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MOTIV Personality Type Descriptions
Historic example(s):
Fictional example(s): Personality type correlations(s): |
XXEIV (healthy): open about themself to others; their spiritual life is very important to them; more likely than average to smoke cigarettes; takes them a lot to make them feel frustrated or irritated; easy to fool; feels up to any task; thinks they are less capable than most people; likes happy people; has a bright outlook on the future; has less secrets than most; has a lot of fun; was well behaved, rarely/never got in trouble in school; feels tht life has meaning; often mistaken for being younger than their age; rarely late for things/work; usually works on improving things, instead of getting frustrated, when everything seems to be going wrong; not prone to embarrassing others; less likely than average to have attacked someone physically; acts at the expense of others; reads less than average; feels spiritually connected to other people; doesn't challenge things; finds it easy to stay healthy; unlikely to cheat on people who have trusted them; enjoys listening to people tell stories about events that have happened in their lives; unlikely to abuse people's confidences; does not get angry easily; not easily frightened; does not like to make fun of people; undertakes things on their own; open about themself to others; has a good imagination; interested in others; finds examination of their feelings useful in solving personal problems; able to describe their feelings easily; bothered by the apparent suffering of strangers; has a talent for influencing people; would regret their behavior if they were to take advantage of someone impulsively; thinks they have little to contribute; does not feel that other people are to blame for their problems; easily impressed; cares about the needs of others; not avoidant; more likely than average to consider adopting a handicapped child; more likely to be up for going down a stretch of rapids in a canoe; unlikely to cheat to get ahead; does not expect things to fail; puts their partners feelings/welfare first in a romantic relationship; does not get annoyed at the slightest provocation; more likely than average to favor open romantic relationships; considers themself attractive; does not find fault with everything; respects people with strong ties to organizations, groups, family; skilled in handling social situations; does not have trouble changing their behavior to suit the situation; tries to figure themself out; has a soft side; likes to attend ceremonies more than most; feels comfortable around people; interested in people; usually happy; sympathetic; worries less than average; never gives up hope; more likely to be guided by superstitions than average; less likely to use others for their own ends; polite; enjoys offering directions to tourists; not avoidant; easy to persuade; loves life; easily excited; likes concerts; enjoys teamwork; enjoys school; does not do things behind people's backs; easily influenced; has had the feeling that their thoughts were audible
XXEIX (average health): more compassionate than logical; spends a lot of time talking about love; thinks a meaningful relationship is more important than a meaningful career; more likely to believe in fate; more likely to believe in an afterlife; feels spiritually connected to other people; easily impressed; bothered by the apparent suffering of strangers; echos what others say; disturbed by events; egalitarian/non-prejudiced; not safety conscious; good at sports; feels up to any task; likes happy people; cares about the feelings of others; more agreeable than most; can embarrass others; good at maintaining a peaceful, comfortable environment; has a big soft side; not picky about food; not money driven; does not enjoy the thrill that comes with fearful situations; feels guilty when they say no; blurts out whatever comes in their mind; not big on gossiping; enjoys teamwork; warms up quickly to others; grounded in reality; does not act t the expense of others; values attraction/attractiveness over emotional comfort; would not hate to be considered odd or strange; does not have trouble changing their behavior to suit the situation; would enjoy a job that involves a lot of social interaction; thinks they are unable to do things properly; can't hold onto money for long; not quick to judge others; exaggerates things; feels like they are falling apart; inclined to forgive others; afraid their life will be cut short by illness; thinks a lot about sex; resigned to their fate; does not maintain their spaces in an orderly way; goes out of their way for others; does not get others to do their duties; can forget appointments; lets themself be used; easy to persuade; not hard to satisfy; unlikely to do things out of revenge; enjoys cartoons; can be late to things/work; unlikely to cheat to get ahead; easily excited; not a perfectionist; enjoys intellectual games; experiences their emotions intensely; gets caught up in the excitement; willing to make personal sacrifices to help people they care about; does things at the last minute; expresses disapproval; makes friends easily; unlikely to abuse people's confidences; skilled in handling social situations; believes in the power of fate; rarely shows their anger; unlikely to uses others for their own ends XXEID (unhealthy): has no life plan; thinks most people are better than them; values females over males (men); more often lets their heart rule their head than vice versa; excels at nothing or very little; finds it difficult to tell whether something really happened or whether it occurred only in their imagination; has a feeling of being directed or controlled by the outside; unable to do things properly; lets themself be used; experiences a lot of physical pain; has a low opinion of themself; easy to fool; poor sense of humor; more often has found themselves in romantic relationships with people they loved that only liked them than vice versa; feels that life has no meaning; easily discouraged; not able to describe their feelings easily; prone to feeling guilty; gets physically ill when things are not going well for them; lets themself be pushed around; does not know what they want; feels a sense of worthlessness or hopelessness; dislikes looking at themself in the mirror; worrier; more likely than average to smoke cigarettes; pays no attention to their own needs; lets themself be directed by others; easily made to feel jealous; easily intimidated; gets sick more often than average; often feels blue; gets upset when others notice how they look; affected by the suffering of others; thinks they are not a special person; bursts into tears; have avoided situations or people for fear that they would get sick; willing to take orders; not good at saving money; not relaxed most of the time; does not believe they are better than others; makes a mess of things; has worse manners than average; more likely to be on medication; feels like they are falling apart; unaware of what's happening; puts less time and effort into their work than others; has a dark outlook on the future; frequently feels shame; puts their partners feelings/welfare first in a relationship; makes less of an effort than most; does not let things go; will do anything for others; does not live a life of luxury; tries to please everyone; neglects their duties; easily talked into doing silly things; lets others have the credit; feels guilty when they say no; easily impressed; bothered by difficult social situations; not safety conscious; does not maintain their spaces in an orderly way; does not know what they are doing; frequently forgets to do things; rarely considers their feelings when making a decision; not hard to satisfy; makes rash decisions; more likely than average to consider adopting a handicapped child; goes out of their way for others; is easily moved to tears; dislikes having authority over others; does not feel comfortable with themself; has felt the presence of another person when he or she was not really there; does not love life; experiences pangs of hunger that cause them to devour everything in sight; more likely to get/have a tattoo; often things about how they feel; avoids responsibilities; doesn't know what's going on inside them; easily distracted when they are trying to focus their attention; does not consider themself good looking; not usually happy; doesn't see things through; echos what other say; dislikes being complimented; gets out of control; can't keep to the subject; does things in a half way manner; more likely to have attacked someone physically; does not love order and regularity; dislikes looking at their body; feels that their life lacks direction; avoids eye contact; can't put their ideas into practice; sacrifices themself for others; doesn't know why they do things; can be intrusive, clingy; hangs around doing nothing; likes to do things for others; always worried about something; laughs and cries at the same time; easy to satisfy; continually losing things; prone to yelling at inanimate objects; deeply moved by others misfortunes (source) |