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MOTIV Personality Type Descriptions
Historic example(s):
Fictional example(s): Frank Drebin (Naked Gun) Personality type correlations(s): |
XCXIV (healthy): more likely to be a theist than an atheist; more likely to look up to their parents; respects authority; likes fiction less than average; does things by the book; not a fan of poetry; feels spiritually connected to other people; enjoyed school; feels that life has meaning; knows why they are angry when they are angry; does not avoid responsibilities; unlikely to abuse people's confidences; does things for an apparent reason; would bother them if they never had kids; not prone to hating others; more likely to have had an intense religious experience; enjoys teamwork; does not enjoy the thrill that comes with fearful situations; affected by the suffering of others; likes working; does not do things that others find strange; grounded in reality; thinks existence is meaningful; does not walk over others; cares about the needs of others; likes happy people; does not feel other people are out to get them; knows what they want; has a bright outlook on the future; content with their life, positive; does not make enemies; does not misuse power; respects people with strong ties to organizations, groups, family; open about themself to others; not hard for them to stay in love; does not avoid eye contact; does not find fault with everything; interested in others; values emotional comfort more than attractiveness in a long term romantic partner; more likely than average to be religious; polite; doesn't like to be away from civilization; does not enjoy crude jokes; less likely than average to get a tattoo; less likely than average to have gotten in trouble in school; aware; does not expect things to fail; does not disregard rules; does no dwell on the past; unlikely to scheme against others; feels comfortable with themself; unlikely to do things out of revenge; unlikely to deceive people; not driven by money; likes to ponder over things; likes to travel; enjoys listening to people tell stories about events that have happened in their lives; the people they care about the most make them the most comfortable; likes to attend ceremonies; feels they are able to deal with things; does not do dangerous things; usually happy; not prone to feeling guilty; not guided by superstitions; helpful; does not believe that people are evil; unlikely to hurt others; has a lot to contribute; unlikely to use others for their own ends; able to describe their feelings easily; bothered by the apparent suffering of strangers; sympathetic; makes an effort; egalitarian/non-prejudiced; makes decisions quickly; doesn't lose their head; able to do things properly; earnest; does not get angry easily; cares about the feelings of others; not prone to panic; knows somebody who is absolutely fair and just; motivated; does not admire are really clever scam; does not disclose thier intimate thoughts; less likely to be on medication; not easily annoyed; not hard to get to know; would not enjoy being out on a sailboat during a storm; would not enjoy being a hermit; safety conscious; not picky about food; unlikely to cheat to get ahead; thinks less than average about decisions; does not like bizarre things; would regret their behavior if they were to take advantage of someone impulsively; likes work; does not like to test people's loyalty; unlikely to cheat on people who have trusted them; unlikely to forget appointments; unlikely to tell tall stories about themself; not self absorbed; easy to satisfy; enjoys being with people; easier to fool than average; does not play tricks on others; has good luck; knows what's going on inside them; easy to convince; does not rebel against authority; does not seek danger; has a lot to say; feels that work is an important part of their life; don't mind asking for favors; mediates in quarrels; not prone to spilling things; good at saving money; does not like to be alone; easily moved to tears; not attracted to the counter culture; likes friendly people; has no trouble changing their behavior to suit the situation; not hard to reason with; does not frequently feel shame; feels comfortable around others; always knows why they do things; their life has direction; does not put down others proposals; values attraction more than emotional comfort in a relationship; does not resist society's rules; thinks things work out for the best; less likely to think marijuana should be legalized; shows faith in people; makes friends easily; does not get out of control; likes children; more likely than average to consider adopting a handicapped child
XCXIX (average health): obedient to others; more obedient than rebellious; would rather build things than invent things; when doing something that many people do, more likely to do it in the accepted way than to invent their own way; not prone to hating people; egalitarian/non-prejudiced; grounded in reality; prone to crying during sad movies; unlikely to have murderous ideas; unlikely to have gotten in trouble a lot in school; values emotional comfort more than attractiveness in a long term romantic partner; rarely late to things; cares about the feelings of others; is bothered by messy people; can't do without the company of others; likes to travel; likes happy people; would regret their behavior if they were to take advantage of someone impulsively; has a soft side; does not act at the expense of others; does not seek danger; unlikely to do things out of revenge; likes to ponder over things; shows faith in people; does not walk over others; does not use others for their own ends; helpful; feels like they are falling apart; has less secrets than most; bothered by the apparent suffering of strangers; unlikely to live a life of luxury; not out for their own personal gain; people they care the most about make them the most comfortable; does not do dangerous things; concerned about making a good impression; affected by the suffering of others; avoids dangerous situations; not super imaginative; lets themself be directed by others; enjoys listening to people tell stories about events that have happened in their lives; able to do things properly; less likely than average to enjoy intellectual games; does not neglect their duties; says little; polite; thinks they are just an ordinary person; does things for apparent reasons; does not like asking for favors; less likely to believe religion is foolish; does not make decisions quickly; feels that life has meaning; unlikely to scheme against others; knows why they are angry when they are angry; would not enjoy being out on a sailboat during a storm; does not shoot their mouth off; gives in to people; lets themself be used; can get along with most people; lets themself be pushed around; does not love getting massages; loves people that only like them; sacrifices themself for others; does not rebel against authority; does not feel that other people are out to get them; will do anything for others; does not go too far with jokes; unlikely to forget appointments; unlikely to hurt others; unlikely to have attacked someone physically; does not believe parents coddle their children too much; always ready to start afresh; would bother them if they never had kids; notices small visual details; more likely than average to be anti-abortion; enjoys feeding animals; feels sympathy for those who are worse of than themself; lets people pull their leg; wants to keep things as they are; not deeply moved by others misfortunes; easily intimidated; does not abuse peoples confidences; unlikely to deceive people; sees themself as an average person; sympathetic; safety conscious; feels the need to work extremely hard even when people don't notice; not prone to making enemies; lets others make the decisions; lets others have the credit; not hard for them to stay in love; relates to other human beings; does not find fault with everything; does not interfere in other people's business; can be happy doing mindless work; easily discouraged; unlikely to cheat on people who have trusted them; not seductive; more likely than average to believe in god; interested in others; easily hurt; does not play tricks on others XCXID (unhealthy): thinks they are weak and thinks they need a stronger person to carry them through life; tends to defer/go-along with the wishes of others; fears taking control, leading; resigned to their fate; lets themself be used; lets themself be directed by others; frequently feels guilty; worrier; sees to the needs of others first; more agreeable than average; excels at nothing or very little; does not challenge things; unlikely to come up with bold plans; sees themself as an average person; worries about things that have already happened; lets others make the decisions; bothered by the apparent suffering of strangers; does not feel comfortable with themself; more likely to have a drinking problem than average; fearful; lets themself be influenced by ohters; prone to freezing up; unwilling to take risks; lets themself be pushed around; analyzes the reasons for their actions; does not talk to a lot of different people at parties; helpful; loves people that only like them; good sense of humor; rarely splurges; does not think they are an extraordinary person; more likely than average to consider adopting a handicapped child; lets others discourage them; feels guilty when they say no; feels a sense of worthlessness or hopelessness; says little; does what others do; dislikes being complimented; would not be upset if they say saw reality how it really was; avoids being the center of interest; likes to travel less than average; waits for others to lead the way; does what others want them to do; feels like they are falling apart; dislikes having authority over others; not skilled in handling social situations; afraid of many things; gives up hope; counts on others too much; has a dark outlook on the future; have little to say; easily intimidated; experiences many emotional highs and lows; doesn't consider themself attractive; thinks they are not a special person; reacts slowly; often feels blue; does not rebel against authority; tires out quickly; does not believe they are important; not relaxed most of the time; prevents themself from saying mean things; does not live a life of luxury; dislikes looking at their body; thinks they have little to contribute; does not like bizarre things; does not seek danger; does not walk over others; does things by the book; pays no attention to their own needs; does not try out new things; does not love life; experiences panic spells; feels they are unable to deal with things; experiences longer periods of sadness or depression than other people seem to; dislikes the unknown; feels that their life lacks direction; frequently feels shame; does not resist society's rules; does not readily overcome setbacks; easily disturbed; dislikes looking at themself in the mirror; will do anything for others; gets suspicious when someone treats them nicely; does not know immediately what to do; does not face danger confidently; makes difficulties out of nothing; shows faith in people; thinks they need protection; does not like asking for favors; does not make decisions easily; has a soft side; does not swim against the current; prone to bursting into tears; does not have a lot of fun; is not the life of the party; does not think all will be well; bothered by difficult social situations; rarely finishes doing things before they are actually due; cares what other people think of them; likes to ponder over things; sympathetic; easily influenced; is nice to people they should be angry at; does not know what they want; does not give priority to their own interests; not good at sports; does not enjoy crude jokes (source) |