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MOTIV Personality Type Descriptions
Historic example(s):
Fictional example(s): Personality type correlations(s): |
SOTWV (healthy): very particular about how they are, but it's entirely for them, not to please impress anyone else on the planet; rarely worries; has a quiet laugh; has a much money as they need; rarely thinks about how they feel; usually get right to work on something that needs to be done as soon as they think of it; not big on gossip; prone to yelling at inanimate objects; feels up to any task; feels comfortable with themself; less affected by the suffering of others; feels that they are living in a dream; doesn't let others discourage them; does not let themself be used; likes art; does not back out at the last moment; unlikely to be on medication; unlikely to have been abused growing up; not easily discouraged; solitary explorer; does not say yes to requests easily; rarely worried; can take their mind off their problems; likes to ponder over things; does not play the pity card; does not like getting massages; content with their life, positive; disregards the opinion of others; more likely than average to exercise every day; does not speak loudly; able to describe their feelings easily; does not care what people think of them; excels at things; not driven by money; does not neglect their duties; understands things; does not avoid philosophical discussions; can stand on their own; does not crave intimacy and closeness; not prone to hypochondria; does not feel controlled by powerful people; does not need protection; does not need the approval of others; does not feel threatened easily; does not detest working; did not get in trouble a lot in school; does not care whether they are considered special; not easily disturbed; makes plans and sticks to them; not deeply moved by others misfortunes; does not cheat to get ahead; has read the great literary classics; takes a lot to make them feel frustrated or irritated; able to control their cravings; if they like someone romantically they will take no for an answer; not easily frightened; open to new foods; does not feel a sense of worthlessness or hopelessness; values emotional comfort more than attractiveness in a romantic parter; usually takes care of their responsibilities as soon as possible; can stay focused on tasks, even when they are happy and excited about an upcoming event; not hard to satisfy; unaffected by other peoples' happiness;
enjoys physical exercise; does not demand to be the center of interest; puts a lot of time and effort into their work; does not feel guilty when they say no; does not try to please everyone; follows a novel regimen; does not doubt that most politicians are corrupt; not often late; has good manners; thinks about decisions; thinks they are an extraordinary person; not easily deterred; can make up their mind; pays attention; doesn't care what others think; is able to pursue one goal for a long time; does not avoid responsibilites; can easily push themself forward; is a confident naive person and a wounded realist; does not copy others; does not let themself be influenced by others; does not get caught up in their problems; does not count on others too much; their life has direction; does not like to take orders; does not consider themself good looking; acts as they please; can stand criticism
SOTWX (average health): their need to be appreciated by others is very low; doesn't look to others for acceptance; tries to cheat others; more likely to be a racist; prone to hanging up the phone on people; does not understand people who get emotional; indifferent to the feelings of others; does not let others discourage them; talks about their worries; thinks that people who are stupid enough to get ripped off usually deserve it; more likely to have attacked someone physically; has little to say; does not often think about how they feel; feels comfortable with themself; enjoyed school; experiences few emotional highs and lows; more likely to believe too much tax money goes to support artists; not concerned with making a good impression; takes a lot to make them feel frustrated or irritated; got in trouble in school; less affected by the suffering of others; hard to persuade; not easily moved to tears; doesn't care about dressing nicely; likely to believe that religion is foolish; has secrets; excels at things; can stand on their own; does not care what others think; does not doubt that most politicians are corrupt; more likely than average to have a gap between their middle teeth; does a lot in their spare time; has less of a soft side than most; does not believe unfortunate events occur because of bad luck; thinks less about sex than most; not easy to fool; doesn't care what people think of them; could be happy as a hermit; unaffected by other peoples' happiness; rarely notices their emotional reactions; does unpleasant tasks right away; does not follow the crowd; does not spend a lot of time on the phone; does not echo what others say; not easily talked into doing silly things; does not make themself the center of attention; can stand being alone; not easily impressed; tends to rule with an iron fist; challenges things; embarrasses others; does not copy others; some of the goals they seek are not possible based on current human knowledge; more likely to try to control people than to try to please people; not easily discouraged; is not often late; good at saving money; starts tasks right away; hurries their work; comfort is more important than being enthralled in a romantic partner; puts down others' proposals; does not need others to calm/sooth them when they are upset; does not express their affection physically; gets back at others; not easily influenced; likes to test people's loyalty; remains calm under pressure; does not enjoy being part of a loud crowd; has read the literary classics; would rather be friendless than jobless; does not play the pity card; can do without the company of others; does not like to be bothered with other people's needs; does not enjoy being on the go; less fearful than average; does not find examination of their feelings useful in solving personal problems; seldom bothered by the apparent suffering of strangers; capable; puts a lot of time and effort into their work; does not feel weak; values comfort more than attraction in a romantic partner; does not feel guilty when they say no; not easily frightened; believes there is never an excuse for lying; does not demand to be the center of interest; frequently experiences dry mouth when they wake up from sleeping; does not let others make the decisions; can be hard to reason with; is able to pursue one goal for a long time; does not enjoy being thought of as a normal mainstream person; makes decisions easily; has a couldn't care less attitude; does not sacrifice themself for others; speaks briefly and to the point; seldom stretches the truth; fulfills their duties without complaining; always prepared; had selfish parents; believes they are better than others SOTWD (unhealthy): more likely to think schooling is not important; does not understand people who get emotional; more likely to have had an out of body experience; feels little concern for others; not concerned with making a good impression; fears nothing; has trouble taking the emotional distress of others seriously; does not bother with polite conversation; thinks that people that are stupid enough to get ripped off usually deserve it; more likely than average to smoke cigarettes; less affected by the suffering of others; sometimes feels paralyzed; values attraction more than comfort in a romantic partner; has less of a soft side than most; prone to yelling at inanimate objects; starts arguments and/or gets bothered with intimate partners when things get too intimate/close; could be happy as a hermit; rarely thinks about how they feel; more likely to have been abused by their parents growing up; rarely notices their emotional reactions; hurts people; doesn't care about rules; has murderous ideas; criticizes others shortcomings; doesn't think laws apply to them; had selfish parents; can't stand weak people; thinks life insurance is a waste of money; doesn't care about dressing nicely; indifferent to the feelings of others; not really interested in others; more likely than average to try to cheat others; does not care what others think; feels that life has no meaning; does not care about what others think of them; does not cry during movies; could not be honest with a significant other if they thought it could end the relationship; does not enjoy being part of a loud crowd; does not show their fear; would not bother them if they never had kids; believes they are better than others; does not enjoy themself when they are with others; enjoys having control over someone; does not care whether they are considered special; does not start conversations; uses others for their own ends; less likely to feel gratitude to others; does not know why they are angry; does not enjoy teamwork; believes that people are essentially evil; more likely than average to seek out conflict; avoids eye contact; unaffected by other people's happiness; does not feel comfortable around people; does not feel it is important to keep up appearances; does not cherish mementos; not easily moved to tears; starts tasks right away; buys clothes without trying them on first; puts people under pressure; does not believe emotions give direction in life; says little; knowledgeable; dictatorial; if they like someone romantically they will take no for an answer; does not avoid philosophical discussions; the needs/expectations of their parents caused them to adopt a siege mentality of defiance, rebellion, withdrawal and/or insensitivity; disregards the opinions of others; does not act comfortably with others; dislikes routine; prefers nonfiction to fiction; feels that friendly people are actually trying to manipulate them; rarely considers their feelings when making a decision; seldom bothered by the apparent suffering of strangers; not easily amused; does not have a good work for everyone; does not warm up quickly to others; the people they care about the most often make them feel uncomfortable; does not make themself the center of attention; not easily impressed; insensitive to the needs of others; not likely to notice small visual details; put off by people who touch or hug when speaking to them; not able to describe their feelings easily; not easily influenced; feels that other people are out to get him; does not feel a oneness with others; solitary explorer; believes that most questions have one right answer; unsympathetic; believes religion is foolish; rarely enjoys being with people (source) |