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MOTIV Personality Type Descriptions
Historic example(s):
Fictional example(s): Personality type correlations(s): |
SOXWV (healthy): how they feel/think about themself does not rely on the opinions of others; doesn't understand people who get emotional; has trouble taking the emotional distress of others seriously; finds it easy to tune out background noise when trying to concentrate on something else; tends to have less energy in the summer than the winter; doesn't worry about things that have already happened; does not like to follow orders; less fearful than average; easier for them to be active/work than to rest/relax; puts a lot of time and effort into their work; not easily hurt; is able to pursue one goal for a long time; rarely feels shame; can stand on their own; not prone to desperation; does not feel guilty when they say no; does not take offense easily; does not enjoy being part of a loud crowd; enjoys philosophical discussions; feels comfortable with themself; more likely than average to cheat on people who have trusted them; doesn't let others discourage them; finds it easy to stay healthy; feels lucky much of the time; feels a special sense of destiny or prophecy; not guided by superstitions; does not need the approval of others; attentive; does dangerous things; doesn't lose their head; able to do things properly; can be demanding; usually active and full of energy; more likely to have had an opposite sex parent who had trouble saying no to them; not easily made to feel jealous; does not dwell on the past; likes art; tends to experience few emotional highs and lows; sees to their own needs first; feels that they are someone special; has secrets; will not do much for others; does not feel other people are to blame for their problems; prefers variety to routine; is fine with being considered odd or strange; usually works on improving things, instead of getting frustrated, when everything seems to be going wrong; finishes things on time; does not find it necessary to please people who have power; does not feel jealous of other peoples' sitations; not overly money driven; does not worry about what people think of them; felt close to their parents when they were a child; can stand criticism; not resigned to their fate; can stand being alone; can concentrate; usually knows why they do things; remains calm under pressure; thinks about consequences; starts tasks right away; does not need reassurance; capable; understands things; does not follow others; knows immediately what to do; does not count on others too much; does not avoid responsibilities; tolerates critics; hard to persuade; comes up with a solution right away; does not interfere in others business; ready to act on the spot; does not feel threatened easily; undertakes things on their own; not easily disturbed; good at maintaining a peaceful, comfortable environment; hard for them to fall in love; believes they are important.
SOXWX (average health): feels indifferent to the praise or criticism of others; more likely to have stayed in long term relationships because they loved how much their s.o. loved them but did not actually love their s.o.; more likely to have gotten in a lot of trouble in school; seldom helps out when people feel overwhelmed by things that need to be done; tends to get romantically involved with people who want/need them to parent them; has trouble taking the emotional distress of others seriously; more likely to cheat to get ahead; don't understand people who get emotional; doesn't car what people think of them; less of a soft side than most people; feels comfortable with themself; doesn't let others discourage them; doesn't think the laws apply to them; rarely cries during sad movies; less affected by the suffering of others; could be happy as a hermit; wanted to run away from home when they were a child; does not do what others do; does not need others to sooth/calm them when they are upset; does not avoid philosophical conversations; does not see themself as an average person; more likely to try to control people than to try to please people; does not let themself be influenced by others; would be able to pursue a path that alienated them from people close to them; does not worry about what people think about them; pretends to be concerned for others; feels up to any task; disregards rules; thinks their parents paid too much attention to them growing up; does not enjoy being thought of as a normal mainstream person; indifferent to the feelings of others; puts people under pressure; doesn't care what others think; does not prevent themself from saying mean things; does not feel sympathy for those who are worse off than them; does not let people push them around; likes the unknown; does not dwell on the past; does not seek status; not easily intimidated; stretches the truth; does not feel weak; relaxed most of the time; does not follow the crowd; starts arguments and/or gets bothered with intimate partners when things are not intimate enough; thinks people who are stupid enough to get ripped off usually deserve it; does not wear fashionable clothing; not easily moved to tears; likes art; does not usually enjoy listening to people tell stories about events that have happened in their lives; does not trust what people say; not easily offended; not concerned with making a good impression; lets things go; not resigned to their fate; does not take an interest in other peoples' lives; can take their mind off their problems; can stay focused on tasks even when they are happy and excited about an upcoming event; does not enjoy bringing people together; more likely to be late for work; fears encroachment more than abandonment; has a good sense of physical balance; good at saving money; swims against the current; less likely to consider themself religious; not easily stirred; able to describe their feelings easily; can't keep to the subject; doesn't strive for elegance in their appearance; dislikes surprises; does not try to impress others; does not do what others want them to do SOXWD (unhealthy): tends to get involved romantically with morally bankrupt people; has less of a soft side than others; puts their welfare/feelings before romantic partner's; more likely than average to try to cheat others; doesn't care about dressing nicely; doesn't think laws apply to them; feels that life has no meaning; doesn't worry about things that have already happened; fears being encroached more than being abandoned; could be happy being a hermit; the needs/expectations of their parents caused them to adopt a siege mentality of defiance, rebellion, withdrawal and/or insensitivity; seldom becomes irritated in response to what a person says; demands attention; seeks danger; has trouble taking the emotional distress of others seriously; starts arguments and/or gets bothered with intimate partners when things get too intimate/close; does not waste time talking; prone to getting others to do their duties; doesn't care about the rules; feels that yelling helps them feel better; can be indifferent to the feelings of others; prone to feeling little concern for others; fulfills their duties without complaining; does not bother with polite conversation; does not make decisions quickly; values schooling less than others; dislikes surprises; has murderous ideas; more likely to have attacked someone physically; has secrets; does not suffer from others sorrows; less likely to regret their behavior if they were to take advantage of someone impulsively; their parents did not prioritize raising them to be a functional, independent, healthy, self-supporting adult; will not do much for others; less affected by the suffering of others; does not feel spirtually connected to other people; rebels against authority; makes enemies; would not enjoy a job that involves a lot of social interaction; has a dark outlook on the future; not the life of the party; thinks it is possible that existence is meaningless; tends to rule with an iron fist; does not relate to other human beings; not a fan of happy people; solitary explorer; does not try to please everyone; does not have a soft heart; would be fine being considered odd or strange; not really interested in others; does not warm up quickly to others; does not respect people with strong ties to organizations, groups, family; cares about very few people or no one; does not like to talk a lot; does not show faith in people; hard for them to fall in love; disregards rules; seldom wears colorful clothing; rarely enjoys being with people; dislikes being complimented; does not share things with others; not usually happy; experiences few emotional highs and lows; refuses to be talked into things; would not enjoy being a famous celebrity; more likely to believe religion is foolish; resists making commitments in a relationship; prefers to just let things happen; does not speak up for others; when they don't agree with someone at a meeting they speak up regardless of consequences; more likely to believe people are essentially evil; pretends to be concerned for others; does not like to take orders; likes to travel less than most; doesn't know why they are angry; is put off by people who touch or hug when speaking to them; unsympathetic; doesn't care what others think; hard to persuade; feels that friendly people are actually trying to manipulate them; lacks a talent for influencing people; doesn't bother worrying about political and social problems; sees to their own needs first; does not trust what people say (source) |