels that they are unable to deal with things; tends to do things in a half-way manner; does not easily laugh at themself; does not think that all will be well; more likely than average to make enemies; is a bad loser; easily deterred; more likely to talk mainly about themself; does not enjoy teamwork; does not enjoy bringing people together; does not carry out their plans; more likely than average to do things behind people's backs; not usually happy; gets annoyed at the slightest provocation; more likely than average to deceive people; does not understand things; can't accept criticism without getting upset; does not do everything they say they will do; thinks of things like developing cancer or catching a serious illness; status seeking; has bad luck; does not honor all the vows they have made; can't maintain multiple priorities; can't concentrate; gets worked up easily; attentive to their appearance; holds a grudge; does not do a lot in their spare time; does not accomplish a lot of work (source) |