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MOTIV Personality Type Descriptions
Historic example(s):
Fictional example(s): Steve Carell (Anchorman) Personality type correlations(s): |
MCTIV (healthy): sticks to the rules; believes obedience to lawful authority is the foundation of character; content with their life, positive; would hate to be considered odd or strange; puts lots of time and effort into their work; not danger seeking; feels that life has meaning; able to do things properly; avoids doing dangerous things; relates to other human beings; does not like bizarre things; responsible; more likely to believe in god than average; safety conscious; has good manners; not easily distracted, focused; not easily deterred; thinks about the future; excels at things; cares about dressing nicely; not prone to scheme against others; traditional; less likely to cheat on people than average; likes to attend ceremonies; does not neglect their duties; thinks a lot about their decisions; interested in others; grounded in reality; rarely late to work/things; able to describe theif feelings easily; does not disregard rules; does not hurt people; not rebellious; cares about the feelings of others; not deceptive; not paranoid/suspicious; does not do things out of revenge; would not enjoy being on a sailboat during a storm; does not do things that others find strange; wants to keep things as they are; confident; does not hang around doing nothing; not prone to playing tricks on others; is open about themselves to others; does not admire a really clever scam; respects society's rules; sticks to the rules; will do anything for others; always knows what they are doing; has good luck; unlikely to cheat to get ahead; does not do things in a half way manner; good at maintaining a peaceful, comfortable environment; affirming of others; would enjoy a job that involves a lot of social interaction; respects people with strong ties to organizations, groups, family; fulfills their duties without complaining; accomplishes a lot of work; makes lists of things to do; not easily disturbed; likes order; does not make enemies; their life has direction; likes routine; status seeking; does not mind asking for favors; affected by the suffering of others; feels that they are able to deal with most things; less likely to smoke cigarettes; skilled in handling social situations; puts things in their proper place; takes offense easily; maintains their spaces in an orderly way; warms up quickly with others; not hard for them to stay in love; thinks things work out for the best; always ready to start afresh; believes that they are important; makes plans and sticks to them; does not break rules; pays attention; does not keep people waiting; trusting; enjoys being part of a group; behaves in a way that is acceptable to society; pitches in readily; feels that work is an important part of their life; accomplishes work on time; follows through with their plans; wants to be in charge; wants every detail take care of
MCTIX (average health): likes to have their life carefully planned out; works well within a system; security/safety focused; very important for them to be normal; believes chain of command is very important; prefers the known to the unknown; guided by superstitions; less likely to smoke cigarettes; puts a lot of time and effort into their work; does things by the book; safety conscious; does not neglect their duties; would hate to be considered odd or strange; rarely late to work/things; has a soft side; avoids danger; likes to travel; dislikes the unknown; likes to gossip; notices their emotional reactions; good at following orders; puts work above pleasure; affected by the suffering of others; cares about dressing nicely; does what others want them to do; thinks about the future; sticks to the rules; notices small visual details; likes routine; does not break rules; can be easy to fool; more agreeable than average; not deceptive; attentive to their appearance; more likely to be anti abortion; more likely to be religious; always busy; wants to keep things as they are; more fearful than average; does not do crazy things; traditional; more likely to do what others do; has good manners; tries to please everyone; considerate; likes order; sensitive to the needs of others; puts things back in their proper place; finds it necessary to please the people who have power; sacrifices themself for others; thinks life is meaningful; polite; likes working; easily frightened; makes lists of things to do; status seeking; cares what people think of them; is easily hurt; thinks they need protection; does not disregard rules; relates to other human beings; can follow the crowd; easily moved to tears; likes happy people; makes an effort; tries to follow the rules; makes friends easily; pays their bills on time; does not like to be without the company of others; makes plans and sticks with them; will do anything for others; needs affection; does not do strange things; not hard fo them to stay in love; can be easily intimidated; thinks a lot about decisions; likes talking about themself; not rebellious; gets started quickly when they have work to do; maintains their spaces in an orderly way; considers themself good looking; skilled in handling social situations; cares what others think; does things in a logical order; goes out of their way for others; less likely to cheat on people than average; can be easy to persuade; likes to please others; helpful; good at maintaining a peaceful, comfortable environment; accomplishes their work on time; notices everything MCTID (unhealthy): prefers the familiar; less likely than average to have opinions of their own; more likely to be on medications; likes to travel less than average; willing to take orders; would hate to be considered odd or strange; more likely to smoke cigarettes than average; lets themself be pushed around; cares what people think of them; does what others want them to do; easily made to feel jealous; rarely challenges things; more likely to follow the crowd; easily intimidated; easily influenced; does what others do; excels at nothing or very little; finds it necessary to please the people who have power; can be easy to fool; gets sick more often than average; lets themself be used; avoids danger; more likely to believe that people are evil; likes routine; makes lists of things to do; prone to bursting into tears; have avoid situations or people for fear they would get sick; has a soft side; prone to copying others; dreams about a rescuer; wants to keep things as they are; not rebellious; does things by the book; prone to looking at things from just one perspective; not in the mood for anything, unmotivated; easily frightened; can pay no attention to their own needs; would regret their behavior if they were to take advantage of someone impulsively; cares about dressing nicely; thinks they are less capable than most people; does not like asking for favors; prone to worry; would not enjoy being out on a sailboat during a storm; suffers from others sorrows; prone to trying to elicit sympathy by being tragic or morose; prone to feeling that life has no meaning; frequently feels shame; afraid of many things; does not disregard rules; does not do dangerous things; not the best sense of humor; less likely to want to go riding down a stretch of rapids in a canoe; not adventurous in what they eat; easily offended; will do anything for others; waits for others to lead the way; puts work above pleasure; sacrifices themself for others; has a low opinion of themself; dislikes the unknown; lets themself be influenced by others; can feel that other people are out to get them; sticks to the rules; often feels blue; maintains their spaces in an orderly way; thinks they need protection; holds back their opinions; easily hurt; fears their life will be cut short by illness; tires out quickly; is a perfectionist and spends an extensive amount of time making sure things are done right; can't accept criticism without getting upset; prone to experiencing physical pain; takes offense easily; does not consider themself attractive; does not feel it's ok that some people don't like them; lets others make the decisions; does things in a logical order; dislikes changes; dislikes looking at themself in the mirror; wants every detail taken care of; dislikes looking at their body; tries to please everyone; likes order; detail oriented; would never make a high risk investment; afraid to draw attention to themself; not spontaneous; often puzzled by sensations in their body; does not resist society's rules; prone to thinking of things like developing cancer or catching a serious illness; tries to follow the rules; can't stand confrontations; goes out of their way for others; apologizes a lot; easily moved to tears; not prone to having murderous ideas; prefers to stick with things they know; finds fault with everything (source) |