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MOTIV Personality Type Descriptions
Historic example(s):
Fictional example(s): Personality type correlations(s): |
XOEIV (healthy): believes that love happens all the time, everywhere; feels spiritually connected to other people; content with their life, positive; likes happy people; feels comfortable with themself; open about themself to others; more likely than average to consider adopting a handicapped child; finds that it takes them a lot to make them feel frustrated or irritated; has a good imagination; enjoys the thrill that comes with fearful situations; does not have a dark outlook on the future; worries less than average; more likely to have experienced something supernatural; finds it easy to stay healthy; skilled in handling social situations; has a lot of fun; looks at things from multiple angles; likes to travel; tries to figure themself out; does not dwell on the past; thinks things work out for the best; expresses their affection physically; people they are the most about often make them feel comfortable; cares about others needs; feels that life has meaning; feels up to any task; will do anything for others; warms up quickly to others; not picky about food; capable; not prone to worrying about things that have already happened; not avoidant; feels other people's joy; cares about the feelings of others; find it easy to forgive others; able to describe their feelings easily; enjoys offering directions to tourists; usually happy; motivated; relates to other human beings; don't let others discourage me; feels that they are able to deal with things; gets along well with others; enjoys physical exercise; does not tire out quickly; more likely to do dangerous things; have a lot to contribute; less likely to be on medications; enjoys bringing people together; dislikes routine; respects people with strong ties to organizations, groups, or family; not put off by unexpected events; less fearful than average; thinks many politicians are corrupt; challenges things; confident; not bothered by difficult social situations; not hurtful; can accept criticism without getting upset; can laugh and cry at the same time; likes poetry; rarely complains; not suspicious; does not use others for their own ends; rarely feels jealous of other peoples situations; feels comfortable around people; usually works on improving things, instead of getting frustrated, when everything seems to be going wrong; gets a head start on others; never gives up hope; likes changes; has a soft side; loves life; prefers going to movies to watching videos at home; interested in others; does not get annoyed at the slightest provocation; does not expect things to fail; has a good sense of physical balance; does most of the talking; sacrifices themself for others; not hard to get to know; does not do things by the book; not prone to feeling guilty; doesn't get angry easily; has felt so good during numerous moments of their life that they could not imagine feeling any better; willing to take risks; does not feel that other people are to blame for their problems; believes that others have good intentions; is a good listener, likes to listen to people; interested in people; has a good work for everyone; would not enjoy being a hermit; not quiet around strangers; excels at things; not easily discouraged; not quick to judge others
XOEIX (average health): believes in the paranormal, experiences supernatural guidance; thinks you can never be too helpful to others; finds it rewarding to let their feelings guide them in life; would rather be called a person of real feeling than a consistently reasonable person; egalitarian; more likely to have had an intense religious experience; more likely than average to smoke cigarettes; not prone to hating people; does not enjoy being thought of as a normal mainstream person; will do anything for others; good sense of humor; can forget appointments; has a talent for influencing people; have had the feeling that their thoughts were audible; more likely than average to consider adopting a handicapped child; believes that others have good intentions; lets people pull their leg; expresses their affection physically; has fewer secrets than most; lets themself be used; more agreeable than average; affected by the suffering of others; cares about the needs of others; looks at things from multiple angles; has a lot of fun; warms up quickly to others; rebels against authority; free of prejudice; has a soft side; open about themself to others; less fearful than average; has a lot to say; does not avoid philosophical discussions; puts their partners feelings/welfare first in a long term romantic relationship; likes concerts; goes out of their way for others; would enjoy a job that involved a lot of social interaction; has sympathy for criminals; more danger seeking than average; does things for no apparent reason; feels up to any task; does not believe that too much tax money goes to artists; has felt the presence of another person when he or she was not really there; feels that life has meaning; frequently reinvents themself; likes impulsive people; does not make lists of things to do; challenges things; often experiences intuitive insights; sacrifices themself for others; does not like order; enjoys offering directions to tourists; lives life from one day to the next; does not not make plans and stick to them; enjoys cartoons; interested in others; does not hold back their opinions; makes friends easily; breaks rules; resists society's rules; has a good imagination; if they were really attracted to someone but thought they would be happier with someone else they knew, they would hook them up; enjoys bringing people together; able to describe their feelings easily; tries out new things; always knows why they do things; thinks they would be a good comedian; bothered by the apparent suffering of strangers; thinks they are an extraordinary person; sympathetic; more likely than average to talk during movies; just lets things happen; loves to help others; rarely shows their anger; does not abuse people's confidences; has good luck; does not back down when threatened XOEID (unhealthy): interested in the paranormal; more likely to misplace things than have a set place for them; got in trouble a lot at school; has a feeling of being directed or controlled from outside; more likely to have had out of body experiences; more likely to have attacked someone physically; forgets appointments; feels spiritually connected to other people; thinks they have little to contribute; pays no attention to their own needs; gets upset when others notice how they look; danger seeking; values how attracted they are to someone and/or how attracted someone is to them more than how emotionally comfortable they are with someone; lets themself be used; acts as if they are somebody else and completely identifies with the part; finds it easy to stay healthy; disregards rules; has had the feeling that their thoughts were audible; rarely considers their feelings when making a decision; has had the feeling that other people have injected thoughts into their mind; has a dark outlook on the future; has many secrets; have not had a lot of fun; will do anything for others; the people they care the most about often make them feel the most uncomfortable; does not think about decisions; dislikes routine; acts at the expense of others; likes poetry; has felt the presence of another person when he or she was not really there; experiences visual disturbances/anomalies; does not get into their work; does not get a head start on others; breaks rules; finds it hard to describe how they feel about people; is easily talked into doing silly things; more likely than average to be on medications; feels that other people are out to get them; doesn't understand things; cares about the needs of others; does not take a lot to make them frustrated or irritated; feels uncomfortable when told they are important; does not like working; does dangerous things; does not accomplish their work on time; worrier; does not feel up to any task; egalitarian/non-prejudiced; feels that work is not an important part of their life; thinks of things like developing cancer or catching a serious illness; tends to speak only when spoken to; has secret strategies; does things for no apparent reason; frequently forgets to do things; doesn't care about dressing nicely; often late to things/work; more likely than average to get a tattoo; frequently feels shame; does not feel sympathy for those that are worse off than them; doesn't know what's going on inside them; puts their partners welfare/feelings before them in a long term relationship; sacrifices themself for others; more likely than average to do anything for money; is bothered by the apparent suffering of strangers; does crazy things; rarely notices their emotional reactions; if they were attracted to someone but thought they would be happier with someone else they knew, they would hook them up; enjoys offering directions to tourists; doesn't make an effort; feels a sense of worthlessness or hopelessness; often forgets to put things back in their proper place; does not make plans and stick to them; gets out of control; avoids responsibilities; yells at inanimate objects; does not enjoy being thought of as a normal mainstream person; believes that people are good or bad (black and white thinking); prone to feeling guilty (source) |