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MOTIV Personality Type Descriptions
Historic example(s):
Fictional example(s): Personality type correlations(s): |
XCEIV (healthy): more trusting of politicians than average; likes fiction less than most; prone to feeling guilty; more likely than average to think abortion should be outlawed; more likely to be religious; more likely to have had selfish parents; would regret their behavior if they took advantage of someone impulsively; unlikely to smoke cigarettes; content with their life, positive; values emotional comfort more than attractiveness in a romantic partner; does not enjoy crude jokes; does not think their life is worth more than others; would bother them if they never had kids; does not enjoy the thrill that comes with fearful situations; has a big soft side; less likely to be a drinker; does not look down on weakness; does not believe people are evil; values honesty over getting what they want; more likely than average to have a gap in their middle teeth; unlikely to have been in physical fights; not demanding; not prone to fantasy; less likely to think marijuana should be legalized; warms up quickly to others; not aggressive; not prone to revenge; cares about the needs of others; not critical; does not act at the expense of others; does not resist society's rules; not prone to making enemies; self controlled; avoids danger; does not cheat to get ahead; does not like to get lost in thought; clean; likes order; not paranoid; prefers going to the movies to watching videos at home; does what others want them to do; not bossy; does not easily laugh at themself; would not enjoy being a hermit; not deceptive; not hard to get to know; doesn't desire things that others have; finds it hard to stay in a bad mood if the people around them are happy; would enjoy a job that involved a lot of social interaction; not prone to hating others; not hard for them to stay in love; not hurtful to others; not manipulative; usually likes to talk a lot; does not hold a grudge; unlikely to cheat on people who have trusted them; avoids saying mean things to people
XCEIX (average health): cares about the needs of others; does not feel comfortable with themself; enjoys teamwork; not prone to feeling guilty; does not enjoy crude jokes; does not enjoy the thrill that comes with fearful situations; empathetic; follows the rules; does not express their affection physically; relates to other human beings; avoids doing dangerous things; does not scheme against others; will do anything for others; does not follow a novel life regimen; not prone to hating others; likes happy people; not super artistic; values emotional comfort more than attraction in romantic partners; less likely to have enjoyed school; has good manners; feels a sense of worthlessness or hopelessness; less likely to challenge things; understands people who get emotional; avoids conflict; respects people with strong ties to organizations, groups, family; does not enjoy intellectual games; more likely to try to please people than try to control people; dislikes taking responsibility for making decisions; feels like they are falling apart; cares more the happiness of their romantic relationships than their own happiness; does what others want them to do; lets themself be used; more likely to take orders from anybody; would regret their behavior if they were to take advantage of someone impulsively; fears abandonment more than encroachment; experiences longer periods of sadness or depression than others; has trouble saying no; unlikely to have been in physical fights; lets themself be pushed around; is patient with people who annoy them XCEID (unhealthy): more likely than average to smoke cigarettes; thinks they can't stand on their own; lets people push them around to help them feel important; excels at nothing or very little; feels that life has no meaning; less capable than most people; bursts into tears; more likely to have had parents that didn't pay much attention to them; willing to take orders; feels they are unable to deal with things; feels that other people are out to get them; does not think about decisions; gives up easily; weak; doesn't challenge things; pays little attention to their own needs; thinks they have little to contribute; easily deterred; dislikes looking at themself in the mirror; tends to dislike new foods; easily discouraged; has a low opinion of themself; prone to follow the crowd; prone to physical pain; prone to guilt; feels a sense of things not being real; does not work hard; has a dark outlook on the future; finds it difficult to tell whether something happened or whether it occurred only in their imagination; had to cater to the needs/expectations of their parents growing up; avoids eye contact; does not feel comfortable with themself; lets themself be used; tries to be someone for other people more than they try to be someone for themself; can't say no; does what others want them to do; unaffected by other people's happiness; feels weak; says yes to nearly all requests; can't put their ideas into practice; sacrifices themself for others; has bad luck; does not seek adventure; would regret their behavior if they were to take advantage of someone impulsively; believes they are unimportant; does not know what they want; can get into shouting matches with people; thinks they are not a special person; undertakes few things on their own; afraid of many things (source) |