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MOTIV Personality Type Descriptions
Historic example(s):
Fictional example(s): Personality type correlations(s): |
MXTWV (healthy): believes it is important to hold people to your standards not to their standards; less prone to worry than average; more likely to do anything for money than average; content; positive; believes they are better than others; puts work above pleasure; is open about themself with others; does not like to be bothered with other people's needs; puts a lot of time and effort into their work; less likely to consider adopting a handicapped child than average; motivated; prefers to live a life of luxury; likes to make fun of people; prone to use others for their own ends; prioritizes themself even in a long term relationship; always know what they are doing; feels that life has meaning; does not let themself be directed by others; does not like to take orders from anybody; maintains their spaces in an orderly way; likes competing with others; graceful; likes to tell tall stories about themself; does not let themself be pushed around; always know why they do things; knows what the want; has a high opinion of themself; seldom feels blue; likes to make themself the center of attention; more likely to be financially well off; likes having authority over others; would not enjoy being a hermit; does not wait for others to lead the way; likes looking at their body; is an perfectionist and spends an extensive amount of time making sure things are done right; boastful; feels they are able to deal with most things; good at saving money; thinks they are a special person; remembers their dreams; challenges things; is irritated when someone is late; fashionable; likes talking about themself; believes they are important; thinks things work out for the best; feels that work is an important part of their life; considers themself good looking; has less of a soft side than others; is not easily made to feel jealous; respects people with strong ties to organizations, groups, family; very detail oriented; is able to describe their feelings easily; more likely than average to exercise every day; makes decisions easily; would enjoy being a famous celebrity; expresses themself easily; always improving themself; makes plans and sticks to them; makes friends easily; does not let themself be used; imposes their will on others; not afraid to draw attention to themself; does not try to please everyone
MXTWX (average health): could maintain an ongoing hookup relationship with someone they didn't care about enough to be serious with; money is important to them; demands perfection in others; thinks a meaningful career is more important than meaningful relationship; good at figuring out what they want but not what others want; how much they like someone depends a lot on how useful that person is to them; thinks colleagues are competitors; more likely than average to cheat on people; less likely to regret their behavior if they took advantage of someone impulsively; more likely than average to scheme against others; more likely than average to exercise every day; likes to make themself the center of attention; prone to use others for their own ends; does not like to be bothered with others needs; does not let themself be used; makes demands on others; likes to make fun of other people; makes lists of things to do; prone to hating people; likes having authority over others; maintains their spaces in an orderly way; puts people under pressure; prefers to live a life of luxury; believes they are better than others; does not let themself be directed by others; status seeking; more likely to be well off financially; less likely to consider adopting a handicapped child; more likely to misuse power; boastful; can make themself work on a difficult take even when they don't feel like it; imposes their will on others; would not let others cut in front of them in line; prone to yelling at inanimate objects; knows what they want; prone to jealousy; does not let others take credit for their contributions; out for their own personal gain; tends to be unempathetic, selfish, unhelpful MXTWD (unhealthy): thinks other people feeling pain is more desirable than them feeling pain; believes people are things to be used; thinks career is more important than family; is considerate when it comes to those close to them but inconsiderate when it comes to strangers; likes themself more than they like anyone else; only cares about themself; even in a romantic relationship they are more into themself; see most people in their life as replaceable; feels bad if someone they care about gets hurt, but feels little to nothing if it's some random person; gets what they want by controlling others; thinks they could not be happy if they were poor or had less money; more likely to help someone who shares their values than someone who doesn't thinks other people feeling pain is more desirable than them feeling pain; believes people are things to be used; thinks career is more important than family; is considerate when it comes to those close to them but inconsiderate when it comes to strangers; likes themself more than they like anyone else; only cares about themself; even in a romantic relationship they are more into themself; see most people in their life as replaceable; feels bad if someone they care about gets hurt, but feels little to nothing if it's some random person; gets what they want by controlling others; thinks they could not be happy if they were poor or had less money; more likely to help someone who shares their values than someone who doesn't; thinks the best leader is the smartest person the masses will follow (source) |