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MOTIV Personality Type Descriptions
Historic example(s):
Fictional example(s): Personality type correlations(s): |
XXTWV (healthy): more likely to think one race of people is better than others; believes that too much tax money goes to support artists; does things by the book; thinks they understand things; knows what they want; thinks about decisions; knows why they are angry when they are angry; analyzes the reasons for their actions; values emotional comfort more than attractiveness in a romantic partner; has few secrets; content with their life, positive; does a lot in their spare time; able to handle, not get upset by, brutal honesty/truth/reality; safety conscious; finds it easy to stay healthy; doesn't lose their head; unlikely to be confused by the emotions they are feeling; likes likely to enjoy pondering over things; doesn't let others discourage them; can keep to the subject; likes routine; grounded in reality; does not believe the poor deserve our sympathy; likes working; capable; not prone to feeling guilty; does not believe unfortunate events occur because of bad luck; does not feel other people are out to get them; puts a lot of time and effort into their work; feels up to any task; does things for apparent reasons; does not spend a lot of time on the phone; able to deal with things; likely to notice small visual details; confident; does not find it hard to describe how they feel about people; does not try to elicity sympathy be being tragic or morose; has a lot to contribute; considers themself attractive; likes looking at themself in the mirror; does not often feel shame; does things in a logical order; usually happy; does not care about justice; makes decisions easily; comes up with bold plans; knows who they are; not prone to insomnia; does not neglect their duties; not easily talked into doing silly things; gets started quickly when they have work to do; remembers to do things; rarely feels blue; likes to travel; does not suffer from others sorrows; does not let themself be pushed around; thinks about the future; more likely to exercise every day; not jealous of other people's situations; does not hang around doing nothing; less likely than average to smoke cigarettes; likes being away from civilization; does not count on others too much; the people they care about the most make them feel comfortable; has good luck; feels that life has meaning; likes work; excels at things; seldom bothered by the apparent suffering of strangers; does not skip difficult words when reading; makes lists of things to do; likes order; likes looking at their body; does not avoid responsibilities; does not copy others; feels comfortable with themself; pays attention; not guided by superstitions; has a bright outlook on the future; does not keep people waiting; knows why they do the things they do; enjoys teamwork; does not do things in a half-way manner; likes happy people; does not change their mind; was an overachiever growing up; likes taking responsibility for making decisions; not prone to bursting into tears; not avoidant; does not get physically ill when things are not going well for them; has a good sense of physical balance; cares about dressing nicely; accomplishes their work on time; pays attention to their needs; has good manners; does not do things others find strange; unlikely to abuse people's confidences; good with money; not good at hiding their intentions with others
XXTWX (average health): unemotional; prefers strength to tenderness; more rational than sentimental; more objective than charitable; more discourteous than interpersonal; thinks the rational is more important than the emotional; what makes rational sense is most important to them; makes decisions logically without regard to instinct/emotion; listens to their brain rather than their heart; experiences very few emotional highs and lows; more likely than average to cheat on people who have trusted them; thinks they have a lot to contribute; does not let themself be directed by others; does not think all politicians are corrupt; has a less of a soft side than average; more selfish than selfless; does not let themself be used; makes lists of things to do; not easy to fool; comfortable with themself; good with money; not prone to feeling guilty; always knows why they do things; notices small visual details; thinks less about how they feel than average; capable; not resigned to their fate; not wasteful of money; reads more slowly than average; puts work above pleasure; did not get in trouble a lot in school; does not warm up quickly to others; less likely to consider adopting a handicapped child; able to do things properly; makes plans and sticks to them; does not express their affection physically; feels up to any task; likes routine; does not forget appointments; enjoys being thought of as a normal mainstream person; finds it easy to stay healthy; considers themself attractive; does not count on others too much; good at saving money; can embarrass others; would not bother them if they never had kids; not prone to feeling guilty; does not feel guilty when they say no; does not like to gossip; not open about themself to others; more likely to believe that religion is foolish; rarely gets caught up in the excitement; likes taking responsibility for making decisions; doesn't bother with polite conversation; makes an effort; maintains their spaces in an orderly way; feels that work is an important part of their life; does not let themself be pushed around; accomplishes a lot of work; able to describe their feelings easily; does not disclose their intimate thoughts; has a lot of fun; can make up their mind; more likely to believe they are better than others; analyzes the reasons for their actions; not embarrassed by praise; does not neglect their duties; rarely late for things/work; does not to try to please everyone; does not experience their emotions intensely; thinks they have a talent for influencing people; has secrets; worrier; gets started quickly when they have work to do; interested in science; thinks about their decisions; gets a head start on others; pays attention to their own needs; danger averse; enjoys the thrill that comes with fearful situations; not easily impressed; does not do what others do; does not suffer from others sorrows; likes work; status seeking; usually knows what they are doing; accomplishes their work on time; good sense of humor; follow through on their commitments; carries out their plans; not easily discouraged; does not accept the first thing that comes along XXTWD (unhealthy): prefers to analyze than to sympathize; does not like people to pry into their life for any reason; rarely give gifts; thinks more than they feel; more withholding than intimate; can be seen as too task-oriented, uncaring, or indifferent; unable to relate to other people; does not like to dance; thinks it makes no sense to put effort into something that you know is doomed in the long run; does not like to ponder over things; has less of a soft side than average; unaffected by the suffering of others; more likely than average to smoke cigarettes; can't be bothered with others needs; more likely to have murderous ideas; has little to say; does not enjoy teamwork; more selfish than selfless; does not thing about decisions; more likely to believe that too much tax money goes to support artists; not a fan of happy people; rarely loses things; rarely gets caught up in the excitement; finds it takes a lot to make them feel frustrated or irritated; has been called a cheapskate; more likely to use others for their own ends; seldom wears colorful clothing; puts their feelings/welfare first even in a long term relationship; more likely to believe that people are essentially evil; not really interested in others; would not bother them if they never had kids; does not sacrifice themself for others; experiences visual disturbances/anomalies; does not enjoy bringing people together; feels that life has no meaning; not easy to fool; gives in to no one; hard for them to fall in love; less likely to want to riding down a stretch of rapids in a canoe; can do things out of revenge; does not feel spiritually connected to other people; believes they are better than others; more likely than average to value attractiveness over emotional comfort in a long term romantic partner; can be hurtful to people; would rather be friendless than jobless; likes to make fun of people; finds fault with everything; does not feel other people's joy; more likely than average to cheat to get ahead; less likely than average to regret their behavior if they were to take advantage of someone impulsively; not inclined to forgive others; does not let themself be used; likes having authority over others; not in the mood for anything; less likely to consider themself religious; doesn't know why they are angry; does not express themself easily; does not express their affection physically; puts less time and effort into their work than most; listens to their brain rather than their heart; not comfortable around people; does not like to attend ceremonies; hard for them to stay in love; would not sacrifice their life for a good enough cause; analyzes the reasons for their actions; fearful; seldom bothered by the apparent suffering of strangers; boastful; a bad loser; deceptive; maintains their spaces in an orderly way; gets angry easily; less likely to consider adopting a handicapped child; more likely than average to scheme against others; holds a grudge; does not find examination of their feelings useful in solving personal problems; undertakes few things on their own; does not suffer from others sorrows; would not enjoy a job that involves a lot of social interaction; more likely than average to abuse people's confidences; finds it difficult to tell whether something really happened or whether it occurred only in their imagination; gets a head start on others; rarely considers their feeling when making a decision; does not believe in human goodness; does not offer help with problems; does not let others have the credit; good at saving money; makes demands on others; has secret strategies; likes to test people's loyalty; does not relate to other human beings; expects things to fail; admires a really clever scam; believes that people are good or band (black and white thinking); feels they are unable to deal with things; feel that other people are out to get them; makes lists of things to do; does not go out of their way for others; less likely to believe in life after death; hides their real intentions; does not like to ask for favors; gets annoyed at the slightest provocation; does not act comfortable with others; would describe their experiences as somewhat dull; prone to insomnia; afraid to draw attention to themself; wasteful with money; not easy to persuade; does not love life; points out others mistakes; does their best to avoid arguments; feels that friendly people are actually trying to manipulate them; doesn't like most people but still tries to get along most of the time to minimize hostility; not disturbed by events (source) |