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MOTIV Personality Type Descriptions
Historic example(s):
Fictional example(s): Agent Smith (The Matrix) Personality type correlations(s): Obsessive Personality Disorder |
MCTXV (healthy): rarely loses things; feels that life has meaning; likes happy people; grounded in reality; not easily discouraged; has their own opinions; thinks about the future; makes plans and sticks to them; does not neglect their duties; danger averse; excels at things; respects people with strong ties to organizations, groups, family; when they get angry they know why; not a fan of getting massages; does things by the book; content with their life, positive; less likely than average to smoke cigarettes; rarely late for things/work; is able to describe their feelings easily; able to do things properly; makes friends easily; likes routine; would dislike being considered odd or strange; unlikely to rebel against authority; relates to other human beings; their life has direction; cares about dressing nicely; does not believe people are evil; does not like bizarre things; graceful; respects society's rules; less likely than average to get a tattoo; feels they are able to deal with things; not deceptive to others; not embarrassed to have people see their place; knows what's going on inside me; does not disregard rules; likes working; believes they are important; not suspicious; knows what they really want; does not play tricks on others; fashionable; cares what people think of them; does not let themself be used; puts things in their proper place; has good luck; not avoidant; does not want to draw attention in a way that would arouse the envy/jealousy of others; does not find it difficult to stay on one course; usually knows why they do thing; values security, predictability; thinks they have a talent for influencing people; has good manners; does not make a mess of things; tends to do a lot in their spare time; does not do things in half-way manner; polite; less likely to cheat on people than average; often busy; cares what others think; feel comfortable around people; has no trouble changing their behavior to suit the situation; considers themself attractive; makes an effort; likes order; rarely feels blue; does not hang around doing nothing; less likely to have been in physical fights; not hard for them to stay in love; follows through with their plans; considers themself good looking; affected by the suffering of others; makes lists of things to do; not easy to fool; does not get out of control; knows immediately what to do; likes being complimented; interested in others; less likely to do things out of revenge; feels that work is an important part of life; carries out their plans; thinks about their decisions; gets sick less often than average; pays attention; usually happy
MCTXX (average health): thinks professional credentials are the best way to judge the skill of a person; likes having vacations carefully planned out; believes security is more important than liberty; prefers to live in a world where laws and rules are rigidly enforced; finds very unconventional people annoying; does not mind asking for favors; willing to take orders; thinks about the future; rarely late to things/work; not a fan of poetry; cares about dressing nicely; doesn't like being away from civilization; likes routine; less likely to smoke cigarettes; less likely to get a tattoo; likes happy people; analyzes the reasons for their actions; does not do crazy things; respects people with strong ties to organizations, groups, family; wants to keep things as they are; danger averse; likes to joke around; capable; more likely to be religious; makes lists of things to do; sticks to the rules; can do most of the talking; would not like being considered odd or strange; respects society's rules; less likely to have been in physical fights; does not disregard rules; likes children; more likely to believe that too much tax money goes to support artists; able to do things properly; likes to attend ceremonies more than average; has good manners; more likely to spend a lot of time on the phone; tends not to challenge things; finds it necessary to please people who have power; does not do dangerous things; hard to persuade; sees that rules are observed; usually happy; rarely loses things; cares what people think of them; polite; more likely to have confidence in their doctor; unlikely to swim against the current; more likely to fear that their life will be cut short by illness; likes order; would not enjoy being out on a sailboat during a storm; unlikely to make a high risk investment; less likely to want to go riding down the rapids in a canoe; thinks about their decisions; more likely to follow the crowd; more likely to do things by the book; does not like to be without the company of others; fashionable; very detail oriented; more likely to be in good physical condition; more likely to enjoy gossiping; relates to other human beings; is a perfectionist and spends an extensive amount of time making sure things are done right; unlikely to rebel against authority; does not let themself be pushed around; follows through with their plans; tries to follow the rules MCTXD (unhealthy): easily discouraged; likes routine; more often finds themself in romantic relationships with people they love that only like them than vice versa; would not like to be considered odd or strange; don't consider themself attractive; does things in a logical order; values attractiveness more than how emotionally comfortable they feel around someone in a long term romantic partner; easily intimidated; easily deterred; cares what people think of them; cares about dressing nicely; dreams about a rescuer; afraid of many things; more likely to follow the crowd; worries about things that have already happened; tends to only look at things from one perspective; easily discouraged; more likely to avoid philosophical discussions; more likely to do anything for money; prone to bursting into tears; can lose their head; afraid of many things; would not want to riding down a stretch of rapids in a canoe; does not like working; does things by the book; doesn't understand things; does not consider themself attractive; dislikes the unknown; materialistic; would describe their experiences as somewhat dull; danger averse; does thinks in a logical order; more likely to do what others do; easily disturbed; makes lists of things to do; can feel that life has no meaning; tends to avoid eye contact; am put off by unexpected events; attentive to their appearance; thinks they need protection; finds it necessary to please people who have power; likes to travel less than average; makes difficulties out of nothing; sticks to the rules; feels that they are unable to deal with things; thinks they can bend the will of others; not relaxed most of the time; tends to be superficial; bothered by difficult social situations; dislikes looking at themself in the mirror; less likely to get a tattoo; has a low opinion of themself; easily made to feel jealous; forgoes opportunities; cares whether they are considered special; believes in the power of fate; dislikes looking at their body; discontent with their life, negative (source) |