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MOTIV Personality Type Descriptions
Historic example(s):
Fictional example(s): Personality type correlations(s): |
XCTIV (healthy): thinks safety is an essential matter; does thing when they should do them; does things when they are supposed to do them; if they do something that causes them trouble, they are sure to avoid doing that again; content with their life, positive; not easily made to feel jealous; able to describe their feelings easily; not pick about food; more likely than average to be anti-abortion; more likely to be a big sports fan; grounded in reality; feels that life has meaning; rarely late for things/work; motivated; relates to other human beings; more likely than average to be religious; likes happy people; unlikely to abuse people's confidences; does not do improper things; unlikely to cheat on people who have trusted them; does not make rash decisions; unlikely to cheat to get ahead; does not walk over others; would regret their behavior if they were to take advantage of someone impulsively; not prone to feeling guilty; enjoyed school; egalitarian/non-prejudiced; less likely than average to smoke cigarettes; not guided by superstitions; does not enjoy the thrill that comes with dangerous situations; does not hurt people; does not get others to do their duties; not self absorbed; thinks things work out for the best; not easily discouraged; not easily frustrated or irritated; usually takes care of their responsibilities as soon as possible; does not disregard rules; likes routine; does not feel other people are out to get them; puts a lot of time and effort into their work; does not ignore there feelings; less likely to be on medication; unlikely to scheme against others; would bother them if they never had kids; excels at things; always busy; affected by the suffering of others; their life has direction; not embarrassed by praise; puts their partner first in a relationship; does not neglect their duties; bothered by the apparent suffering of strangers; respects people with strong ties to organizations, groups, family; rarely bored while working; does not like to make fun of people; not easily distracted, able to focus, pay attention; can put their ideas into practice; loves order and regularity; finishes doing things before they are actually due; has good manners; rarely worried; enjoys teamwork; not prone to panic; has a lot to contribute; not prone to hating people; not prone to exaggeration; does not fear dying from a lingering or painful illness; knows who they are; does not feel crushed by setbacks; not often bored; unlikely to deceive people; would not enjoy being out on a sailboat during a storm; talks to many people during parties; does not dwell on the past; does things for apparent reasons; does not do things behind others backs; unlikely to do things out of revenge; thinks about decisions; does not waste their time; safety conscious; makes an effort; experiences very few emotional highs and lows; does not break rules; does not get out of control; discusses their health problems with family and friends; does not dream about a rescuer; less likely to have been in physical fights; does not keep people waiting; feels that work is an important part of their life; not annoyed by others mistakes; avoids danger; not confused by the emotions they are feeling; not apprehensive about new encounters; does not get suspicious when someone treats them nicely; does not find fault with everything; does not admire a really clever scam; has a bright outlook on the future; not hard to understand; does not do dangerous things; does not make enemies; does not tell tall stories about themself; accomplishes their work on time; enjoys listening to people tell stories about events that have happened in their lives; gets started quickly doing a job; good at saving money; does not like bizarre things; always knows why they do things; trusts what people say; traditional; easy to satisfy
XCTIX (average health): follow directions; sticks to the rules; would not be comfortable living in an unsafe area; good at following orders; very careful; takes precautions; doesn't think much about sex; has less secrets than most; egalitarian/non-prejudiced; not the best imagination; does not do dangerous things; does what others want them to do; not the best sense of humor; did not get in trouble a lot in school; does things by the book; unlikely to cheat to get ahead; does not do things behind others backs; does not disregard the rules; likes work; cares about the needs of others; respects people with strong ties to organizations, groups, family; affected by the suffering of others; likes routine; dislikes bizarre things; does not seek danger; less aware of environmental sounds (like the sound of birds in their neighborhood); polite; thinks they are just an ordinary person; puts lots of time and effort into their work; interested in others; would regret their behavior if they were to take advantage of someone impulsively; unlikely to cheat on people who have trusted them; likes happy people; unlikely to abuse peoples confidences; wants to keep things as they are; gets started quickly when they have a job to do; does not neglect their duties; thinks about the future; unlikely to forget appointments; more likely than average to believe in god; good at saving money; cares about the feelings of others; does not rebel against authority; has a lot to contribute; would not like to be considered odd or strange; does not resist society's rules; does not play tricks on others; unlikely to deceive people; prevents themself from saying mean things; strongly influenced by the good moods of others; does not break rules; loves order and regularity; dislikes the unknown; does not avoid responsibilities; less likely to have been in physical fights; unlikely to use others for their own ends; sticks to the rules; usually takes care of their responsibilities as soon as possible; unlikely to scheme against others; does not enjoy the thrill that comes with fearful situations; puts things back in their proper place; feels spiritually connected to other people; open about themself to others; mediates in quarrels; often busy; does not do crazy things; will do anything for others; patient with people who annoy them; does not frequently reinvent themself XCTID (unhealthy): sometimes are overly cautious; willing to take orders from others; feels controlled by powerful people; would not enjoy beng out on a sailboat during a storm; would not like to go hand gliding or bungee jumping; does not like bizarre things; feels they are unable to deal with things; speaks only when spoken to; worrier; does not face danger confidently; echo what others say; worries about things that have already happened; has little to say; enjoys being thought of as a normal mainstream person; prefers routine to variety; avoids danger; does not disregard rules; dislikes looking at themself in the mirror; lets themself be pushed around; has little to contribute; cares about the needs of others; more agreeable than average; would regret their behavior if they were to take advantage of someone impulsively; lets themself be used; fearful; safety conscious; puts work above pleasure; does what others want them to do; dislikes looking at their body; more likely than average to be on medication; frequently feels shame; loves order and regularity; more likely than average to be guided by superstitions; easily frightened; does not tell others what they really think; does not play tricks on others; unlikely to scheme against others; does things by the book; lets themself be directed by others; dislikes the unknown; good at saving money; afraid of many things; thinks they are not a special person; finds it necessary to please the people who have power; doesn't like holding friends accountable for their misbehavior; more likely to follow the crowd; not a show off; unwilling to take risks; sees to the needs of others first; prone to bursting into tears; does not make their own rules; cares what people think of them; has bad luck; does not like being alone; easily moved to tears; does not talk to a lot of different people at parties; dislikes talking about themself; gets upset when others notice how they look; bothered by difficult social situations; takes offense easily; does not know what's going on inside them; dislikes surprises; does not rebel against authority; waits for others to take the lead; does not enjoy the thrill of fearful situations; is nice to people they should be angry at; sticks to the rules; does not challenge things; prone to feeling guilty; helpful; does not feel spiritually connected to others; would rather save money than spend it; easily hurt; thinks they don't understand things; does not believe they are better than others; likes routine; needs the approval of others; backs down when threatened; maintains their spaces in an orderly way; goes out of their way for others; notices small visual details; prone to feeling that life has no meaning; cares what others think; afraid to draw attention to themself; easily intimidated; would enjoy being a hermit; checks over their work; very detail oriented; wants every detail taken care of; not spontaneous; able to concentrate; likes order; can't stand being late; unlikely to act at the expense of others; apologizes a lot; dislikes change; makes lists of things to do; feels uncomfortable when told they are important (source) |