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MOTIV Personality Type Descriptions
Historic example(s):
Fictional example(s): Personality type correlations(s): |
XCTXV (healthy): considers themself a very organized person; follows a schedule; feels life has meaning; likes happy people; content with their life, positive; discusses their health problems with their family and friends; makes an effort; less likely to want to go hang gliding or bungee jumping; unlikely to smoke cigarettes; has a bright outlook on the future; rarely late to things; does not create problems for others; has good manners; not prone to feeling guilty; self controlled; feels comfortable with themself; unlikely to hurt people; does not avoid responsibilities; excels at things; open about themself to others; respects people with strong ties to organizations, groups, family; grounded in reality; relates to other human beings; does not do improper things; feels understood by others; would not enjoy being a hermit; not pleasure driven; egalitarian/non-prejudiced; unlikely to cheat on people who have trusted them; able to do things properly; usually takes care of their responsibilities as soon as possible; has less secrets than most; interested in others; knows who they are; does not go too far with jokes; does not neglect their duties; does not feel that fantasy is more powerful than reality; would not enjoy being out on a sailboat during a storm; honors commitments; enjoyed school; cares about the feelings of others; unlikely to cheat to get ahead; does things for apparent reasons; thinks they are capable; puts a lot of time and effort into their work; does not make rash decisions; usually active and full of energy; does not like to make fun of people; knows whats going on inside them; the people they care about the most make them the most comfortable; likes multitasking; has a lot to contribute; feels they are able to deal with things; does things by the book; likes working; knows why they are angry when they are angry; does not overestimate their achievements; does not feel that other people are out to get them; makes lists; does not keep people waiting; avoids danger; does not make a mess of things; does not do things in a half way manner; believes in god; trusts what people say; likes routine; does not disregard rules; does not do dangerous things; gets sick less often than average; does a lot in their spare time; rarely loses things; good at saving money; does not hang around doing nothing; attentive, pays attention; gets started quickly when they have work to do; unlikely to abuse people's confidences; unlikely to deceive people; does not let others do their work; thinks schooling is important; does not overlook things; does a lot of work; here life has direction; not prone to desiring things that others have; sees things through; good at maintaining a peaceful, comfortable environment; usually happy; does not waste their time; does not make their own rules; does not forget to do things often; not easily talked into doing silly things; does not do things behind other people's backs; can take their mind off their problems; safety conscious; unlikely to scheme against others; does not resist society's rules; not hard to understand; not hard for them to stay in love; does not expect things to fail; not prone to forgetting appointments; feels that work is an important part of their life; does not play tricks on others; more likely to be anti abortion than average; not suspicious; not hard to get to know; usualy busy; unlikely to do things out of revenge; able to describe their feelings easily; does not tell tall stories about themself; not prone to panic; knows what they want; enjoy teamwork; bothered by the apparent suffering of strangers; likes taking responsibility for making decisions; does not find it difficult to stay on one course; does not rebel against authority
XCTXX (average health): more likely to follow a recipe exactly than customize it; more organized than impulsive; more scheduled than spontaneous; more practical than innovative; more factual than innovative; more traditional than head-in-the-clouds; more conventional than surreal; would rather work in production than design; cautious, prefers not to put their life/happiness at risk; avoids dangerous situations; does things by the book; does not like unconventional ideas; sees the world as it is; when learning, they do best in a quiet environment; tends to err on the side of security even if it means playing it to safe or alternately confronting danger; less into art than average; keeps a sharp eye on others work; does not have trouble guessing how others will react; tends to have less energy in the winter than the summer; grounded in reality; does not tend to have extra time on their hands; does not feel that fantasy is more powerful than reality; safety conscious; would not like to be considered odd or strange; likes routine; cares about rules; does not do dangerous things; can be honest with a significant other even if they thought it could end the relationship; not pleasure driven; would not enjoy being out on a sailboat during a storm; has the ability to be a good teacher; usually takes care of their responsibilities as soon as possible; avoids danger; thinks that schooling is important; undertakes few things on their own; egalitarian/non-prejudiced; finds it hard to stay in a bad mood if people around them are happy; makes lists of things to do; tends not to behave improperly; more likely to not have felt close to their parents as a child; less of a fan of fiction than average; does not feel short changed in life; does not neglect their duties; not prone to forgetting appointments; does not disregard rules; sees themself as an average person; makes plans and sticks to them; does not do crazy things; wants to keep things as they are; would regret their behavior if they were to take advantage of someone impulsively; usually finishes things before they are actually do; bothered by disorder; less likely than average to get/want a tattoo; unlikely to deceive people; has less secrets than average; less likely to want to go riding down a stretch of rapids in a canoe; relates to other human beings; does a lot of work; respects people with strong ties to organizations, groups, family; not guided by superstitions; sees things through; unlikely to cheat to get ahead; does not enjoy the thrill that comes with fearful situations; does not treat all people equally; unlikely to cheat on people who have trusted them; unlikely to act at the expense of others; accomplishes their work on time; feels concern for others; thinks they are just an ordinary person; less likely to smoke cigarettes; less likely than average to consider adopting a handicapped child; unlikely to have gotten in trouble a lot in school; likes happy people; sticks to the rules; makes an effort; does not avoid responsibilities; sees that rules are observed; does not rebel against authority; does not do things in a half way manner; loves order and regularity XCTXD (unhealthy): prefers a structured and decided lifestyle to a flexible and adaptable lifestyle; not a big risk taker; prefers work that is routine; would be happy if they could avoid change/risk; wants a steady pace, security and does not like sudden change; sees danger everywhere; worrier; safety conscious; does not enjoy the thrill that comes with fearful situations; easily intimidated; dislikes the unknown; fearful; likes new foods less than most; less likely to be up for going down a stretch of rapids in a canoe; not the life of the party; does not talk to a lot of different people at parties; less likely to have attacked someone physically; worries about things that have already happened; does not feel up to any task; does not prefer to just let things happen; avoids danger; likes routine; wants to keep things as they are; yells at people; does what others want them to do; does not warm up quickly to others; doesn't do unexpected things; does not have a lot of fun; unlikely to smoke cigarettes; prone to yelling at inanimate objects; finishes doing things before they are actually due; feels a sense of worthlessness or hopelessness; have little to contribute; dislikes bright/neon colors; does not act comfortably with others; dislikes looking at themself in the mirror; would describe their experiences as somewhat dull; does not demand to be the center of interest; low energy, activity level; gets upset when others notice how they look; helpful; waits for others to lead the way; feels weak; does not like to behave spontaneously; does thing by the book; afraid of many things; gets physically ill when things are not going well for them; feels desperate; prefers routine to variety; has a low opinion of themself; would not enjoy a job that involves a lot of social interaction; does not take much to make them frustrated or irritated; makes lists of things to do; more likely than average to feel that others are to blame for their problems; does not like asking for favors; unwilling to take risks; is not in the mood for anything; dislikes looking at their body; feels short changed in life; puts their partner first in a relationship; cares what people think of them; does not make friends easily; sticks to the rules; thinks about how they feel; does not feel spiritually connected to others; feels like they are falling apart; feels uncomfortable when told they are important; does not keep people waiting; bothered by difficult social situations; thinks they need protection; lets others discourage them; not relaxed most of the time; likes concerts less than most; would regret their behavior if they were to take advantage of someone impulsively; more likely to follow the crowd; gets sick more often than others; has a dark outlook on the future; avoids crowds; concerned about the possibility of failing when trying something new; has trouble guessing how others will react; values emotional comfort more than attraction in a partner; notices small visual details; is fearful regardless of whether they show it; lets themself be directed by others; does not know what they want; dislikes surprises; not seductive (source) |